Energy Shield and Life

PsOfOs wrote:

Because they balance around them again.

so what if they do balance around them?
Who has decided and for what reason that thou shalt not have 20k ES in this game? Why? How?
You talk as if the mere mention of that number ought to make everyone go "Ah! Obvious. Nerf immediately."

no. If you invest that much into it, you better have 20k. Its fine.

Because typically you do balance around the best players of the game. And then make endgame bosses that are only beatable with the best gear and the best builds.
I want to see these builds with 25k es. Regular players being the vast majority of the people who play your game do not have the time or patience to farm 16 hour days for 2 months every league to get gear like that. I spent vast majority of last league farming away to get the decently rolled gear I had and prob only had 10k es on a good day. At around 10k es I noticed that if I slipped up and stood in something I didn't see I wasn't dead before I could move out of it. With these nerfs I wont have 10k your talking like 6k lol thats redik. Maybe these nerfs will pan out different but from what it sounds like average player wont be able to touch es builds anymore. I like playing casters and I want es.

leehanz1982 wrote:
Just started playing this game for 2 weeks. but when i read the nerf to a build i was going to make i already feel like quitting asap. same old minds of people who dont play and has no knowledge of balancing the game well like in diablo 3, they nerf the usable/end game and keep the bad ones bad or worse make them suck more. same issue they wont make the trash items usable to compensate and diversify the builds and characters, nerfing items is much easier than buffing old items because lazy and fattening up is much easier. the people who are happy with the ES nerf well we all know why they are commenting like that, envy leads to being vindictive. i guess i was wrong with this game, its just the same like blizzard. nerf all best in slot, leave crap items just the same. fudge men! what a waste of time and a big disappointment. devs like this never learn they just drag the game down because of their stupidity.. what a waste!

With all these (nerfs) to d3 builds, how come they are doing higher and higher greater rifts each season? Im sure it has nothing to do with all the zero's they add bonus damage% or anything.
PsOfOs wrote:
Lynerus wrote:
PsOfOs wrote:
To anyone taking that 25k es seriously:
Yes,25k es is doable if you have mirror worthy gear and a tree focused on es only with no dps nodes.

No,you cannot use a 25k es build to play this game. It does nothing,it cannot even leech.

Great gear and tree that had also dps to play the game ended in 14-15k es.
That's what you see on 12h/day streamers.
Mortals ended with 8-10k es depending on build.
Now it's gonna be oneshot madness with 5.5-7k es and no leech.
Streamers will be at 10k

Life builds get a 500 life bonus at best.
So with the current data es ends up with 1-2k more ehp than life.
If you think having 6.5k life or 8k es is balanced around endgame and crazy situations that happen,think again.

Huh im 100% sure there are 20k+ es builds on reddit that REKT everything maybe i remember wrong?

What percent of the players have 20k es builds that rekt everything?
Because they balance around them again.
I'm sure most players don't.
I still remember "most players don't make it to maps" post by Chris.
Now most players have 25k es?
I'm not saying es numbers didn't need to go down.
I'm saying give people,me included, a (good) reason to play life again.
Making es as worthless as life is not a good reason in my book.

It wont even register as a percentage. It will be one single player with perfectly rolled gear bragging about their build that easy modes everything, and thus the devs think that 100% of the player base need to be nerfed.

(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
Last edited by bhavv on May 17, 2017, 10:33:59 PM
MeWhenum wrote:
deMoxE wrote:
"QQ i wont be able to steamroll facetank and ill have to actually use potions to survive."

This is what ggg get for making game better than d3, all these crying diablo 3 players used to 5 seconds immortality passives and stuff lol.

I don't know why people associate ES with steamrolling. Vinktar, Vaal pact, etc are the issue - not ES. Seriously. All ES does is keep you safe from huge bullshit damage that can't be mitigated properly. That's it. If you remove vinktar, VP, and ghost reaver, ES would be utterly, completely balanced - you can't get one shot, but you can't facetank and expect to live. The way they are changing it now is lazy and ineffectual; all it does is swing the pendulum so far in the other direction that playing an ES build will be too much of a pain for someone with <50ex budget to bother with.

And if people point to 20% regen 25k ES tanks...all I have to say is if you invest in mirror tier gear and have that much regen and defense from the tree then you deserve to be able to facetank. Sorry if that bugs the devs and makes it harder to maintain the illusion that the game can't be trivialized (hint: someone will always, ALWAYS find a way...and punishing the 99% won't stop that from happening).

Because You have 6k hp vs 12k es, guess who gets oneshot faster.
Ranger and Assassin are so hard to play life Base If u don't have good Life Gear. And Now people are playing ES because lack of Life nod beside them. And you guys wanna ask them to play a ES attack build with only ES recharge......are you serious? Unless you add more life nod beside them, otherwise ranger and shadow are dead.
YesImEvil wrote:
Ashriel wrote:
Or... and hear me out here... you could BUFF LIFE?

Life-based is getting a buff. This new modifier is going to be pretty effing legit. Rolling it with a flat life roll and a flat armor roll on an astral, you should be able to end up with a ~1600 armor piece with 150+ life just in prefixes. Factor in aforementioned tree changes, and you end up with some gnarly life even without a Kaom's. However, for the truly tank-minded, a Kaom's with helm and boots rolled with the t2 life/armor hybrid instead of flat armor is going to give some OBSCENE health pools while still maintaining a solid amount of armor.

Please, tell me more about this "armor" stat and how it has any relevance at all.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
So how exactly does nerfing ES make a life based character better?
IGN: DabrixRN
I think you should just adjust the armour to just only protect life.

the order should be:

shield then armour then life

- not -

armour then shield then life

I think what's happening right now is you have energy shield underneath your armour when it should be outside like force field.

Can't wait to see those changes in action!

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