Energy Shield and Life

April Fools' Day ??
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Ashriel wrote:
Or... and hear me out here... you could BUFF LIFE?

Life-based is getting a buff. This new modifier is going to be pretty effing legit. Rolling it with a flat life roll and a flat armor roll on an astral, you should be able to end up with a ~1600 armor piece with 150+ life just in prefixes. Factor in aforementioned tree changes, and you end up with some gnarly life even without a Kaom's. However, for the truly tank-minded, a Kaom's with helm and boots rolled with the t2 life/armor hybrid instead of flat armor is going to give some OBSCENE health pools while still maintaining a solid amount of armor.
this is ridiculous unless they add a flask that restores ES. gradually regaining your life pool has never been viable in this game.
Long overdue. Sounds like ES will still be better than life in the highest end, only not as powerful as before.

Why not create skills that only damage the energy shield?
Before this radical change

Hizsoo wrote:
If there isn't a notable behind CI that grants more ES that what will make the major difference between CI, Low Life and hybrid?

And here you can see how bastardized CI is atm.

He doesn't even take the Chaos immunity, which was its main point, into consideration.
and here i was hoping to start the 3.0 trying out incandescent heart =[
I'd really want to know the % of 90+ CI characters during last league that reached constant 20k es, my guess is that it doesn't even come close to 5%; are we again balancing things based on top notch standard characters?

A normal league player can come close to 15k energy shield after half league probably, with the right build possibly with a shield and that doesn't need much tree commitment to bring damage to an acceptable level (Essence Drain for example), but not all builds can afford that amount, a good chunk of builds can barely reach 10k, what about those builds? Dead.Unless you play those in standard with perfect legacy gear.

I really hope pantheon defensive bonuses are something worthwile and make up for this (and for life too, still being garbage) otherwise it will be a very sad expansion for the average player
Twitch, Twitter, Steam: SunlitKarma
ES rolls on higher end gear nerf was deserved, but maybe a bit overdone. Rings as well pretty OP. Change to discipline really was unnecessary, especially since lots of hybrid characters rely on discipline a lot.

I like how ghost reaver u get less recharge rate, but Vaal pact not applying at all to ES is beyond idiotic.

Instance building leech is total trash if you are not slayer you never use leech in endgame that isn't instant because its unreliable and keeps nobody alive.

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