Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Pretty pleased with these amendments, primarily because frenzy charges are ungimped which was really my problem with the charge change in the first place, I understood the crit nerf just not the redesign that made charges more specific.

The shock/chill changes are good too, I have a suspicion 10% is probably a little bit too generous when you consider shock investment but i'd take too good over too weak currently as shock outside of VLT has been dreadful since its stacking got removed really :/, be nice to be able to play an appropriate build around it.

So good stuff GGG, all 4 of my starter builds work again, much love.
鬼殺し wrote:
All these people blaming reddit don't even look at the beta feedback board, clearly.

These are ALL responses to things we've been discussing there.

Thank god they thought twice about that stupid looking Split Arrow jewel too. Man that was lame.

While it's true they seem to active a lot on reddit I find it amusing how reddit gets a blame for almost everything on these forums.
It's funny that most people who talk about build changes decrease diversity play generic stuff like Phys Torando Shot, or meta builds.
I think these changes were a bit unprepared. Such changes should have been tested during first phase of the beta.

Adding smth nice to PC for non crit users is a cool idea though.
Btw 40% crit chance on PC as conditional buff is a bit weak (unless you´re assassin or using some specific unique item) so don´t change it pls.
On the other hand FC provides big buff to any damage type compared to PC. It should be nerfed to be on same level.

About shock/chill: What about not fixing duration. It would be also based on the damage dealt.
I think the stuff such as Vaal lightning trap should follow same rules and not provide free bonus to everyone (less powerful though) so if you want to shock enemies with VLT you should be doing enough damage (it means linked stuff, passives).

At the end these charges are the least thing that should be balanced in the game anyway.
Last edited by Rakiii on Aug 1, 2017, 6:50:10 AM
Please delay 3.0 with couple years !!!!!!!!!

Noone really enjoy your bullshit nerfs and changes.....

We liked the game better when it was possible to build something fast and fun to farm...

I don`t want to play your shitty slow motion style 3.0 bullshit and farm 1 map for 30 minutes instead 5 minutes.

This is Path of exile but you are trying to make it like Dark Souls... Maybe make maps with 4-10 mobs per map so we fight 20 min per mob and then 40 min for boss and thats all .....
more info from GGG = less hype
sounds cool repost to this tomorrow internet lies on april fools day lol :)
saninn1 - what are you talking about? Charges will be the same (PC will probably provide 40% crit) and it should be easier to chill/shock enemies (due to 10% treshhold)

You can still play your fast meta builds. You have rly no clue about how to balance the game sry.
Last edited by Rakiii on Aug 1, 2017, 6:55:49 AM
iMbaQ wrote:
Can we remove all immunities in the game (burn, ignite, stun, bleed etc), and have them just be very ineffective against bosses?

Good question (can add freeze to the list) . Shock, chill immunities are gone so what about the rest?
I would remove immunities from the game completely - players included (high resistances are much better)
Last edited by Rakiii on Aug 1, 2017, 6:59:42 AM
I dream of ES or/and Mana regen on power charges, so it can be usable with MOM or CI/Hybrid chars. Even with non-crit versions cause of nice synergy with EO (crit proc without orb of storms for example). If you want more spell damage per charge - just change that one node with 4% increase. Don't change PC itself.

Frenzy needs nerf, but only in terms of power. It can be changed to 4-6% "increase" instead of "more" dmg mod. Don't kill lots of frenzy casters and trappers, just make em less powerful.

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