Balance Changes to Chill, Shock, and Charges

Rory wrote:

With the release of The Fall of Oriath, we're going to be changing the threshold so that you only need to deal 10% of a target's life to gain a maximum effect shock.

i dont understand
how is this easy? or impactful?
usually i fight fat-ass bosses by minutes. at best
in what build set up other than crit one i would care of those rare triggering ailments?

and also what those 10% damage of their life means? that i can kill them in 10 hits?? or its cumulative and those buffs would trigger like few barely noticable moments in those long ass-pain fights? m?
Last edited by old_joe on Aug 1, 2017, 5:17:17 AM
I actually found the changes nice, and the more spell damage on the power charge made them available on non crit builds as well. In my opinion a change between both would had been nice (40% crit 2% more Spell damage) as well for Frenzy (2% more damage, 2% more Attack damage). Making them still viable for all, but even better for specific builds.
Changes to shock and chill looks much better now. I hope you improve freeze similar way one day. For example as additional slow effect on bosses.

40% crit chance per power charge isn't that bad. In terms of investment it's at least equal to basic 20% crit nodes. Anyway you already did many nerfs to crit chance in the past. The main reason why it's much easier to apply crits these days is Diamond Flask. Maybe you should focus on the flask instead.

Other that that I don't mind different charges to be more beneficial for certain type of play but I hope Frenzy Charges will be able to affect poison damage in some way because it just looks right to me. You know green bubbles... :)
I was hoping that split arrow jewel would make it into the game since it would make split arrow viable again after the poison nerfs. Kinda disappointed :(
darthross wrote:
darthross wrote:
Appeasing the vocal minority who lack understanding of the game.

Thumbs down.

Shouldn't talk to yourself.

Implying that you are good at the game in any conceivable way.

Let me guess: You play softcore exclusively and have very limited knowledge of the mechanics and mathematics behind the game.

Nice post history lol.

Make sure you keep that character tab hidden.

You just ran into a brick wall and got stomped by a t-rex...

No Problem,
old_joe wrote:
Rory wrote:

With the release of The Fall of Oriath, we're going to be changing the threshold so that you only need to deal 10% of a target's life to gain a maximum effect shock.

i dont understand
how is this easy? or impactful?
usually i fight fat-ass bosses by minutes. at best
in what build set up other than crit one i would care of those rare triggering ailments?

and also what those 10% damage of their life means? that i can kill them in 10 hits?? or its cumulative and those buffs would trigger like few barely noticable moments in those long ass-pain fights? m?

I believe during those minutes you fight tough bosses you also running around, dodging and so on...

If you apply hit for 2% of boss HP you will apply 10% more damage debuff. If you invest to improve shock effect by 50% it will be 15% more damage debuff. Before you had nothing at all. This is a buff!
''If we make it or a similar change to Charges in the future, we'll make sure to give more notice and explanation of reasoning''.

no point to back down now tbh if u gona change em anyway , making ppl that dont agree with the changes happy for a will its just wrong if u were gona chage em in 3.0 just keep the change . its better if ppl get used to it now then later . and the change to power charge were so nice but now its just seems they are kinda ''usless''. and the ppl that said frenzies are usless for spells are simply wrong its sill provide atk speed/cast speed wich most builds use shield charge or some others mouvement skills that benefit from that and also the main spell they using .
Last edited by candyslimboy on Aug 1, 2017, 5:39:38 AM
Hey nice! I knew 40% was a more reasonable value.
Lord_Yoshi wrote:
Wow, I was looking forward to the 4% more spell damage on power charges. Thanks.

Oh no, you don't get free "60% more dmg" with the easiest to sustain charges in the game... mimimimimi.
It was an absolute retarded idea! It completely kills any form of balancing and build diversity!
Not releasing this retarded change was the right decision!

Langhun wrote:

If you apply hit for 2% of boss HP you will apply 10% more damage debuff. If you invest to improve shock effect by 50% it will be 15% more damage debuff. Before you had nothing at all. This is a buff!

Or you throw a vaal lightning trap for 20%? And before it was 50%? This isn't a buff it is a stupid change that makes chill and shock completely irrelevant, they could as well have removed it from the game! No one will invest into this shit, ppl will simply run a vaal lightning trap gem as they did before, and enjoy their free 20% damage, without any investment!

Rory wrote:

The vendor itself will not be included in 3.0.0. Your feedback about how it trivialises the acquisition of unique items (and associated Prophecies/vendor recipes/etc) is completely correct. We will ensure that the quest offers all of the threshold jewels to all characters (regardless of class) so that SSF players are not at a disadvantage due to the lack of the vendor.

1? Or 2? Or 3? I mean the quest is nice and all. But atm i sell threshold jewels to the vendor when they drop bc they are worth nothing (with some exceptions). How about removing them from loot tables and do something creative with them? A vendor recipe would actually be a cool idea, something like a unique jewel of its type with the related skill gem and an orb of fusing maybe?
sooo power charges give spell power AND crit.
and frenzy charges ONELY attack power? no more attack speed?
because spells where weak and melee op right? wtf man!

the charges where fine. frenzy if yo want speed and power. whatever build you are.
and power for crit builds. maby you can neft its a bit. 40%crit instead of 50.
and reduce speed from frenzy to 2% instead of 4. or remove the speed and buf the dmg a bit.
but dont make the charges for a specific build type. its a realy dumb idea!
Last edited by Rekill on Aug 1, 2017, 6:22:55 AM

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