[3.2] BUFFED "Chin Sol Trapnel Shot" - 10c Budget, farm Atziri/Uber Lab/High Maps

SilencerX21 wrote:
Well, i think the new Saboteur will be awesome with this build, what do you guys think?

Permablind with damage buff AND Damage Reduction

Pyromaniac brings us insane Lifereg, if i read it correctly.

So if we take the new, heavily buffed Chain Reaction first, then Pyromaniac and then the Permablind, we get disgustingly tanky while still have huge damage. Or am i wrong?

Yep. Huge buffs. We really only ever had problems with survivibility, and the sab changes brought a TON of that.
What a wonderfull build.
I wanna try it tomorrow as a league starter.
Do you think can do the HOGM map?
As I want to farm just that map only once I can mapping.
Again, what stupidity of gear with awesome dps. Purely brilliant.
Holy Crap, it is Patch Christmas now. Shrapnel Shot got buffed to 50% converted Damage.

Zero nerfs.

Well, this is the FIRST time since i play PoE, that the build i want to play has not been massively nerfed. Only huge buffs.

Not played the build yet, but i think it should hit the 20% lifereg easily, right?
Hi there,

I just killed the shaper with that build. My char is not over stuffed and it was my first tries.
Some death because i didn't know well the mecanism. Only 2 deaths on second try.

Thanks for that build even if end game gear is missing.

i would recommend to wear rare helmet/boots/gloves to max res, and then take opal rings/ and amulet with crit/crit multi/accuracy

Can you share the pastebin for your path of building? I am trying to make this build on it but it doesn't gets anywhere near the 100K DPS that you say it clocks for you so I must be doing something wrong.

I was gonna go ancestral warchief totems since that's what I did last 2 leagues and it works well on a relatively low budget but this looks a lot simpler to gear and my most fun build ever was a low life trapper back when you could fully convert ice traps to fire and then chaos which basically oneshoted every boss in the game. Granted on 3K life it was not easy to be remain alive back then. XD
"The heavens burned
The stars cried out
And under the ashes of infinity
Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last."
Really Hypet to try this build as league starter with this Buffs.
Because i was not save if the Playstile fits me, i tried it the last days in Standard and gets this from a Quest reward in act 9, and vaaled it because i can:
point blank passive keystone doesn't work with traps, so why do you take it?
ign: PlasticSupporter
can you make an update for the ascendary wich one to pick first?

nowai27 wrote:
point blank passive keystone doesn't work with traps, so why do you take it?

Here stands it works with range attack trap and in PoB its working too.

Because its still a range attack and it counts from the trap. With something like lightning trap it would not work because that is a spell
Last edited by Platinwing on Mar 1, 2018, 4:21:26 PM
JulsRuls wrote:
can you make an update for the ascendary wich one to pick first?

I'll add that to the update text.

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