Energy Shield and Life

and this is why you don't play standard as a new player hehehe
I'm a life build player and I don't like the way these changes took. A minor buff to rare body armours? Meanwhile killing ES builds? The good thing about life being weak was the price of armour based items was relatively cheap. Now both ES and life will be bad, which means no more cheap life items, every end game item will be expensive. Now the only advantage for playing life builds is gone and I will still get one shotted by volatile blood. YAY!
I'm a very old school gamer, been around the block for a few decades and the same thing still happens time and time again.

One group of players says "X" is too OP, they cry and cry and cry and eventually the Dev Cup runneth over with salty tears and so in comes the NERF bat. Devs attack with fury the "X" thing with their mighty nerf bats and then attempt to feed their player base the tripe they've cooked up for them.

Group who used "X" suddenly takes to the forums throwing their tears at the Devs, meanwhile the original criers run to support the Devs for their "great" job at "balancing" said game despite just weeks, months and years prior confessing their hatred for those same Devs.

Then after the players have been force fed the bad food, a new problem arises and suddenly "Y" is the OP problem...

Six months to a year later the game is basically crap and everyone moves on from it and the game companies falls apart as the developers scramble to find new jobs and pay for their new house, car or whatever they overspent for because of "how great their game had been going".

Moral of the story is.... why don't Devs EVER simply just bump up the other powers to bring them more in line with the stated "OP" problem?

I mean seriously, the ONLY reason to not Buff everything else is because the Devs lack the ability to create content that remains challenging, so with all games, the Devs stick to the time honored tradition, despite the tradition hasn't worked once yet, of simply NERFing a skill/power/ability into the ground making it useless.

I've yet to really play a full ES build at all in PoE, I've always stuck with Life based builds for the most part. I know that ES has been the "easier" path to play, but honestly I'm an intelligent gamer and I know that the challenge is my choice.

I simply wish that one, just one, gaming company would steer completely clear of NERFS. Their lame, nobody really likes them, those that do usually don't even use or bother with the thing that was NERFED and nobody really wins because it just drives paying/supportive players from the game.

The concept of making games easier is also a bad business model, but for the last ten to fifteen years I've only seen companies make super simple games then in an attempt to keep players they just zap the life out of skills to make them harder to use.

The next time any Dev goes to nerf a skill or power they should think about having to drive to work in their car with only 1 tire, no keys, a cracked windshield, a massive storm outside and their already late for work and if they don't get their quickly they'll be fired. No, I didn't do anything wrong to your life Mr. Dev, I just nerfed your car because I felt it was to OP for your mobility needs.
Looking forward to seeing these changes in game. It is really silly that someone can stack a ton of ES and not have to worry about dodging any mechanics. I can't wait to see GG Assasins Garbs with the added Dodge modifiers on them in 3.0.
cipher_nemo wrote:
Time will tell in beta how well that's balanced. But at least GGG is willing to tweak during or as a result of beta gameplay.

They have to convince people it's even worth trying it tbh, as it stands looking at the nerfs I can't think of a single build that I'd want to do as CI. Not to mention how gutted LL builds will be, RiP Shav's.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
So nice! Can't wait for these changes! Keep up the good job GGG!
TenTonBlue wrote:
yuridagreat wrote:
Horrible news.
Nerf ES into the ground and dont buff life. Literally why kill whats fun to play?
We are about to kill GODS in 3.0. We are supposed to be able to take on any content but no.. First lets kill AOE changes and now ES.
Not cool GGG

Great job on reading the whole post. Nice Meme

Dont BullSh*t. ES is nerfed into the ground. No instaleech either and hardly any buff to life and AOE IS nerfed into the ground.
yes I read the whole post. Did you?
Enjoyable Thread.
youd have to roll this new hybrid roll instead of flat armor right. i mean armor sucks but 35 life for something like 400+ armor after % and quality. helmet its probably 100% worth it though. maybe boots as a solo defense roll after ms and life, and maybe on gloves that you dont want phys on.

Last edited by Savage_of on May 17, 2017, 8:40:20 PM
seems GGG didnt understand his own game afterall.

- Nerfed ES to the ground
- Buffing Life but still really weak

what we need for Life is not stacking HP over 8k but a reliable defense.
- Armour is useless against big phy hit
- No reliable defense against elemental damage or chaos
- No reliable defense against Stun lock for EVA char
- Too many maps node who double dips monster damage in a weird way(Caustic zombie anyone?, volatile?, ice nova from strong box etc)

it's OK u dont want the players to stacking ES too easy without sacrifice too much damage.
i dont even build an ES character for once,all my char was life build, but this ES nerf is too much, no leech seriously?.
i prefer using life build with 5k life who can leech rather than 10k ES who cant leech LUL.(except for summoner class who actually get an ES regen node or whatever it is)
u just create a vicious cyle again and again.
grats GGG!

As I already said before ... Any monster, normal, magic or rare will be able to kill your char instantly at high levels!

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