Path of Nerfs

Retrospectively seen, every nerf in the past was just a another brick to gate endgame content behind a wall and the buffs were always way behind the nerfs so this will be in fact no win-win situation here again.

This all means nothing but that endgame content will be even more further from your grasp, you only might be able bypass this all by investing zillions of hours in grinding or you'll join the botters brigade with all their alt-alt-alt-alt² accounts to get the outstanding gear you need to progress behind gated content :)

What are you talking about? One of the biggest weaknesses PoE has is the insane power creep introduced every time something like the ascendancies come up. If anything the game is much much easier than it was before and will remain this way even after those nerfs.
Retrospectively seen, every nerf in the past was just a another brick to gate endgame content behind a wall and the buffs were always way behind the nerfs so this will be in fact no win-win situation here again.

This all means nothing but that endgame content will be even more further from your grasp, you only might be able bypass this all by investing zillions of hours in grinding or you'll join the botters brigade with all their alt-alt-alt-alt² accounts to get the outstanding gear you need to progress behind gated content :)

yar now go make a donation for this ...i mean.... if u have no life job etc
Rixieness wrote:
OnkelBiff wrote:
Iznuts wrote:
the point of poe was for almost nobody to ever have a lvl 100 except the real hard pushers. the whales crying and screaming answer me for i am a cash cow to be milked. VP needed a serious nerf (being removed completely would be better) for a long time and you all know it. ci/es is still alive and fine. oh no its gonna take me 1 extra second to blow the shit outta this boss with barrage. hmmm maybe i'll have to get a little more res and drop those 2 damage nodes. every damn league you people act like the sky is shitting on you yet here you are still bitching. if what you want is to blindly mash your face into a keyboard while holding down right click i hear d3 needs players. gear there just gets bigger numbers every season so you can face roll it faster, sounds perfect for a lot of you.

Totally agree with that one.
All nerfs so far are necessary to mix/change the meta a bit and keep character building interesting.

^ This.

sure ... u want to make char build intresting add new skills new items raise difficulty dont nerf the one others spent time invest in them
such bullshit...
Dark pact was a suicide build already... now useless...
rightous fire dead, wander dead, bow dead, melee other than slayer dead.... this shit man ...

Dont worry , if you stop spending money , i will start doing it.

Whale why then VAGABOND only?[/quote]

Because started playing recently DUH

then will talk when theyll nerf u favorite build
mititelul wrote:

simple only kids with no job reacheng lvl 100 will support but wait WITH WHAT?

now you're just a broken record repeating the same thing over and over. you will stop others will join. you're not a special snowflake.

then will talk when theyll nerf u favorite build

This may come as a surprise to you but not all people are of the selfish "don't touch what I play despite how OP it is" type.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Dec 5, 2017, 6:36:07 AM
Chris wrote:
we're not afraid to nerf game elements

nerf? man u nerfed the whole fucking game...

i hate u now! xD

this is not a nerf.... we need a new word for this!
IGN: Elron

If more experiential points are needed then the mortality minus should be proportionally less.
Iznuts wrote:
mititelul wrote:

simple only kids with no job reacheng lvl 100 will support but wait WITH WHAT?

now you're just a broken record repeating the same thing over and over. you will stop others will join. you're not a special snowflake.

of corse i know that..... just regret spending so much time trying to get perfect build.....first ci now instant leech... and for what ?.... to start over.....maybe id start over when i was bored from this build....ill try im forced?

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