Path of Nerfs

the point of poe was for almost nobody to ever have a lvl 100 except the real hard pushers. the whales crying and screaming answer me for i am a cash cow to be milked. VP needed a serious nerf (being removed completely would be better) for a long time and you all know it. ci/es is still alive and fine. oh no its gonna take me 1 extra second to blow the shit outta this boss with barrage. hmmm maybe i'll have to get a little more res and drop those 2 damage nodes. every damn league you people act like the sky is shitting on you yet here you are still bitching. if what you want is to blindly mash your face into a keyboard while holding down right click i hear d3 needs players. gear there just gets bigger numbers every season so you can face roll it faster, sounds perfect for a lot of you.
While everyone is complaining about the nerfs and exp nerfs , i think is a good idea , and actually makes me wanna play more, i for once congratulate GGG for their good job keeping the game up to date and giving us free DLC's every 3 months, no other game can claim to do that.
imo GGG are best trolls ever
Thank god your crap payment service has been trying to rob me with your shop commissions and not even respond to my messages anymore, I would've thrown some actual money into your pockets only to get bent and fd by this round of absolute garbage changes.
I'll try again in another 3 years if you manage to keep this thing alive.
While everyone is complaining about the nerfs and exp nerfs , i think is a good idea , and actually makes me wanna play more, i for once congratulate GGG for their good job keeping the game up to date and giving us free DLC's every 3 months, no other game can claim to do that.

Lets see after 1 or 2 years of playing whats your comments are going to be...
This is very bad idea to nerf XP 90+.

Seriously, I dont have enough time to level up to 100 already, but I believed at some point I could go for it. I had two 90 lvl characters this Harbinder league, and problem is that those 88+ leveling is SO boring, and it will be even more boring now.

No supporter packs this time because I thought you respect my time that I invest in your game. Nerfing those XP means you dont respect my time and you think that I am typical loser-streamer-racer with no life. If you will balance game around them eventually all who will play this game is only them and online will be 100 people.
dead game
bring back 3.13
It is 05.12.2017
not 01.04.2018 GGG
I expect you to say you are sorry and remove this troll post.
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
I don't really understand the XP nerf, I can understand that for people who play the race leagues and spend countless hours per day grinding up to 100 it seems quite fast. But if you're someone who plays more casually like me for example I've only managed to reach 91 so far and u basically just made sure that I'm never going to 100. That nerf seems to be something that hurts a bigger majority of players than it helps.

This will just screw over the average person who knows what hes doing and races to 100 by taking a few days of work. The only scenario I see now are people who has it as a job to play PoE being able to even compete in the races. You shouldn't balance the game according to "top racers" try to find a middle ground.
Last edited by skillzer555 on Dec 5, 2017, 7:03:25 AM
I like the nerfs.
The exp nerf seems a bit high, but 100 shouldnt be something you get to easily, so with that in mind I accept and kinda like it.
GGG keep up the good work.
Tbh you're not even supposed to hit 100. I know it's nice and you feel like you completed the character, but I don't mind it requiring that much investment :)

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