1453R wrote:
What's really funny is that people think any of this matters anymore.

Clinton got his dick sucked and lied about it. He got impeached over it, specifically because he lied about getting his dick sucked and nobody thought that a President who lies about shit he does, let alone does so badly, should be a President anymore.

Trump has lied about literally everything he's ever done, on a daily basis, been caught out in it dozens of times, and at this point doesn't even care that he's been caught out as a liar. He's committed dozens of impeachable offenses freely and without issue, any one of which would've been enough to get a president impeached fifteen or twenty years ago. He's shown blatant and cavalier disregard for the American people.

And yet nobody's done anything about him whatsoever, and any time anybody brings this up it's drowned out with a storm of "BUT HILLARY!" or "WHAT ABOUT WHEN DEMS SAID...?!" The fact that the man is a walking talking lump of cancer is ignored in favor of people desperate to deflect the issue and point out that other government officials are also walking talking lumps of cancer.

Mueller could've found that Trump was, in fact, a genetically modified clone of Putin emplaced in U.S. society with the explicit intent of tearing it apart from the inside and it wouldn't matter. Nothing Mueller could have possibly said was going to matter, because the Trump administration has specifically engineered a situation in which crime is not a criminal act for government officials anymore. The news services are an ongoing dumpster fire without an end in sight, and the current 'administration' has done such a fantastic job of muddying the waters and discrediting anything and everything that anyone and everyone says that Trump could go out and shoot twenty Mexicans, twenty Muslims, twenty LGBT folk, and twenty "liberals" fatally in the face every day and somehow he would not be held accountable for an eighty-murder-a-day genocide habit.

United States democracy is in its death throes. Mueller never stood a chance in the first place. The U.S. government is no longer answerable to anything but itself, it certainly doesn't give a single fat shit about its people anymore, and the entire world gets to share in the woe of that circumstance. Even if Trump choked on a pretzel and died tomorrow, the damage he's done to our civil/social infrastructure is incalculable and will take multiple decades to heal. If it ever does.

Hope y'all are ready to live in Shadowrun. Because this? This is how we get to Shadowrun.

You are too pessimistic. This is hopepunk. Trump is now the evil establishment. And Democrats are the underdogs. Their job is to win against all odds.

Nope. He is not a criminal, he is a super villian.

Boem wrote:

You bassicaly just said the party trump represents has no policy.

And that all his successes are obama after effects and then sarcastically proceed this behavior is what the "trumpets"(derogatory slang) will do in the future.


Do i need to point out the blind spot in this?

I'm looking at this from the outside but i'm baffled by peoples irrational logic and behavior.
At least make it consistent so an outsider can follow and maybe keep the derogatory stuff like "magas" and "trumpets" out of this discussion.

People are people, they don't need a label diminishing that. We tried that in politics already and the results aren't something i am inclined to seek out again in the future.



People hate Bush. Republicans hate Hillary Clinton. Some People hate Obama. People think they are entitled to respect because they are the President? Hating people isn't irrational logic and behavior. People does it all the time.
Boem wrote:
You bassicaly just said the party trump represents has no policy.

And what party would that be? He's been hopping between political parties like a hooker hopping between hotel rooms. Do you really think that he always represented his party's policy? Hahaha.

Boem wrote:
And that all his successes are obama after effects and then sarcastically proceed this behavior is what the "trumpets"(derogatory slang) will do in the future.

No. Trumpets will claim glory for his presidential season, and are unlikely to claim en masse that the following president's achievements are due to Trump. If anything, they'll probably claim that the next president is ruining everything good Trump has done.

Boem wrote:

Do i need to point out the blind spot in this?

Don't bother, there is no blind spot.

Boem wrote:
I'm looking at this from the outside but i'm baffled by peoples irrational logic and behavior.
At least make it consistent so an outsider can follow and maybe keep the derogatory stuff like "magas" and "trumpets" out of this discussion.

People are people, they don't need a label diminishing that. We tried that in politics already and the results aren't something i am inclined to seek out again in the future.

Pets are pets, no need to humanize them. The harsh truth is that the majority of people in any country are unqualified to be giving their opinion on politics. They fall prey to charismatic leaders like Trump or Hitler and believe their stories without asking questions. Some even go great lengths in order to justify their leaders' actions, just because they WANT to believe.

A year-long, mandatory political education system should be established and anyone who wants to vote or be involved in politics should first go through it.
Xavderion wrote:
Turtledove wrote:

Mueller exonerated Trump on conspiracy with Russia. He did not on obstruction.

Or to put it differently, he didn't find enough evidence to assert that there was obstruction. The irony in all of this is that this is literally what happened with Hillary. Just that Comey was actually gonna write that she's a criminal and then changed the wording of his report in the last minute because he's a crook.

Kellog wrote:

No he didn't.

What level of denial are you on?

You've already proved you don't understand what any of this means, so any statements you make going forward can be safely discarded as complete nonsense.
Xavderion wrote:
Remember this guy? He was the leftist's star for a couple of months and he was sooooo close to bringing Trump down.

Womp womp!

Anyone watching this carefully could have told you it was going to happen sooner or later. It's absolutely no surprise and I hope he gets to spend a very long time in prison.
Boem wrote:
You bassicaly just said the party trump represents has no policy.

And what party would that be? He's been hopping between political parties like a hooker hopping between hotel rooms. Do you really think that he always represented his party's policy? Hahaha.

Of course not, that's how a political system works? you have teams with oposing ideology's and make concesions between the two to get stuff done.

Else it's called a dictatorship.

Your saying that like previous presidents didn't do exactly the same to get some of their campaign stuff done.

Boem wrote:
And that all his successes are obama after effects and then sarcastically proceed this behavior is what the "trumpets"(derogatory slang) will do in the future.

No. Trumpets will claim glory for his presidential season, and are unlikely to claim en masse that the following president's achievements are due to Trump. If anything, they'll probably claim that the next president is ruining everything good Trump has done.

What if they don't?



edit :

deathflower wrote:
People think they are entitled to respect because they are the President?

Of course not. It's called common courtessy and its roughly three steps before respect even comes into the question.

And hate based on a public persona without actual knowledge of the person is in fact irrational.
Rational hate would imply factual evidence to justify it.
I don't think "being a boor" warants hatred, i reserve that emotion for actual indecent human beings that step over far greater boundary's.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Mar 25, 2019, 10:15:52 PM
Turtledove wrote:
Kellog wrote:
Turtledove wrote:
The Mueller report will come out sooner or later. The House voted 420 to 0 that it should be made public. Barr will probably release it. If not the congress will definitely force its release.

Mueller exonerated Trump on conspiracy with Russia. He did not on obstruction. Barr took it on himself to "sugar coat" the obstruction as much as he was able. The report must be given to congress. If there was wrong doing that just didn't violate any laws then congress needs that information to pass some new laws, for example.

No he didn't. the letter Barr wrote only mentions two areas, contacts with the IRA and involvement with the DNC hacks.

Edit: regarding the latter, what do thing Rodger Stone/wikileaks is up for...

That's why we have to see the Mueller report so we can read it for ourselves. I'm just assuming that Barr is not so stupid that he would be completely misleading.

Stone was the conduit between Wikileaks and the campaign. I believe that Stone is legally on the hook for lying to investigators and some other stuff. I guess Mueller couldn't find any good evidence linking Stone with the Russians though?

To understand the many problems with the letter from Barr, you have to go back and read the original letter from Rosenstein to Mueller and then tie that in with what Barr said about 'collusion/conspiracy'.

As far as Rodger Stone is concerned, he's alleged to have coordinated not only with Wikileaks/Assange but with the Russian entity Guccifer 2.0. regarding the DNC hacks and also. As Guccifer 2.0. is essentially the GRU, there's already a link between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Boem wrote:

Of course not. It's called common courtessy and its roughly three steps before respect even comes into the question.

And hate based on a public persona without actual knowledge of the person is in fact irrational.
Rational hate would imply factual evidence to justify it.
I don't think "being a boor" warants hatred, i reserve that emotion for actual indecent human beings that step over far greater boundary's.

I don't have to be courteous to people I don't like. Human aren't very rational beings to begin with. Humans has cognitive biases, and systematically make choices that clearly defy rational logic. Human always make rational decisions and should be rational is a fallacious trap.
deathflower wrote:

I don't have to be courteous to people I don't like. Human aren't very rational beings to begin with. Humans has cognitive biases, and systematically make choices that clearly defy rational logic. Human always make rational decisions and should be rational is a fallacious trap.

So you don't have basic decency towards other people, not because they behave immoral but because you don't "like" them?

That seems like a poor way to interact with people and get stuff done.

As for the rational argument, of course humans aren't always rational that doesn't imply we shouldn't try to be.
Those are two different things.

Rational goes out of the window when emotions enter the house. So learning to control your emotions becomes pretty basic if being rational is an end-goal for a person.

That's what reflection and stress training is for.

Perhaps i should point out, controlling your emotions doesn't mean "not feeling", in fact it usually heightens and empowers them. It just means you get to direct the energy they evoke instead of being the passenger.

But i'm not entirely sure going from your post if your actually interested in those things.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
pneuma wrote:
Regarding Trump policy...

His foreign policy has been pretty good. ISIS is gone, Iran got a well-deserved middle finger, NATO is finally paying up after avoiding it for so long, North Korea isn't launching missiles and is talking to the ROK, Russia still has sanctions for Crimea, and China is starting to lower their tariffs.

ISIS hasn't been defeated. Their Caliphate dream may be over but the movement persists.

On Iran, the only thing he's doing is stoking regional tensions and by recognising Israel's authority of Golan Heights will only make things worse. Moreover, it's highly likely Putin will see this a vindication of his move in to Crimea.

North Korea continues to rebuild their long range rocket launch sites and they're playing games with South Korea and their liaison office.

The existing sanctions on Russia may persist but Trump has twice rejected (not signed of on) new sanctions proposed.

His domestic policy has been pretty good. He's trying to fix the southern border which has been ignored by both R/D alike for literally decades, job and wage growth is unprecedented, violence continues to go down, we're spending money on undoing the damage caused by the opioid crisis, and taxes are down. America is still home to virtually all the giant corporations that are innovating in the world.

Building a wall at the Southern Border is a stunt. It's a complete waste of time and money for a problem it won't fix.

The number of new jobs added in February was considerably below what economists had predicted. Moreover, there's every sign the US and further afield are heading towards recession.

On the climate change front, he left the Paris Accord and yet America is still the only developed country to decrease their emissions while everyone else who stayed in is increasing. Nuts to them, we'll soldier on ahead without their non-binding tut-tuts.

This has little to do with Trump. Trump continues do do everything to promote fossil fuels and denigrate green alternatives.

The judges he has appointed are fantastic, potentially a third and fourth if RBG and/or Thomas retire. For other random stances, most people agree with him that kneeling for the flag is dumb (but allowed (but dumb)), and he and the vast majority of people (80%+) agree that third-trimester abortions are horrid.

The judges appointed, just like in any prior administration, are simply there for partisan reasons. I also wouldn't call 'I like beer' a good judge.

The only places I've disagreed with him outright was using an E.O. for the wall and the recent "bump stock ban". Notably, he hasn't overstepped the bounds of his station unlike some previous presidents. He loves to bitch about the media hating his guts, which they do, but he's not jailing journalists or taking their channels off the air unlike virtually every other country in the world.

Yet! Have you seen the new WH memo to TV stations?

Last edited by Kellog on Mar 26, 2019, 12:28:17 AM
^On the Isis thing.

It's not impressive of america to "solve"(like kellog mentioned, not entirely) a problem it created themselves.

America has been meddling in that region for 100 years now to ensure political alegiance and economical power.

I wouldn't relly put that on any one president, or we would have to go back 100 years.

Turkey went from a democratic republic to a presidential republic in 2017.

Let that sink in for a minute because turkey was the beacon of hope in that region for a democratic regime incorporating islam.(and erdogan was backed by obama in 2016)

I can easily put blame on either sides or just america entirely if that was my desire around that subject. I'm off the opinion putting blame doesn't help the local people though, just pointing out it would be hypocritical of either side to find victory/fault in the middle east.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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