[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

windz wrote:
GokzhuL wrote:
Super excited to craft this, now time to clear uber elder!

Holy dagger man. How long did that take to make?

Surprisingly, less than an exalt for this one. I've probably spent around 3ex total this league making a number of these, but this is the first double modded one I got. Can't complain! Now I just have to stop dying to silly guardian mechanics lol
GokzhuL wrote:
Super excited to craft this, now time to clear uber elder!

Mad congrats bro. Took you a while but hey you persevered.
Very nice dagger.. gratz! I'm saving up alts to try my luck at crafting again.
I had a weapon drop with 2x extra damage but it wasn't a dagger. I'm still using it though since it boosted DPS a lot compared to my old dagger.

Perhaps I should sell it as I think it would be worth something to for example, a molten strike player:

I've also been watching the daggers that are offered on poe trade and it's funny to see what people are asking. I've seen daggers come by with completely useless combinations of mods and still priced at 10 exalts probably because they had so many mods.

With my luck I don't expect to roll the dagger to anything useful though. Still haven't found an exalted orb since league start and playing most of my spare time :S
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Last edited by JohnnyV76 on Mar 26, 2018, 2:00:01 AM
Can someone tell me how this build deals with map mods? Talking about the sabo ES low life version.
Hey guys , i have a small question . Which helmet is better ? The helmet with " Place an additional Mine " or enchanted helmet " Increased 40% damage of GC " ?
Last edited by linh08hp on Mar 26, 2018, 4:11:54 AM
foojin wrote:
Can someone tell me how this build deals with map mods? Talking about the sabo ES low life version.

Reflect: Don't care for your mines would take the damage.
Curses: Ignore or Flask "of Warding"

So you only reroll Temp Chains for QoL reasons. Can't think of a mod that would be treated differently for the LL version.

linh08hp wrote:
Hey guys , i have a small question . Which helmet is better ? The helmet with " Place an additional Mine " or enchanted helmet " Increased 40% damage of GC " ?

No contest: additional mine

Regarding chest pieces and their coloring, I think the budget way of things would be to just ignore 6L'ing the chest and use the helmet for GC (like many already do).
A potential 6L chest with many native red sockets might then hold a big CWDT setup.. like CWDT, Immortal Call, Inc Duration, Enfeeble, Frost Bomb, Detonate Mines. Dream scenario double curse, maybe use Frost Wall over Inc Duration.

I don't see a problem with the sword, the only downside is the wasted implicit. It is my understanding that Shield Charge doesn't take the base speed of the weapon into account. Only increase modifiers of both attack and move speed are used. That's why Brightbeak is so fast despite being a hammer.
Goremise wrote:
Yeah, Loreweave would be the best, will take a long time to get it good though.

However I do think a seven linked helmet will end up better, Can get increased AOE/Hypo/Remote mine in the helmet with adds an additional mine. Get all the extra damage, get the zone clearing aoe, and of course save a slot with remote mine.

Combine that with Loreweaves damage increases and defence. Gonna be awesome.

Im asking because I got very decent rolls on mine (max res roll and decent other rolls):

Cant 6L (I think around 800 fuses atm) this and I wasnt even thinking about the helm. Now I could ignore the 6L part and go for the helm 7L. Damn I should not waste so many fuses :o
What other body armour should i use in LL Sabo? Because Shavrone 6L 5B-1G it's too expansive for me. I have carcass 5B-1G but its so heavy to make map, when enemies deal chaos dmg. Maybe i can change this armour for other stuff?
You pretty much have to wear a shavs for low life. The only other options are using a Coruscating Elixir or a Solaris Lorica, both of which are bad options. Probably should just play Life/MoM until you farm enough for a 5l or 6l shavs
Can you explain the clear difference between the Sabo and Scion ES versions? It looks like the sabo has a bit more dps. Is it just the mine laying speed that makes the scion more difficult? How much more significant is the scion recharge?

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