[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
" even 2 times! changed it and thanks :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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I have some feedback for you :)
First a tiny mistake: You're writing Ancestral Bonds, but it's Ancestral Bond. In you leveling section it would be great to link some tree progression. I know you made an overview image with colored lines, but it would be nice for new players to have a tree linked in the leveling guide. If you level melee you should also grab Ancestral Protector and maybe it's worth mentioning, that Sunder only uses the mainhand weapon to attack, so the offhand would be a stat stick or only for the dual wield bonuses. I have a problem with the ascandancy pictures or the skill tree image in general. You're mentioning names of nodes, but its an image an I need to open a tree additionally to know what you're talking about. For example in the Berserker image, what does the colors mean? Maybe you should color the names of the Nodes below the image accordingly. For Berserker and Ascendent it would be worth mentioning, that you don't need purity of fire later on. Your totems die after 4.4s (with 75% resist) without it and 5.2s with Lv20 Purity of fire. |
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" I'll take a look over it, many good suggestions. For the leveling section i will link the image as well. Its too much effort creating several skilltrees which won't work after the 3.0 and need another update again. - ancestral bondS will be changed changed - i will add the protector. added - also thinking about adding firestorm again, but that might be confusing shuffling 2 different skillsetups probably nope - i will add the text and discriptions in the pictures and some numbers to clarify the order. Updated - have to check where i can add the stuff with purity of fire. it should be added somewhere thats right added in "Chieftain, Berserker or Ascendant?" Also the path of building links are not done yet. I cannot upload more today due to a limit in pastebin (lul). also sorted the sections past the mainpost a bit. If i find the energy i look into them further as well. Atm i am happy about the state of the mainpost, but maybe you guys find anything else to improve https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 27, 2017, 7:36:56 AM
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Everything's looking really good to me, Milky. If you'd like some help, I'd be happy to make and post some poeplanner links for example trees every 20 skill points (and update them when the full 3.0 tree is released too).
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" sure if you want to :) but i rather see normal links (via poe.url) than poeplanner links. The reason is that those cannot (or very badly) opened on the mobile and are not possible to copy-paste in stuff like poeMate. Its possible to get the normal links from the planner, but not when you cannot scroll over the page :P https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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For hardcore, would you still recommend Soul Mantle? Maybe only once gear is really good so that curses don't hurt you as much or just run multiple curse immunity flasks?
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" Only Soulmantle without Kikazarus and Self-Flagellation can work, but you need to pay attention. Removing curses with like 2 flasks (a stibnite works well with the 3 uses and good duration )can grant permanent immunity while mapping. The dangerous part is that totems can die when you dont expect it. For excample you run a strand, kill the last pack before the bosscave and after entering the last 2 totems run out and you forgot your flask. Then you receive 2 curses for which you arent prepared. That needs to be adressed while playing this way. In general it can work in hardcore with "the combo", additional survivability can be archieved with enfeeble instead of flammability for excample. However it will never be as safe as two life + str rings and a belly for excample, that should be obvious. Soulmantle is used mainly for two things: a early damage boost and top end dps for guardians/shaper/uber atziri. Its not needed in the playthrough or while mapping anything besides those bosses. ZiggyD played the build on in the mayhem race into the late 80s and died to some stupid shit that wasn´t the builds fault... with a tabula. I have some path of building links posted on the mainpage (not all are done yet). All links use basically the same gear i used in 2.6 (partially updated for 3.0). You can toy around with those, swap in more defensive items for excample. The build gives you enough room to switch things for more offence or defence with gemchoices, skilltree, jewels and gear. I had a hardcore section with a char excample where i explain how to improve him for HC, but sadly all the itemlinks are broken and i cannot post it anymore :/ But i just started working on a new hardcore section Edit: The third post contains a hardcore section again https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 27, 2017, 4:11:27 PM
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Sure, np. These are strictly following your tree under the main skill tree section:
20 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqB 40 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqC 60 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqD 80 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqE 100 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqF 120 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqG I had to make some decisions on what to take on the last one as all the purple optional nodes in the image you made for us ended up being something like level 111. I took what I would probably take: endurance charges, jewel slots, combat stamina, and shamanistic fury. Let me know if you want me to alter it in any way! If I do 1 or 2 more, which would you like? Maybe the Dual Curse and Witch Pathing version? |
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" Thank you, after seeing those i remember why i made the pictures :P It seems so restricting and choices made while leveling change from person to person. 20 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqS 40 skill points: poeurl.com/bnqU this would be my personal route, could do the list further ;) I think passive trees similar to the colors of the picture work better (which would be 29pts, 54 pts...). Had those in the earlier version of the guide. edit: Thinking about "my" links. I wouldn't be even sure if i would do it excactly like that :D I wanna switch to RF Totems right before malachai, but maybe i find such a great weapon that i do it a bit later... or have such shitty gear that i do it before dominus. Who knows :x personally i switch asap, but some geofris baptism drop can change my mind quickly ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Last edited by Milkyslice#1099 on Jul 27, 2017, 4:33:26 PM
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Aye, there were two or three things that I would have done differently myself in the first 40 points or so, but this being your guide, I decided to strictly follow your image.
Would you prefer I set them to big changes in nodes regardless of whether or not the numbers look pretty? |
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