Path of Nerfs

rafaelbvc wrote:
Omygosh xD

My new build is compromissed >.<

Let this be a lesson. Never plan to play a build until after the patch has been deployed!
Pro players take 100 lvl in 1.8 days. LOWER THAN TWO DAYS. Omg. They dont care cbout ur nerf,ur exp nerf hitted only normal players. =_______________= Hate GGG.
To be fair, most of the nerfs are ok. VP was a problem, it was just stupid op and if you didn't go VP, you basically made life harder than it had to be^^

The item nerfs are ok as well. Not to big, not to small. Those op items will still be great.
The whine is real one more time...

The only "nerf" that's unnecessary is the EXP-nerf. I mean really, those racers are inhuman. They powerlevel like crazy and complain about "it's going to fast!"?
People who are enjoying the game and playing it like a proper RPG (with looting and stuff, y'know?) allready have a hard time reaching levels 95-100, if they just play for fun. But I assume in that case, those people are not intended to reach a higher level than 90...
Vampiruga wrote:
Coolmer wrote:
Vampiruga wrote:
Not all people reaches 3rd lvl... And you whine about 95-100 bracket. GGWP

And you talk with no content own? Who are you? Your 13 challenges said you play whole one day in Harbi or less and you talk like u know something.
You will again do same play one day and give us your honorable opinion on patch 3.5?
Thank you for your spam.

I play on harb league about 3 weeks for testing some builds and getting MTX eyes. Your 36 achievments says nothing for me, you may take this on casul scrubcore. I see only whine from your side and nothing else. People whine about lvl which they cannot reaches without nerf, whine about OP nerf and forgot that tomorrow will be list with buffs. Wow so whine such whine.

You think nerfs, because I know for sure that glacial cascade will take hit, and is not mention today, and there will be more nerfs. But I dont care too much I know if I will play I will own content, I only regret around no ingame trade system (AH, etc.) and I rlly enjoyed in "Mayhem" where I didnt do trades almost at all because currency was substantial and I enjoyed in playing game not in trade.
I wish there is Void option and I can have it whole league, because I dont care about permanent league at all and I hate wasting my time on trade shit instead play content, drop is shit besides "Mayhem".

Rlly you played 3 weeks and made 13 challenges, so what did you do those three weeks, killing Hilcock again and again and you spread nonsense now?

Use your brain before you wrote more nonsense.
Last edited by Coolmer on Dec 5, 2017, 6:01:31 AM
Well, thanks for everything, its been fun playing poe for a while, im out, finally.
I never managed a level 100 char and with that exp increase you just made sure that "normal" players REALLY won't get near 100... thanks
Please use for your guides instead of pastebin!
I never managed a level 100 char and with that exp increase you just made sure that "normal" players REALLY won't get near 100... thanks

same mate !

i am playing since 2014 and dont own a lvl 100 char !

they nerf us just .. not the pros ... so stupid thinking it is.

you forced me to not mtx anymore !
If you not affraid of the Devil.. then you dont need a GOD !
Yeah GGG, another fuckup from you with again a XP nerf. Why are we "normal" players not allowed to reach level 100. You never ever listen to the normal players. Everything is always about the top 10 players..... This and that you used my money to make a Xbox version of the game and not fixing your bugs, means that I have stopped paying any more money to you.
Oh...I have some funny idea:

What about a daylie EXP-cap?

If racers complain about "it's going to fast" just cap their daylie EXP to a level of a normal player?
What about that?
The nerf just hits normal players with an average playtime of ~15 hours a week and not 15 hours a day...

But you know what GGG? Those normal players buy stuff just like those racers. If you're fu**ing with the normal people to much, you will realize that in some way every time.
I don't really get why the movement speed provided by QotF is such a problem for GGG while player can have extremly high move speed from skill setup like SC or WB. It will just lower build diversity imo but not provide a real solution to excessive player mobility.

The nerf is a bit surprising, but as we could say ... "meh".

What retrieve of this is :
- You are nerfing the leech because you don't want player to play in brainlessly facetank every content (clearly understanable) ;
- You are nerfing one mobility solution, so player will hardly dodge manualy most of damage ;
- You are whining about hardcore player are reaching level 100 way too fast (the main conclusion).

I have the sentiment that this manifiesto try to say us : riping it's "part and parcel" of playing PoE, just because leveling is going way to fast.
Last edited by LAGROSSESIMONE on Dec 5, 2017, 5:55:54 AM

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