Path of Nerfs

Iznuts wrote:
the point of poe was for almost nobody to ever have a lvl 100 except the real hard pushers. the whales crying and screaming answer me for i am a cash cow to be milked. VP needed a serious nerf (being removed completely would be better) for a long time and you all know it. ci/es is still alive and fine. oh no its gonna take me 1 extra second to blow the shit outta this boss with barrage. hmmm maybe i'll have to get a little more res and drop those 2 damage nodes. every damn league you people act like the sky is shitting on you yet here you are still bitching. if what you want is to blindly mash your face into a keyboard while holding down right click i hear d3 needs players. gear there just gets bigger numbers every season so you can face roll it faster, sounds perfect for a lot of you.

dude no offense... u a big supporter i see.... but lets be serios. If the game its unballance dont nerf ballance with sothing new..... if the bosses are too easy ok rise max level to 150 or rise difficulty on bosses dont mack the people who spend lot of time on a single build .....
I think the EXP needed to level from lvl95-100 should not be increased. It is already high enough as it is, adding this will not benefit anybody.

If GGG is worried about players leveling too fast to lvl100, they should just implement a daily EXP cap to avoid situations where players would dedicate over 20 hours per day to grind EXP.

This would prevent people from over-exerting themselves, and prevent players from reaching the cap too easily.

I do enjoy playing through the story, so this cap should be introduced once the player clears the final act or decides to map.
If anyone from GGG is actually reading this. Stay strong girls & boys, this will blow over and everybody will calm down! Just thought that needed to be said! :)
the only gamers that hit lvl 100 will be kids or unemployment people.... the rest that realy counts (that have a job a life) wont contribute with money anymore myself included....
The problem with getting to 100 too fast is crazy power level not experience gain. You are just making this harder for us regular folk.
diogenes83 wrote:
If anyone from GGG is actually reading this. Stay strong girls & boys, this will blow over and everybody will calm down! Just thought that needed to be said! :)

of course it will the game is great for a online rpg but the money will drop also..i for once wont pay anymore for anything and are others like me...of course its theyr game i cant do a thing but if u keep changhe core mecanics of the game i dont see a reason to invest time and monny for sothing that after 5-6 month will be a bad build
Iznuts wrote:
the point of poe was for almost nobody to ever have a lvl 100 except the real hard pushers. the whales crying and screaming answer me for i am a cash cow to be milked. VP needed a serious nerf (being removed completely would be better) for a long time and you all know it. ci/es is still alive and fine. oh no its gonna take me 1 extra second to blow the shit outta this boss with barrage. hmmm maybe i'll have to get a little more res and drop those 2 damage nodes. every damn league you people act like the sky is shitting on you yet here you are still bitching. if what you want is to blindly mash your face into a keyboard while holding down right click i hear d3 needs players. gear there just gets bigger numbers every season so you can face roll it faster, sounds perfect for a lot of you.

Heh pretty much this
mititelul wrote:
diogenes83 wrote:
If anyone from GGG is actually reading this. Stay strong girls & boys, this will blow over and everybody will calm down! Just thought that needed to be said! :)

of course it will the game is great for a online rpg but the money will drop also..i for once wont pay anymore for anything and are others like me...of course its theyr game i cant do a thing but if u keep changhe core mecanics of the game i dont see a reason to invest time and monny for sothing that after 5-6 month will be a bad build

Dont worry , if you stop spending money , i will start doing it.
I usually stop at lvl 90-92 and make a new character so I really don’t care about the exp changes. I love how all these people crying are people just like me and wouldn’t hit 100 anyways but are crying. It’s like complaining that they raised the price on something you couldn’t afford anyways.

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