When you're the superstar who totally rekt Donald Drumpf but your approval rating is absolutely abysmal. Yikes.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Turtledove wrote:
The Republican party over the past half dozen or dozen years has tried to pass laws about only speaking English.
I'm completely opposed to laws against speaking (or writing) of non-English languages.

As far as the linked article goes, I don't understand precisely the nature of the relationship between Neely and the faculty asking for information. If a subordinate or a peer asked me for such information, I'd inquire into why first, and hearing that reason I would have politely refused. If my boss asked me for personnel data they had a right to, I'd deliver first and ask questions later, but upon hearing the rationale I'd be going up the hierarchy to their boss, or to a whistleblower system. Under NO circumstance would I go down the hierarchy by emailing the students and beg them to act in a way such that the other faculty members won't be offended by behavior they have every right to engage in! Astonishingly unprofessional.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Xavderion wrote:
When you're the superstar who totally rekt Donald Drumpf but your approval rating is absolutely abysmal. Yikes.

This is what desperation looks like. No mention of the source, or what he poll is even about.

That TDS is eating you up
Xavderion wrote:
When you're the superstar who totally rekt Donald Drumpf but your approval rating is absolutely abysmal. Yikes.

This is what desperation looks like. No mention of the source, or what he poll is even about.

That TDS is eating you up

Nice damage control.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Personally, I find it annoying when I hear foreign language. To me, it just sound like annoying background noise that I wish I could turn off, especially in enclosed areas where everyone is very close to each others (sub, bus, etc).

That said, even if I find it annoying, it shouldn't be forbidden.

Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
鬼殺し wrote:
It was so weak it wasn't even worth acknowledging, Reporter.

I was pwned! You're right again, sir. :)
鬼殺し wrote:

These people would shit themselves over here in Sydney. We have so many Chinese national students now it's common for billboards in the CBD to be *purely in Chinese*. Some train rides into the city you can hear up to seven different languages, anything from Mandarin to Portuguese to Tagalog. I LOVE it. Maybe because it's easier to pretend people aren't obnoxious when you can't hear what stupid things they're saying...

This whole thing about 'Speak English, you're in America!' is about white insecurity that these foreign people might be talking about them. Guess what, fuckwits? You're just not that interesting most of the time. Deal with it.

Forcing of English in school could resulted in the erosion or loss of their primary languages. If Chinese is the predominant language in their home country and the most spoken language, it cannot be sacrificed for the expenses of their second language. To think otherwise is distinctly stupid and nonsense. In a predominant English-speaking environment not using their native language, their fluency in their L1 could fall.
Timeline (Oct 7th was especially busy)

October 4, 2016: Assange “held a press conference but did not release any new materials pertaining to the Clinton Campaign. Shortly afterwards, Stone received an email from the high-ranking Trump Campaign official asking about the status of future releases by [WikiLeaks]"

Same Day: "Stone answered that [Assange] had a ‘serious security concern’ but that [WikiLeaks] would release ‘a load every week going forward.’”

Same day: Supporter texted Stone re"if he had ‘hear[d] anymore from London. Stone replied ‘Yes - want to talk on a secure line - got Whatsapp?’ Stone subsequently told the supporter that more material would be released and that it would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign’”

October 7, 2016: The Obama administration announces its belief that the Russian government hacked, stole and released emails from the Democratic National Committee and others and they “are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”

Same Day October 7, 2016: The press releases the Access Hollywood video that captured Trump on a hot mic discussing sexually assaulting women, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"

Same Day October 7, 2016: Wikileaks “released the first set of emails stolen from the Clinton Campaign chairman."

Same Day October 7, 2016: "Shortly after [WikiLeak’s] release, an associate of the high-ranking Trump Campaign official sent a text message to Stone that read ‘well done.’"

October 7 - November 7, 2016: Wikileaks “released approximately 33 tranches of documents that had been stolen from the personal email account of the Clinton Campaign chairman, totaling over 50,000 stolen documents.”

Can't thank Assange enough for potentially saving us from Crooked Hillary. What a hero!
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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