Path of Nerfs

you goddamn hobbits @ GGG !

why isn't slayer nerfed more ? (especially that asc. point that you keep leeching when full hp..) that's so op that it doesn't get more op.

why isn't more of the game nerfed?

some builds are so gay and powerfull i'd nerf it all... only skillers can then survive, not right clickers.

"ohh look at me i've made a build where i just stand and hold right click and everything dies".

also GGG - i'm waiting that day when you finally bless us with CSoC (cast spell on crit) - when a spell that crits throws another spell... (yes would be powerfull, but here's something you could balance forever)

also, we got melee totems, range totems, spell totems, we got CoC that works on attacks, range attacks, but no CoC that works on spells. wtf?

plaes nerf more!
Chris wrote:
Experience changes for high-level characters
Each league, the race to 100 is over more quickly than the previous one, as players become more efficient and the experience available gets larger. We receive overwhelming feedback (including from top racers) that this process should be made longer. We're going to be careful though, and just adjust it a bit at a time. In 3.1.0, this takes the form of small additional experience penalties at levels 95-99 that have the following effect:
  • 95 to 96: 6.5% more experience needed
  • 96 to 97: 11.5% more experience needed
  • 97 to 98: 18.7% more experience needed
  • 98 to 99: 28.25% more experience needed
  • 99 to 100: 40% more experience needed

Well, I guess I can write hitting level 100 off my "to do" list.

After six years and probably 1500+ hours of game time I finally managed to hit 90 with a character, and a good chunk of that was due to the leveling process not being as fun, at least for me, post-3.0 as it was beforehand resulting on less time spent leveling/playing alts. Hell, just before I hit 90 with one of my Harbinger characters I managed to hit 77 with a character in the Turmoil race after only 3-5 days, a minor miracle considering that it used to take me most of a league to get a character to 70'ish.

The way the goalposts for hitting 100 keep getting moved back it's looking like there's zero chance of my ever having a character hit 100 in a league, and doing it in Standard looks like it'll take 6+ months if I don't want to push all my buttons and absolutely kill my interest in this game, possibly permanently.
A lot of accounts crying about the exp nerf and general probably dont have a single high lvl character themselves. I feast on your tears, as the ggg team does.

My highest lvl is 95 i think and i only play new leagues.
i hate you redditors, you know who you are
FrancescoV wrote:

sooo like
hmm maybe it's time to say goodbye to poe...
Let's nerf all the things that aren't broken. That makes sense. Also, Barrage will remain the superior single target bow/wand skill because it is literally the only useful single target bow/wand skill.
You guys are amazin. These changes is absolutly what the game needs, and they have been needed for a long time. Every patch you seem to actively move the game in a better direction - i feel you do it a bit slow and conservative at some times; a radical change for instant-sustain is long overdue, but atleast you make the change in the end. You also hit the nail on the DP nerf etc. Keep up the good work and please dont be bothered with all the useless whine.
auraforlaura wrote:
You guys are amazin. These changes is absolutly what the game needs, and they have been needed for a long time. Every patch you seem to actively move the game in a better direction - i feel you do it a bit slow and conservative at some times; a radical change for instant-sustain is long overdue, but atleast you make the change in the end. You also hit the nail on the DP nerf etc. Keep up the good work and please dont be bothered with all the useless whine.

I mean, yeah if all you want to do is play Summoner (SRS, Zombies and the like) and Totem builds which are literally the least fun way to play the game.
memorychild wrote:
hmm maybe it's time to say goodbye to poe...

no just stop funding them

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