The_Impeacher wrote:
Some cool hypocrisy from Trump. Imagine being such a dishonest conman and liar (video):

"CNN interviewed 19 undocumented immigrants who say they worked for the Trump Organization and that Donald Trump had to have known they were undocumented during their employment."

Had Trump used E-verify (or his hiring management team used it) he/they would certainly know. (Depending on their hiring time, he probably should have been using it, even though a lot of companies don't).

Trump's personal knowledge of the backgrounds of people in his company is very likely limited to higher ups and those he interacts with frequently/closely.

I will give you a Znopes/Crack Check "partially correct", in that it is suspicious and does represent hypocrisy. It does not prove personal knowledge though.

To be fair, I did not watch the video. If there is specific proof in the video interview where they state why they believe he has personal knowledge of them being illegal (and not hearsay, or "everybody knows...") than state a line or two of what they say, and I will watch it and see. If there is a transcript of the video, I will read through that.

You could be right, and I could be wrong on this one. The snippet doesn't lead me to think that is the case though.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Larzs86 wrote:
xMustard wrote:

He broke 10,000 Lies total not to long ago. He is and always has been a liar, he has admitted it in court before.

Nothing he says is the truth, he is by far the worst and most wildly unqualified human ever to hold just ANY leadership position. He is just a whiny whiny baby that bitches, pisses and moans when he gets called on any of it or has to face any real punishment for his crimes.

Protected tiny fisted baby No. 1. His whole life has been that.

These folks have to believe pathological liar Trump rather than someone testifying under oath. What happens to Trump when he testifies under oath? He has to admit that he lied.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
Over 10,000 lies in two years.

Are you suggesting that video is all a hoax?

Bill Gates on Trump (video):

Bill "Destroy them all" Gates? Really? The power behind the dark throne of Microsoft, who manipulated and schemed and devoured and bludgeoned everyone else on their ascension to operating system primacy? I'd trust Sauron before I'd trust Bill.

As for 10K lies - that's in a good week for CNN.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
xMustard wrote:

personally im more conservative than liberal, but im definitely more liberal on a bunch of things than your typical branded conservative.

I think Scrotie is right when he commented that leftists have redefined (in the public's thought) what Conservative and Liberal are, skewing the points so far to the left that centrists look like extremists.

By MSM and social media's standards, I'm probably off the charts as a far right extremist, yet this is what my political compass looks like.

The last thing the media and leftists want is for people to have reasonable open discussions. The truth might come out then.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on May 19, 2019, 3:26:37 AM
The_Impeacher wrote:

Bill Gates

Bill "I steal Apple s code" Gates, the guy who made a fortune stealing other people work. Paragon of virtue.

(I like him btw)

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on May 19, 2019, 9:11:20 AM
DalaiLama wrote:
The last thing the media and leftists want is for people to have reasonable open discussions. The truth might come out then.

oh absolutely. yeah its why you have to convince that DT and everyone that voted for him are blatant racists, sexists, istists and literally tell nothing but lies. that way you know for sure you're right and they're wrong blah blah blah

its hilarious to me people can believe some of the claims. where are their own sense? do they just rely on everyone else for every thought in their head?

included in those "10,000 lies" are some of these whoppers

“FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.”
omg, what a fucking liar. can never trust another word from his liar-face mouth. in fact every single word must be a lie. he spelled it hamberders!! that isn't true, what a fucking liar!!!!

keep in mind, this is just on one tiny thing which i took 3 seconds to look into. so excuse me while i doubt every single bit of this 10,000 lies
xMustard wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:
The last thing the media and leftists want is for people to have reasonable open discussions. The truth might come out then.

oh absolutely. yeah its why you have to convince that DT and everyone that voted for him are blatant racists, sexists, istists and literally tell nothing but lies. that way you know for sure you're right and they're wrong blah blah blah

its hilarious to me people can believe some of the claims. where are their own sense? do they just rely on everyone else for every thought in their head?

included in those "10,000 lies" are some of these whoppers

“FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.”
omg, what a fucking liar. can never trust another word from his liar-face mouth. in fact every single word must be a lie. he spelled it hamberders!! that isn't true, what a fucking liar!!!!

keep in mind, this is just on one tiny thing which i took 3 seconds to look into. so excuse me while i doubt every single bit of this 10,000 lies

You guys are being foolish.

The article is clearly written in jest

That Clemson mile high hamburger incident is NOT one of the 10,000 lies tabulated. Sheesh, you're so desperate to try to prove that the pathological liar doesn't lie that you have to falsely call a silly article a lie.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on May 19, 2019, 10:22:49 AM
Larzs86 wrote:
Nothing he says is the truth,
Nobody is like that. Saying things like this is clear evidence you're dehumanizing your opposition.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Turtledove wrote:
You guys are being foolish.

That Clemson mile high hamburger incident is NOT one of the 10,000 lies tabulated. Sheesh, you're so desperate to try to prove that the pathological liar doesn't lie that you have to falsely call a silly article a lie.

how do you discern this?
first of all, it isn't a silly article. there were plenty of tweets and articles and everything about it. they legit call donald trump a liar for being hyperbolic. all the time, by the way. they are 100% serious.

and again, this is only one example.

of course these are included and many many more ridiculous things like this. maybe you could find some even more ridiculous.

sorry, but you're so desperate to believe that DT is a pathological liar so that you don't need to take anything he says seriously, or believe anything he says, or have to give him the slightest bit of credit.

its okay - just...maybe focus a bit on your own life. turn off the tv for a couple months. do something for yourself. honestly its really unhealthy to fill your life with so much negativity and to perceive everything as negative.

i dunno. its unbelievable to me. im not desperate toward anything regarding donald trump. i don't care about the dude. again it isn't my country, he isn't my president. i don't have facebook, i don't have twitter, i don't have a tv. i am not in the position to be desperate to prove DT doesn't lie. i don't give a flying frogs fart if he did/does or not. but you have to stay in reality. you live here. god damn, wake up.

edit: or don't. i don't care, really. i don't know you. but its sad. i feel sorrow for people that are this brainwashed and unreasonable
Last edited by xMustard on May 19, 2019, 10:57:36 AM
For the record those 10k supposeded lies are incredibly dubious.

They dont account for contradictions on climate change, religion, and abortion just to name a few. You cannot just take a group of opinions from one side and then twist semantics to say it's a lie.

Post birth abortions are a good example. They say rhat he lied about this, but it did, in fact happen. They just use different medical terminology for it. To most normal people, that is linguist gymnastics that mean nothing. THIS is why Trump wins repeatedly on many issues.

Also they dont account for any mistakes or misstatements. I dont know anyone, that at some point, and especially for someone in public office that has every word pursed, has not made an error.

That isn't a lie, which implies intent to mislead.

Even then, I honestly dont know why the left gets hung up on these little pointless fights. Really a politician lying? Consider me shocked. I'm from Chicago, and I can tell you that we haven't had honesty from a politician here in 100 years lol
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on May 19, 2019, 11:14:01 AM

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