xMustard wrote:

edit: oh sorry i LIED. i didn't realize he changed his party to republican in the late 80s and has been republican since 2012

He became an R again when Putin instructed him to.
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kolyaboo wrote:
We got to vicariously witness another dipshit episode of Rachel Madcow thanks to the reporter! LOL

Although she's great, I barely ever watch her show. She's usually way behind to be perfectly honest.
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xMustard wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
You guys are being foolish.

That Clemson mile high hamburger incident is NOT one of the 10,000 lies tabulated. Sheesh, you're so desperate to try to prove that the pathological liar doesn't lie that you have to falsely call a silly article a lie.

how do you discern this?
first of all, it isn't a silly article. there were plenty of tweets and articles and everything about it. they legit call donald trump a liar for being hyperbolic. all the time, by the way. they are 100% serious.

and again, this is only one example.

of course these are included and many many more ridiculous things like this. maybe you could find some even more ridiculous.

sorry, but you're so desperate to believe that DT is a pathological liar so that you don't need to take anything he says seriously, or believe anything he says, or have to give him the slightest bit of credit.

its okay - just...maybe focus a bit on your own life. turn off the tv for a couple months. do something for yourself. honestly its really unhealthy to fill your life with so much negativity and to perceive everything as negative.

i dunno. its unbelievable to me. im not desperate toward anything regarding donald trump. i don't care about the dude. again it isn't my country, he isn't my president. i don't have facebook, i don't have twitter, i don't have a tv. i am not in the position to be desperate to prove DT doesn't lie. i don't give a flying frogs fart if he did/does or not. but you have to stay in reality. you live here. god damn, wake up.

edit: or don't. i don't care, really. i don't know you. but its sad. i feel sorrow for people that are this brainwashed and unreasonable

You're making completely unsupported assertions that are not based in reality. I know because I searched the Trump lie data base. It is not there. No "hamburger" and no "Clemson" in the whole data base. There are 64 hits for "mile" but none are about hamburgers. I did a bunch of other searches for it and it came up zilch. Here search for yourself. Although I doubt you will because it might shatter your fantasy.

The Washington Examiner article you linked said it was an article clearly written in jest. I find it hard to believe that you would even believe the ridiculous things that you posted links to? I assume it is more likely that you did no research and little reading of what you posted because on the surface it seemed to agree with what you wanted to believe.

Whoever put that little thing together was being completely dishonest or perhaps they are in the Russian IRA and their job is spreading misinformation for Trump supporter consumption.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now officially at the point where we have politicized fast-food hamburger chains.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
@Scrotie - It's not about politics. The civilized world just doesn't like criminals.

Trump now threatening to instigate war against a country that has publicly stated doesn't want it.

That's what tyranny is all about. The guy is a psychopathic dirt-level mobster.
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on May 19, 2019, 4:41:32 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now officially at the point where we have politicized fast-food hamburger chains.

I hope they will never politicize my Poutine.
diablofdb wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now officially at the point where we have politicized fast-food hamburger chains.
I hope they will never politicize my Poutine.
Well, we've got the CEO of NYF/Harvey's serving vegan gravy and saying
“Our goal is to enrich life in Canada…and that extends beyond our restaurants and guests, to our oceans, wildlife and environment,” said Recipe Unlimited’s Chief Executive Officer Frank Hennessey in a statement. “Straws are just one component of the work we’re undertaking to eliminate single use plastics from our supply chain and shift to recyclable or compostable materials wherever possible.”
Feels very Starbucks.

Then you've got Smoke's eccentric founder Ryan Smoklin, who has a other restaurant chain advising people to "grab your weiner here" and took to the Huffington Post to defend cultural appropriation; in doing so, he said of a description of poutine that it "couldn't be more beautiful if it were a painting of Justin Trudeau as a centaur galloping through a golden field of French fries." Not sure if that's mockery or not, which means it's a pretty good troll. Feels very Wendy's.

But I'll be totally honest here: although I had some fun researching people who make a dish I must confess I've never ate, I really do hate politicizing food. Even after Wendy's Pepe meme I still just didn't like their food and avoided it like the plague. And I've been a fairly regular BK customer until now, and although I'll probably always think about milkshakes when I go there now, I doubt I'll be able to resist the call of the Original Chicken Sandwich.

I reckon the best response to these attempts at politicization is to give zero fucks and carry on. They only "win" if BK's clientele becomes left and McDonald's becomes some kind of MAGA/Brexit dogwhistle. That won't work if people like me keep going to BK and the sane progressives (few though they may be) keep eating Big Macs. We really shouldn't let politics divide us to this absurd extent.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 19, 2019, 7:03:27 PM
None of it is good for humans anyway.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
None of it is good for humans anyway.

This is good for human. And this is why we need freedom! This is why I love my country and wants to fight for my stuff here! hurray!
The_Impeacher wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:

To be fair, I did not watch the video.

Of course you didn't for the same reason you can't read the Mueller report:


If I watched every video linked or sent to me, I would spend half my day doing so. I can read at a much faster rate, and if someone has a time link to key information on a video, I can jump to that and watch it.

As for the full Mule Boy report, if the 448 pages are full of the same nothing burger as the 15 pages (pg 36 - pg 50) that purport to show Russia hacked into the DNC servers, it isn't worth reading.

The_Impeacher wrote:
The cult hypnosis doesn't allow you to. It has modified your neurons in such a way that you're no longer able to see derogatory truths about Trump.

Some are more susceptible to propaganda than others. You're not alone.

This government document explains how minds were altered:

First, thanks for linking the informaation. OK, just read that garbage report.

Nothing there that wasn't already hashed out in public for the most part. Zero proof, all assertions and very loose logic.

Here's some choice garbage from that report.

"The General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) probably began cyber operations aimed at the US election by March 2016."

No date. Probably
Not reliable intel.

"Russia’s state-run propaganda machine—comprised of its domestic media apparatus, outlets targeting global audiences such as RT and Sputnik,
and a network of quasi-government trolls—contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences."

Russian proganda reached Russian people! Who would have thunk it?
And a nation had the audacity temerity to try and reach an international agency? What nation ever does that? (all the big players, corporations, Instagram stars, Youtubers, etc do) even GGG tries to reach an international audience.

Saying that Russian Propaganda tries to influence people and inferring that means election interference is like saying that Apple tries to get people to buy its products (and in an election year, in the USA to boot!) which infers Apple is interfering in US elections.

In criminal cases, the police often hold back a few crime details from public announcements to weed out false reports. The full Mueller report has nothing in there that couldn't be determined from publicly available news before they released it. It doesn't have to contain sources and methods, just some key details that weren't known before hand.

The players on Off Topic could have written the report from publicly available information, given enough time and inclination.

Scrotie - did you do Mueller's homework and write his "full report" again?

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on May 19, 2019, 9:26:40 PM

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