Energy Shield and Life

I hope this will eventually lead to the removal of one shot mechanics. Since GGG seemingly nerfed ES to the ground without buffing life much, monster damage will have to be lowered a lot I think.
MeWhenum wrote:
Extremely disappointing. Changes to ghost reaver and Vaal pact are great. Buff to life and defenses are a good step. Nerf to ES gear is garbage. As usual, GGG looks at the very pinnacle of gear and uses that as a measurement of the overall viability of a mechanic. If perfect gear (20k+ ES) is now 15K like they say...then anybody who has "ok" gear (10-11k?) right now now has...8k or less? Seriously? 8K ES with heavily nerfed leech and probably limited mitigation? People will be dying in T2 xoph breaches. Really sad that they couldn't come up with a better solution (i.e. nerf the absurdity that is vinktar, reduce oneshot mechanics so life can compete, etc.)

pretty much

The thing is, you guys aren't noticing that right now while players using ES with "ok gear" have 10-11k ES, the players that use HP with "ok gear" only have 4k-5k HP at max. How this is even close to fair? And buffing life won't fix it, since it just powercreeps everything and makes the game easier.
hahahahahahaa wtf thats not the way to go about it
now ci build is equally as shit as life
if not worse
so all ci have to play regen build now wtf?
if you already nerf the pool then why make vaal pact unusable with ci?
wtf are you guy's problem????
now higher tier maps are literally unplayable
nice balance
average 10k es build gets nerf down to 7k AND you cant use life leech????
what kinda drug are you guys on???
next patch everyone is gonna play berserker, why? because ggg is shit at balancing.
Last edited by 69wanted69 on May 17, 2017, 10:17:36 PM
yungwhiz wrote:
What about people with "average" gear that only get 9-10k ES? Now they will only have 6-7? Might as well just play life.

The way I understand it is that it still is possible to reliably role these type of numbers on ES builds. It might need a little more investment but from what I understand lower tier endgame ES builds will still have their numbers more or less intact Only the crazy 15k+ ES builds are the ones getting specifically nerfed.
Last edited by returning4you on May 17, 2017, 10:09:00 PM
HP = armour, but ES isn't give armour. Are you have a brains?
Very bad changes.
Typically when games decline heavy handed reworks and nerfs as well as top-down decisions from devs appear to be common. It seems PoE is approching such a phase.

-As a general rule, if you invest that much to get to these ES levels you deserve it period.

- there is always a best build or a set of best builds that are close to each other.
It can not be that the best shit gets nerfed just because its the best. Outrageous.

- The devs should generally not control how people play the game and what they get to do in the form of top down decisions made a posteriori. That typically destroys the game.

That means that the devs should not decide which builds fly and which do not. Neither should they constantly fiddle with the balance of the game. Unfortunately both practises are completely normal in the gaming industry today (patching culture).

It is ok to have things side by side in the game where one is just better than the other. The life ES hierarchy is fine. Had you just given Life a little help everything would have been fine. Instead you chose to fk with everything.
DropBearAntix wrote:
to all those crying about the nerfs to ES:


seriously, though, expect more changes... for better/for worse.

I knew that with 3.0 GGG would absolutely shit all over the place again...
Every big patch they fuck up the game more and more and my fun and play time gets less and less...
I think its finally time to stop playing PoE, it has gone the D3 way of life.

[Removed by Support]
Every since the introduction of maps i was waiting for a new true endgame, to this day you haven't delivered proper endgame content! The content you implemented, you ruined a patch later!

Now you are a mess that runs behind reddit users and does as they please, What next?! Remove head hunter?! maybe patch out any form of diversity so we all play the same horse shit cyclone marauder build?! I am so sick and tired of your shit!

There is no fun to be had in PoE anymore... I wish i could travel back in time and spend more time in the pre awakening PoE, [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Alexb_ggg on May 17, 2017, 11:21:31 PM
Sounds like a Nerf.
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