Khoranth wrote:
If Turkey goes through with their plans, they should get the North Korea ostracized treatment, or the USA leaves NATO. Anything else would be truly fucking sick.

The Kurds played their cards wrong when they turned their back to the legitimate Syrian government and completely sided with USA presence in Syria. Everybody knew that USA will eventually had to leave and that they wont ruin the relationship with Turkey, over some useless Kurdish enclave. The Kurds used the anti-ISIS offensive to land-grab in Iraq too, but were put in their place by Iraqi gov / Iranian militias - and the US did nothing to help them.

"Allies against ISIS" is a false narrative, becaue ISIS would have been defeated by the Syrian governemnt + Russia, if it wasnt for the massive western help & funding of islamist "rebels" taht practically destroyed the country. On one side the West was funding extremists, on the other side fighting them, lol.

Even if US removes all the military today, it will still leave behind a warzone of 20 years of absolutely destructive policies, that turned the ME into an extremist hotbed that is now leaking out refugees and islamic fanatics all over the planet.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
If Turkey goes through with their plans, they should get the North Korea ostracized treatment, or the USA leaves NATO. Anything else would be truly fucking sick.

The Kurds played their cards wrong when they turned their back to the legitimate Syrian government and completely sided with USA presence in Syria. Everybody knew that USA will eventually had to leave and that they wont ruin the relationship with Turkey, over some useless Kurdish enclave. The Kurds used the anti-ISIS offensive to land-grab in Iraq too, but were put in their place by Iraqi gov / Iranian militias - and the US did nothing to help them.

"Allies against ISIS" is a false narrative, becaue ISIS would have been defeated by the Syrian governemnt + Russia, if it wasnt for the massive western help & funding of islamist "rebels" taht practically destroyed the country. On one side the West was funding extremists, on the other side fighting them, lol.

Even if US removes all the military today, it will still leave behind a warzone of 20 years of absolutely destructive policies, that turned the ME into an extremist hotbed that is now leaking out refugees and islamic fanatics all over the planet.

IF Turkey plans to genocide USA allies in Syria, then the USA should stop them. It doesn't matter if you believe USA foreign policy in the area has made some mistakes; that is NOT a good reason to allow an evil country to genocide people, especially people who are our allies.

"Well we made some mistakes in Syria, guess we should just let the wicked people running Turkey genocide our friends" - This is idiotic nonsense.
rojimboo wrote:
Good job Trump! Finally the Russo-Chinese dream of Murica crumbling from a superpower to a banana republic is well on its way.

Lay off the neoliberal MSM & vodka, tovarish.

Not spending trillions of dollars for idiotic corporate wars = "crumbling"
Not indebting people that haven't even been born yet = "banana republic"

Why do liberals of today sound exactly like Bush-era neocons? Bring muh freedomz & librul democrazy to these Muslims, yeah baby!! McDonalds for everyone!! Yeehaaaww!

lol :D
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Xavderion wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Hardly, you are the one dismissing evidence because 'polls are bad' but then you quote and like other polls because 'these polls are good'. As a reminder, this started off with 2 articles about their polls conducted, evidence presented. You just magically hand-waived them because REASONS.

I didn't hand-wave anything, I explained why the polls don't measure anything regarding someone "turning" on Trump. Only approval rating polls would measure that but those "magically" don't show anyone turning on Trump. So the polls that actually measure what we're talking about are contrary to what you're saying.
Ok, at the risk of repetition (yet again) let's go back to the beginning.

This article that I quoted says

According to the most recent Washington Post poll, only 27 percent of Republicans believe Trump’s claim that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 presidential election. This is telling.

This data point was confirmed by another poll as well. More than 70 percent of Trump supporters say that the president has not been completely truthful on Russia, according to a recent CNN poll. This is after the president has spent more than a year calling the entire investigation a “witch hunt” motivated by the political bias of investigators.

To anyone who paid attention to the 2018 midterm election results, this is not that surprising. Despite Trump promising his supporters that there would be a “Red Wave” come November, it wasn’t even close. While rural voters came out heavily for Republicans, suburban voters turned against them, with many citing concerns about the president’s character, policies and questionable relationship with Russian leaders. The “Blue Wave” saw the Democrats taking the majority in the House, making significant gains at the state level and, in many cases, backing liberal policy ideas.

However, what may be surprising is how little the president seems to be aware of this pivot. Most presidents at this point have focused on winning over those people who have not supported them in the past. But Trump has been unable to keep his supporters, on the Russia issue at least, much less win new ones.

If this pattern continues, the president’s fate in 2020 could be much different from what he is expecting. With swing voters turning against him, Trump will have to depend on Republicans for a repeat victory. And their support for him could continue to decrease if the investigation into Russia’s interference in 2016 continues to cause them to lose confidence in the commander in chief.

So the number of Republicans that believe Trump is truthful when he goes on his comical WITCHUNT tirades, is in the minority. His base doesn't believe him, in ever decreasing proportions.

Who else will vote for him in 2020, other than his base?


rojimboo wrote:

The Trump effect on economy is finally playing out, and investors realised Trump's word is worth dog shit, especially regarding the trade war.

No, the investors are reacting to the rate hike. It's almost like the Fed has influence on the stock market. The stock market didn't give a shit about the "trade war" until very recently, remember that "war" started in March.
The stock market was taking massive hits and hit a year low BEFORE the rate, we already talked about this...


rojimboo wrote:
I don't ascribe to this conspiracy theory at all, the burden of proof is on you.

It's literally what happened, read the graph.
Sure sure *puts tinfoil hat on* Also ALIENS impact the stock market. Also rates were hiked before Trump, demolishing neatly your little silly conspiracy theory.
morbo wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Good job Trump! Finally the Russo-Chinese dream of Murica crumbling from a superpower to a banana republic is well on its way.

Lay off the neoliberal MSM & vodka, tovarish.

Not spending trillions of dollars for idiotic corporate wars = "crumbling"
Not indebting people that haven't even been born yet = "banana republic"

Why do liberals of today sound exactly like Bush-era neocons? Bring muh freedomz & librul democrazy to these Muslims, yeah baby!! McDonalds for everyone!! Yeehaaaww!

lol :D

Wait so - making the deficit explode by increasing spending on the military budget, is a sign of...what? A responsible developed nation, or a banana republic?

Who won in Syria now? ISIS? ANd? Russia.

Therefore Trump, along with easing off sanctions on Russia, is exactly doing Putin's bidding.

Your misguided liberals=neocons tirade is getting old, switch tunes maybe. I'm not even a liberal. And in any case, let's not mistake them for the enemies of modern democracies.
Khoranth wrote:
IF Turkey plans to genocide USA allies in Syria, then the USA should stop them.

Do you know that the Kurds in Syria actually ehnically cleansed Arabs out in some regions? They occupied parts of the country where they had no or minimal Kurdish presence. They did a typical land grab, so that will have to be settled eventually.

Do you also know that Turkey already genocided the Kurds inside Turkey proper in their 2015/2016 offensive against "PKK" - whole towns were razed. The US did nothing.

Then Turkey invaded & cleansed the Kurdish Afrin region in northern Syria in 2018 (Operation Olive Branch). Kurds, "USA allies", were driven out and the US again did nothing.

Kurds have no friends and nobody will side with them over big economic/political players like Turkey.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
rojimboo wrote:
Who won in Syria now? ISIS? ANd? Russia.

Nobody won in Syria, there are only loosers. The biggest of them is the Syrian republic, a country that was secular, rather developed, westernized and very diverse, has been turned into rubble & sunni islamist infested cesspit, thanks to US/EU foreign policy. Russia helped staving off the complete islamist takeover of the country (look at Libya today). ISIS almost does not exist anymore as a fighting force, but there are stil al-Qaeda/Saudi types holding parts of the Idlib region.

The liberal and neocon foreign policy is almost exactly the same, sorry for stating the obvious facts. CNN and all the other controlled media supported wars in the past and they support them today. When McCain died, neocons & neolibs cried in unison. When Trump bombed Syria, they applauded in unison.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
IF Turkey plans to genocide USA allies in Syria, then the USA should stop them.

Do you know that the Kurds in Syria actually ehnically cleansed Arabs out in some regions? They occupied parts of the country where they had no or minimal Kurdish presence. They did a typical land grab, so that will have to be settled eventually.

Do you also know that Turkey already genocided the Kurds inside Turkey proper in their 2015/2016 offensive against "PKK" - whole towns were razed. The US did nothing.

Then Turkey invaded & cleansed the Kurdish Afrin region in northern Syria in 2018 (Operation Olive Branch). Kurds, "USA allies", were driven out and the US again did nothing.

Kurds have no friends and nobody will side with them over big economic/political players like Turkey.

It isnt just Kurds that Turkey plans to genocide in Syria.
morbo wrote:
rojimboo wrote:
Who won in Syria now? ISIS? ANd? Russia.

Nobody won in Syria, there are only loosers. The biggest of them is the Syrian republic, a country that was secular, rather developed, westernized and very diverse, has been turned into rubble & sunni islamist infested cesspit, thanks to US/EU foreign policy. Russia helped staving off the complete islamist takeover of the country (look at Libya today). ISIS almost does not exist anymore as a fighting force, but there are stil al-Qaeda/Saudi types holding parts of the Idlib region.

The liberal and neocon foreign policy is almost exactly the same, sorry for stating the obvious facts. CNN and all the other controlled media supported wars in the past and they support them today. When McCain died, neocons & neolibs cried in unison. When Trump bombed Syria, they applauded in unison.

I guess we can all agree, that Trump is Putin's bitch, when Putin 'approved' and said it was 'correct' that the US withdrew from Syria, in his annual (unrequested) press conference today.

Of course Russia will stay to fend of the evil islamists, to protect Syrians, I'm sure.

How much propaganda have you swallowed, tovarish? With how much vodka?

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