rojimboo wrote:
Historically US is by far the biggest polluter, still. China is catching up, but the US is far away and ahead.

Really? The name of the country with the most total emissions seems to be China:

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Xavderion wrote:
Nobody cares. Democrats won't impeach. These former prosecutors have no power. It's comparable to your lab thingy tbh.

That is obviously false. I know that I care. I know that at least 527 ex-federal prosecutors care.

Did you find any source yet (note: social media doesn't count) to back you up on your position that an underlying crime must be committed before obstruction of justice can be prosecuted?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
The_Impeacher wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

We are former federal prosecutors.

Each of us believes that the conduct of President Trump described in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report would, in the case of any other person not covered by the Office of Legal Counsel policy against indicting a sitting President, result in multiple felony charges for obstruction of justice.

So, these former federal prosecutors haven't seen the evidence, yet they assume it would result in an indictment. I, for one, am glad they are not current federal prosecutors.

The evidence is within the Mueller report. Have a read.

Without the unredacted details, that "evidence" might as well have been made up by You, Me, Boem and Scrotie as a LARP.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
You should read it. Every sentence is sourced with witness testimony and sources. It's an immaculate document.

Don't be lazy.
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Something for my far-left friends to keep in mind as they count former federal prosecutors…
Censorship and political correctness peer pressure don't change minds, they merely quiet voices and drive your opposition underground. In every large group of lefties there are people who have disagreements but fear to voice them, instead playing the role of NPC in their public life, lifelessly repeating the "correct" opinions, unwilling to jeopardize their social or work lives on mere political banter. As the Democrats drift ever further left and become more shrill and hysterical, the number of people who have walked away in their hearts but dare not with their feet will grow and grow. And at some point this moral panic will end when only a scant few true believers remain and the captive, silenced opposition finally realizes that they have safety in numbers. It will be like a bubble suddenly bursting, leaving behind nothing but empty space.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 6, 2019, 9:27:00 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Keep for my far-left friends to keep in mind as they count former federal prosecutors…
Censorship and political correctness peer pressure don't change minds, they merely quiet voices and drive your opposition underground. In every large group of lefties there are people who have walked away in their hearts but play the role of NPC in their public life, lifelessly repeating the "correct" opinions, unwilling to jeopardize their social or work lives on mere political opinion. As the Democrats drift ever further left and become more shrill and hysterical, the number of people who have walked away in their hearts but dare not with their feet will grow and grow. And at some point this moral panic will end when only a scant few true believers remain and the captive, silenced opposition finally realizes that they have safety in numbers. It will be like a bubble suddenly bursting, leaving behind nothing but empty space.

you mean people like that?

Are you aware that the 'grey man' meme thing was created in a Kremlin operated disinformation outfit? By repeating their propaganda, you're helping Putin in his attack against the US.

Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Yes, diablo. My hypothesis is that the NPC meme doesn't mock true lefties (who usually ARE good, very good even, at creative mental gymnastics), but instead the captive dissenter, who doesn't feel like standing up to his friends in public and repeats the mantras to fit in.

But in the voting booth, he will at least consider voting Trump.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on May 6, 2019, 9:30:41 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Are you aware that the 'grey man' meme thing was created in a Kremlin operated disinformation outfit? By repeating their propaganda, you're helping Putin in his attack against the US.

yes it was created by the Russian in order to break the Democrats after the campaign in what we know now as the "first world meme war"

And this is why the EU made meme illegal to fight back against Putin.

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Yes, diablo. My hypothesis is that the NPC meme doesn't mock true lefties (who usually ARE good, very good even, at creative mental gymnastics), but instead the captive dissenter, who doesn't feel like standing up to his friends in public and repeats the mantras to fit in.

But in the voting booth, he will at least consider voting Trump.

Some people might not believe me but I used to vote Liberal here in Canada for many years, I was a progressive liberal, a leftist. Until the left took an arrow to the knee. I know there is a lot of people who are really turned off by the current liberal movement.
Last edited by diablofdb on May 6, 2019, 9:34:37 PM
Assisting a hostile nation's attack against your own country is treason. Every time you "own Libs" using Kremlin created lies, you're choosing the enemy over your fellow citizens.
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