Larzs86 wrote:

He broke 10,000 Lies total not to long ago. He is and always has been a liar, he has admitted it in court before.

Nothing he says is the truth, he is by far the worst and most wildly unqualified human ever to hold just ANY leadership position. He is just a whiny whiny baby that bitches, pisses and moans when he gets called on any of it or has to face any real punishment for his crimes.

Protected tiny fisted baby No. 1. His whole life has been that.

Dead on!

I'd go further and say that Trump is unqualified to be a part of humanity.
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DalaiLama wrote:

To be fair, I did not watch the video.

Of course you didn't for the same reason you can't read the Mueller report: The cult hypnosis doesn't allow you to. It has modified your neurons in such a way that you're no longer able to see derogatory truths about Trump.

Some are more susceptible to propaganda than others. You're not alone.

This government document explains how minds were altered:
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The_Impeacher wrote:
Larzs86 wrote:

He broke 10,000 Lies total not to long ago. He is and always has been a liar, he has admitted it in court before.

Nothing he says is the truth, he is by far the worst and most wildly unqualified human ever to hold just ANY leadership position. He is just a whiny whiny baby that bitches, pisses and moans when he gets called on any of it or has to face any real punishment for his crimes.

Protected tiny fisted baby No. 1. His whole life has been that.

Dead on!

I'd go further and say that Trump is unqualified to be a part of humanity.

And for the point of argument what about the tens of millions that voted for him
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on May 19, 2019, 11:27:37 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
I think Scrotie is right when he commented that leftists have redefined (in the public's thought) what Conservative and Liberal are, skewing the points so far to the left that centrists look like extremists.

By MSM and social media's standards, I'm probably off the charts as a far right extremist, yet this is what my political compass looks like.

The last thing the media and leftists want is for people to have reasonable open discussions. The truth might come out then.
I'd further argue that the greater political compass square chart is actually a triangle. Imagine two straight lines, both starting at max-libertarian center (bottom middle) and ending at max-authoritarian max-left/right (top left and right corners). Below those lines is the Unfeasible Zone. This is because a government that isn't sufficiently big can't be very far left nor very far right (in the authoritarian sense of "right"), and the bigger government gets, the more left or right it can be. I'd argue that the most radical liberalism, anarchy, is inherently centrist from a left/right perspective.

So considering that about 1/2 the area of the political compass chart doesn't actually exist, you're pretty close to a compromise between both opposites of the authoritarian right — you're near the halfway point between Marx's Utopia and Ancapistan. Yet you're not quite in the red square, so you're a dangerous wrongthinker to TPTB.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 19, 2019, 11:38:21 AM
Head_Less wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:

Bill Gates

Bill "I steal Apple s code" Gates, the guy who made a fortune stealing other people work. Paragon of virtue.

(I like him btw)

Trump made millions from the American citizens by evading taxes. Paragon of virtue. As an aside, Gates became an actual billionaire who has donated multi millions to charity. Those are two things Trump has never done.

Regardless, it's about what Gates describes in the video. What a wholly empty failure to humanity Trump is. Sad.
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DalaiLama wrote:
I think Scrotie is right when he commented that leftists have redefined (in the public's thought) what Conservative and Liberal are, skewing the points so far to the left that centrists look like extremists.

By MSM and social media's standards, I'm probably off the charts as a far right extremist, yet this is what my political compass looks like.

The last thing the media and leftists want is for people to have reasonable open discussions. The truth might come out then.

I agree, I made the same test not long ago and I ended up having something a bit to the right while being libertatian.

But my views and opinions when I speaks with a leftist now... I'm a super extreme right wing man.
DarthSki44 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:
Larzs86 wrote:

He broke 10,000 Lies total not to long ago. He is and always has been a liar, he has admitted it in court before.

Nothing he says is the truth, he is by far the worst and most wildly unqualified human ever to hold just ANY leadership position. He is just a whiny whiny baby that bitches, pisses and moans when he gets called on any of it or has to face any real punishment for his crimes.

Protected tiny fisted baby No. 1. His whole life has been that.

Dead on!

I'd go further and say that Trump is unqualified to be a part of humanity.

And for the point of argument what about the tens of millions that voted for him

They were manipulated and hypnotized into believing Trump is something other than a low grade Kremlin money launderer. It's not their fault.
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The_Impeacher wrote:

They were manipulated and hypnotized into believing Trump is something other than a low grade Kremlin money launderer. It's not their fault.

This is exactly why the left loses.

Total, complete, lack of understanding of their opponent.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
DarthSki44 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:

They were manipulated and hypnotized into believing Trump is something other than a low grade Kremlin money launderer. It's not their fault.

This is exactly why the left loses.

Total, complete, lack of understanding of their opponent.

I know 100 times more about Trump than any Trump supporter.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
The_Impeacher wrote:

They were manipulated and hypnotized into believing Trump is something other than a low grade Kremlin money launderer. It's not their fault.

This is exactly why the left loses.

Total, complete, lack of understanding of their opponent.

I know 100 times more about Trump than any Trump supporter.

That isnt the point. You dont understand the voter at all. You focus on Trump. You are making it a one person problem when it isnt.

Dems wont have the Senate, the wont have the Supreme court, they wont have the state governors, the wont have the state houses.

You do have the majority on sjw's, safe places, being offended by everything, and identity politics.

Good luck next year!
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

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