Energy Shield and Life

diablo 3 or starcraft even not have over 1 biliion nerfs.
Interesting changes. I'm looking forward to playing around with this in the beta.

Oh great, this is a clusterfuck waiting to happen. RIP ES characters. Hopefully they don't mess this up too badly during beta and maybe go back on some of these planned changes.
Nerf every fucking thing and moar cruelty.
LMFAO Add a shit hybird Roll on Life Base as a buff, Nerf ES like Hell, Im Hopping Armour EVA got Buff, but u guys did nothing, and they are nerfing with ES togrther. Make All ES Gear stay with Legacy Roll, make the market unbalance. GOOD FKIN JOB GGG
[3.2]Muh Sprinkler - /view-thread/2117962
[3.2]Muh Poet's pen elementalist - /view-thread/2105455
[2.6]Unethical Voltaxic -6mans shaper - /view-thread/1882958
[2.4]LULFinder CocDischarge - /view-thread/1753207 (sucks now)
[1.3]JustAnotherCritMjolner - /view-thread/1181110 (relics of the past)
You are not from developers. Game mechanics is game mechanics and it's all. It's nerf is a fake.
Even with all of these nerfs to ES, there still won't be a good reason to not be an ES build when compared to a Life build. o.O So I guess welcome ES Users to the shit tier that is Life Builds.
Redblade wrote:
How do you see a HoWA build countering reflect after this? Currently, with VP and purity of lightning, I almost one shot my self to single reflect rares.

When I start complain about reflect mechanic sometimes, people everytime say: "is only your problem, don't be a glass cannon". So, my turn: don't be a glass cannon, invest less in damage and more in survivabylity :'D

ShowUs wrote:
Thank you GGG for doing what is right, even tho the majority of the players can't see it.

Yeah, now every builds can be oneshoted by volatiles! It's cool!
Also good luck with 'non avoidable damage' Chimera phase, etc.

@GGG balance team.

Your have two core broblem:

1. You actualy don't play in your game. For exception of 1 person, whose name I seen in the ladder sometimes, even in HC. Maybe I'm wrong, but all of 'balance' wich people discuss - start in around character lvl 80 and t5 maps. Only starting. Any game experience before that points have nothing in common with true game knowledge, because you can reach that points by every build in the game with average or even weak gear. Mostly.

2. Too much time to streamers and almost do not touch ordinary players. Also, how many times you read this forum? Because I personally almost don't see any reply from GGG stuff in so many feedback threads. Some people really want to help you by some suggestion and some of them not even bad, but all of them just dissolve in the forum void. For why? Not everyone live on reddit, you know.

And get me right: changes to life builds and ES builds are needed, but all of you doing right now will not change core problems why people whining about ridiculous amount of ES compared to life.
E = mc^(OMG)/wtf
You get the prison, nerf willn't come to game.

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