Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Mar 25, 2019, 4:18:25 PM
Xavderion wrote:
Remember this guy? He was the leftist's star for a couple of months and he was sooooo close to bringing Trump down.

Womp womp!

I dont see any any key!
Last edited by k1rage on Mar 25, 2019, 2:03:52 PM
1453R wrote:
What's really funny is that people think any of this matters anymore.

Clinton got his dick sucked and lied about it. He got impeached over it, specifically because he lied about getting his dick sucked and nobody thought that a President who lies about shit he does, let alone does so badly, should be a President anymore.

Trump has lied about literally everything he's ever done, on a daily basis, been caught out in it dozens of times, and at this point doesn't even care that he's been caught out as a liar. He's committed dozens of impeachable offenses freely and without issue, any one of which would've been enough to get a president impeached fifteen or twenty years ago. He's shown blatant and cavalier disregard for the American people.

And yet nobody's done anything about him whatsoever, and any time anybody brings this up it's drowned out with a storm of "BUT HILLARY!" or "WHAT ABOUT WHEN DEMS SAID...?!" The fact that the man is a walking talking lump of cancer is ignored in favor of people desperate to deflect the issue and point out that other government officials are also walking talking lumps of cancer.

Mueller could've found that Trump was, in fact, a genetically modified clone of Putin emplaced in U.S. society with the explicit intent of tearing it apart from the inside and it wouldn't matter. Nothing Mueller could have possibly said was going to matter, because the Trump administration has specifically engineered a situation in which crime is not a criminal act for government officials anymore. The news services are an ongoing dumpster fire without an end in sight, and the current 'administration' has done such a fantastic job of muddying the waters and discrediting anything and everything that anyone and everyone says that Trump could go out and shoot twenty Mexicans, twenty Muslims, twenty LGBT folk, and twenty "liberals" fatally in the face every day and somehow he would not be held accountable for an eighty-murder-a-day genocide habit.

United States democracy is in its death throes. Mueller never stood a chance in the first place. The U.S. government is no longer answerable to anything but itself, it certainly doesn't give a single fat shit about its people anymore, and the entire world gets to share in the woe of that circumstance. Even if Trump choked on a pretzel and died tomorrow, the damage he's done to our civil/social infrastructure is incalculable and will take multiple decades to heal. If it ever does.

Hope y'all are ready to live in Shadowrun. Because this? This is how we get to Shadowrun.

TL;DR: Mueller found literally nothing but orange man still bad because reasons.

Just for the record, impeaching Clinton for lying about getting his knob polished was stupid. And the public knew it, that's why his approval rating actually improved after his impeachment. That's why I hope the Democrats are somehow stupid enough to still impeach Trump. At least Nancy knows that it would be a bigly mistake.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion on Mar 25, 2019, 2:38:05 PM
I find it hard to be so obsessed about the persona of a president.

I think people are so upset about trump because he is in fact a bad liar.

While obama or bush where presidents they didn't have so many issue's with the candidate itself and they where spectaculair liars.

He's a shit statesman, but why is that relevant? Shouldn't his presidency be the focus and not his personal character.

And if his presidency is in fact shit and judged so by america as a whole, then he will be out of office.

Trump isn't an idol, hes a president so i find it weird why people treat him like the former.

I think nobody disagree's that trump is a poor statesman(in the iconic sense) in this thread.

So it makes me wonder why there is so much ralying around his persona and so much animosity against his persona.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Mar 25, 2019, 3:15:06 PM
1453R wrote:
Clinton got his dick sucked and lied about it. He got impeached over it, specifically because he lied about getting his dick sucked and nobody thought that a President who lies about shit he does, let alone does so badly, should be a President anymore.

It was probably before your time, but the reason Clinton was impeached was because he suborned perjury. It wasn't the lie, it was forcing other people to lie on his behalf using official powers, and there was incontrovertible evidence of such.

Politicians lie. I hate to be the bearer of this news, but it's been a constant part of the human condition and all societies ever made.

There are other historical misreadings and incorrect predictions in your post, but that one really stands out. If you start from a falsehood, then whatever follows is worthless.


Boem wrote:
I think nobody disagree's that trump is a poor statesman(in the iconic sense) in this thread.

So it makes me wonder why there is so much ralying around his persona and so much animosity against his persona.

No disagreement on his "statesmanship". He exaggerates, bloviates, lies, calls people names, trolls, and generally acts a boor.

But between a "statesman" with bad policy v. a boor with good policy, it's not that hard of a choice. The argument has always really been about policy, but with a bunch of distractions and a media that makes money the more it focuses on distractions.

Trying to bash him on his policy is a losing battle -- the republicans didn't accidentally control the House, Senate, and governorships of the majority of the states in 2016.

Saying "Trump is dumb, therefore socialism" or "Trump is a meany, therefore open borders" doesn't really work. It's worth a few percentage points, and kinda worked in the 2018 midterms for some close House seats, but it's not predictable and certainly doesn't last.
Because of his persona, Trump has caused more discord amongst the populace than Obama and Bush jr. together. If he was a strong leader who could actually handle the situation he created, fine, but he's not one and is just fanning the flames in order to make people look elsewhere to ignore his own incompetency.

Trump has no policy. He's just a showman, telling people what they want to hear and does his best in order to fault others for not being able to keep the promises he makes. Most of his 'achievements' are after effects of Obama's government, yet he still takes credit for them. And people blindly believe him. When Trump fucks off after losing 2020 elections (which happens if he's running against anyone other than Clinton), he'll be called as "the best president USA has ever had, but because this and that were obstructing him the entire time, he never got to fully actualize his vision. It's not his fault that all the powers worked against him". After all, trumpets STILL believe that The Wall is going to happen.
Because of his persona, Trump has caused more discord amongst the populace than Obama and Bush jr. together. If he was a strong leader who could actually handle the situation he created, fine, but he's not one and is just fanning the flames in order to make people look elsewhere to ignore his own incompetency.

Trump has no policy. He's just a showman, telling people what they want to hear and does his best in order to fault others for not being able to keep the promises he makes. Most of his 'achievements' are after effects of Obama's government, yet he still takes credit for them. And people blindly believe him. When Trump fucks off after losing 2020 elections (which happens if he's running against anyone other than Clinton), he'll be called as "the best president USA has ever had, but because this and that were obstructing him the entire time, he never got to fully actualize his vision. It's not his fault that all the powers worked against him". After all, trumpets STILL believe that The Wall is going to happen.

You bassicaly just said the party trump represents has no policy.

And that all his successes are obama after effects and then sarcastically proceed this behavior is what the "trumpets"(derogatory slang) will do in the future.


Do i need to point out the blind spot in this?

I'm looking at this from the outside but i'm baffled by peoples irrational logic and behavior.
At least make it consistent so an outsider can follow and maybe keep the derogatory stuff like "magas" and "trumpets" out of this discussion.

People are people, they don't need a label diminishing that. We tried that in politics already and the results aren't something i am inclined to seek out again in the future.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Actually there's a fair amount of truth in Anonymous's post. Trump has turned many of the long held Republican policies on their ear. The main policy he kept was giving 80% of the tax cuts to the top 1% of the corporations and people in the country. As a side note, the 20% of the tax cuts for the bottom 99% of the country goes away after 10 years but the tax cuts for the top 1% tax cuts are permanent. Trump doesn't care much about policy. He's much more interested in controlling the narrative going on in the daily news.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Mar 25, 2019, 9:01:34 PM
Regarding Trump policy...

His foreign policy has been pretty good. ISIS is gone, Iran got a well-deserved middle finger, NATO is finally paying up after avoiding it for so long, North Korea isn't launching missiles and is talking to the ROK, Russia still has sanctions for Crimea, and China is starting to lower their tariffs.

His domestic policy has been pretty good. He's trying to fix the southern border which has been ignored by both R/D alike for literally decades, job and wage growth is unprecedented, violence continues to go down, we're spending money on undoing the damage caused by the opioid crisis, and taxes are down. America is still home to virtually all the giant corporations that are innovating in the world.

On the climate change front, he left the Paris Accord and yet America is still the only developed country to decrease their emissions while everyone else who stayed in is increasing. Nuts to them, we'll soldier on ahead without their non-binding tut-tuts.

The judges he has appointed are fantastic, potentially a third and fourth if RBG and/or Thomas retire. For other random stances, most people agree with him that kneeling for the flag is dumb (but allowed (but dumb)), and he and the vast majority of people (80%+) agree that third-trimester abortions are horrid.

The only places I've disagreed with him outright was using an E.O. for the wall and the recent "bump stock ban". Notably, he hasn't overstepped the bounds of his station unlike some previous presidents. He loves to bitch about the media hating his guts, which they do, but he's not jailing journalists or taking their channels off the air unlike virtually every other country in the world.

Overall... not bad at all. A few less "horse face" comments would be great.


I hope that the tax cuts get made permanent, though the democrats unfortunately stopped that from happening. Obviously spending cuts should follow, though Congress again plays a huge role here. The president can only do so much, y'know.
Last edited by pneuma on Mar 25, 2019, 9:27:32 PM
Turtledove wrote:
Actually there's a fair amount of truth in Anonymous's post. Trump has turned many of the long held Republican policies on their ear. The main policy he kept was giving 80% of the tax cuts to the top 1% of the corporations and people in the country. As a side note, the 20% of the tax cuts for the bottom 99% of the country goes away after 10 years but the tax cuts for the top 1% tax cuts are permanent. Trump doesn't care much about policy. He's much more interested in controlling the narrative going on in the daily news.

I'm not doubting there is some truth in what he is typing, but the way it is represented is just off-putting for an outsider.

If you honestly believe your points are valid and researched enough, there is very little motivation to represent them in such a manner in my opinion.

As for your post, what if somebody fraimed it like this

"maybe obama left behind a pretty "ok" situation that doesn't need much intervention"

Would an active president be a good thing then?

Maybe an inactive policy is a good policy under the right conditions.(not saying that is currently the case, just posing the thought-notion)

You would think the democrats have the intelect to re-frame the situation easily enough if they really wanted to, instead of going for the individual slander.

People seem to suggest he is easy-pickings on a politics level yet i see nothing to convince me of that from the democrats side.

I'm just playing devils advocate here and trying to see both views and create some breathing room for actual conversation.

If i understand your point, he hasn't done much policy at all?
Isn't that a good thing from the democrats perspective, i'd see that as a win and play that out effectively.

As for the policy itself, as long as the state doesn't contribute to monopoly's(which i think it currently does) i see no issue with tax cuts for the large corporations.
I don't think large corporations stay in business if they don't provide a good for society that is valued in one way or the other.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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