kolyaboo wrote:
Seriously? The good guys in Syria? There are no good guys in a war that has targeted civilians for like 8 years.

Mattis always seemed like an odd choice but some of the Pentagon clowns are actually less dangerous than the Stateys. And that is a sad fact. Not sure about his departure.

Violence against civilians occurs in all civil wars. Sometime more, sometime less. Why some governments refrained from using violence while other don't depending on battlefield dynamics. Why certain civilians in a civil war are “selectively” targeted depending on views whether the civilians pick a side or they are the enemy collaborator. If they are non-neutral or supportive of the enemies in the conflict, they are often targeted. It make lots of sense if you think about it.
鬼殺し wrote:
Not really. Trump is someone who demands the best, always, and Mattis is one of the most decorated, respected generals living today. That is, 'the best'. So of course Trump would want one in his collection.

You might not be aware (and I'm not being snarky or anything) of the fact that all US defense secs have been from the corporate world since Eisenhower's time (or could be WW2; either way close enough).

Forget about who but the fact that any US president put a military person in this role was a complete shocker. They NEVER put military people in that role. Ever.

If you think about it, the reason should be obvious. And no I am not dissing the military.
kolyaboo wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Not really. Trump is someone who demands the best, always, and Mattis is one of the most decorated, respected generals living today. That is, 'the best'. So of course Trump would want one in his collection.

You might not be aware (and I'm not being snarky or anything) of the fact that all US defense secs have been from the corporate world since Eisenhower's time (or could be WW2; either way close enough).

Your assertion is false. I have to assume that you are confusing your false assertion with the following truth of the matter.

He needed a waiver from Congress to allow his nomination to be considered, as he had only been separated from the military for the previous three years despite U.S. federal law requiring at least seven years of retirement for former military personnel to be appointed Secretary of Defense.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Last edited by Turtledove on Dec 21, 2018, 12:52:47 AM
Name one then. And don't name someone that was drafted and spent a 2 years or so in the military. I'm talking career military here.

You can easily disprove it by naming one of them. And btw, forget Gates. I can tell you for a fact that he was on the board of Fidelity right around the time. Rumsfeld, Merrill Lynch.

Yeah, the fact that Mattis needed a waiver tells you that they don't put career military in that position.
Could well be that Trump was unaware. It was still a shocker as one would assume that he would have been told. I'm sure Trump (assuming he was unaware) was not the first President-elect in that position.
kolyaboo wrote:
Name one then. And don't name someone that was drafted and spent a 2 years or so in the military. I'm talking career military here.

You can easily disprove it by naming one of them. And btw, forget Gates. I can tell you for a fact that he was on the board of Fidelity right around the time. Rumsfeld, Merrill Lynch.

Yeah, the fact that Mattis needed a waiver tells you that they don't put career military in that position.

If what you meant was career military then fine. Most people holding the Secretary of Defense office have a background in politics rather than in business and most have at least some military experience.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
鬼殺し wrote:
I was shower-thinking, as one does. I think it went a little like this.

It's well-known that Trump's happiest days and possibly most personally successful were when his dad 'exiled' him to military school to get straightened out. Although Donny didn't fit perfectly with the military structure, it gave him an environment where the people he had to answer to took zero shit and his peers were all competitors and rivals. This meant he had a system to learn and a hierarchy that made complete sense to a narcissist obsessed with self-achievement.

I reckon he never outgrew a yearning for those days and figured putting 'my generals' into play, even if in roles that they usually don't fill, might in some way provide a measure of that efficient, clean-cut hierarchical system that so enabled his younger self to shine, with no help from anyone.

But then there's the Donald Trump who came after those days, the brash, my-way-or-the-fuckoff-way, and he's been around a lot longer than the competitive but ultimately well-disciplined Donny of military school. And this Trump doesn't like being told what to do. He disdains experts because they're all talk, no action (never mind that one doesn't exactly rise to the rank of general without seeing quite a lot of action and knowing when to talk, when to act). Perhaps it would have been easier for him if Kelly, Mattis, McMaster and co were forced to wear their old uniforms while on the job. Bereft of those, they just became yet more civilian complications for whom Donald Trump had little time.

And once that became impossible to deny, that 'his generals' were now politicians trying to deal with his very unpolitical modus operandi, then it was a matter of time before all of those generals walked, one way or another.

This is deeper than I prefer delving into his mind. Seriously though, the last sentence rings some kind of bell in my mind but I'm too tired to make the connection (assuming there is one and I'm not imagining it).

I'll think about it tomorrow (between baking)!
Last edited by kolyaboo on Dec 21, 2018, 2:44:55 AM
Mr. Trump delivered some nice Christmas presents 5 mins to noon. First pulling out forces from the destructive pro-Zionist war in Syria - a bold and unexpected move. US was illegaly occupying Syrian soil and no leftist was ever bothered by this. Hmm?

Next, also possibly pulling out from Afghanistan - a decades long useless neverending occupation that achieved nothing. A total waste of resources, lives & money.

Of course the warmongering liberal elites in the so called "free press", are all counter-signaling these moves and siding with the military-industrial complex, aka "generals". What an upside down clown world :D

Liberals = keep the wars going, Drumpfh!! = imperialist neocons. Same shyte.


And now the House approves 5.7bn wall funding.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Xavderion wrote:
Khoranth wrote:

Good for Mattis. It seriously looks like Turkey is going to genocide our allies in Syria. I'd resign too.

If you have to babysit a NATO ally to not genocide people, you gotta pick better allies.

Anyways, Mattis will be missed. Super competent guy who did a great job. Sadly he's the wrong guy for Trump's current plan (gtfo of Syria and Afghanistan and build that big beautiful wall).

I don't care about NATO, Turkey is not a USA ally, when they attack USA allies forces in Syria, and plan to genocide our allies in Syria.

If Turkey goes through with their plans, they should get the North Korea ostracized treatment, or the USA leaves NATO. Anything else would be truly fucking sick.
morbo wrote:
Mr. Trump delivered some nice Christmas presents 5 mins to noon. First pulling out forces from the destructive pro-Zionist war in Syria - a bold and unexpected move. US was illegaly occupying Syrian soil and no leftist was ever bothered by this. Hmm?

Next, also possibly pulling out from Afghanistan - a decades long useless neverending occupation that achieved nothing. A total waste of resources, lives & money.

Of course the warmongering liberal elites in the so called "free press", are all counter-signaling these moves and siding with the military-industrial complex, aka "generals". What an upside down clown world :D

Liberals = keep the wars going, Drumpfh!! = imperialist neocons. Same shyte.


And now the House approves 5.7bn wall funding.

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

Nice xmas presents indeed for Russia and ISIS - those stalwart allies of democracy, freedom and human rights.

Add USA to the list now.

Incidentally, it was found the US is not safe for journalists anymore. Similar to how it's not a democracy anymore, as it was downgraded to a flawed democracy.

Good job Trump! Finally the Russo-Chinese dream of Murica crumbling from a superpower to a banana republic is well on its way.

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

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