Energy Shield and Life

I've always wanted to have life be the nr1 option and ES be something you need to build harder around. I'm a fan, lets see how the beta pans out!
Holy shit, talk about a bunch of fucking crybabies on the thread. "Well there goes all my fun builds" really?

Can anyone crying honestly say that these are unnecessary changes? Can you sit there and say truthfully that ES wasn't overpowered, and cast a huge shadow over life characters?

Good god, these changes are amazing. Also people saying shit and posting meme's about GGG not knowing what "balance" means.... I don't think the people making these comments know what balance means, because the changes being made are exactly what it means to move towards creating balance between life based and ES based builds.

If you are gonna cry about shit, go play D3. Luckily GGG doesn't listen to shit-filled-diaper crybabies like blizzard does.

EDIT: Also... These are the beginning of the changes. "WHUUU?! MY LIFE WONT BE OVER 20K?!" shut up and let things get ironed out. Nobody has even tested shit, but everyone is making assumptions. Just.Wait.For.Testing. After that, propose changes like a mature adult that GGG can read and take into consideration. For now.... shut the fuck up.
Last edited by Savorrow on May 17, 2017, 8:48:11 PM
Hilldrake wrote:
Since they just said that a well rolled/crafted character can still reach 15k~ish ES, I'm fine with that. But I'm a bit sad that no buffs/changes were made to Life =( I was expecting some changes to how Life works/sustains itself. But well, I'll have to wait for the beta to see it =)

Just problem here, no more leech apply direct to ES to sustain... :D Runnnnn
I have a feeling people overreact. Those changes might actually be pretty ballanced.

With those changes one has a choice of lower total EHP ( life ) with instant leech - meaning he has to play careful and not facetank or way higher total EHP ( ES ) without vaal pact meaning is way safer from one shots but can't facetank either since too much damage will out damage non instant heal. Sounds actually ballanced to me.

The worst thing about the changes is that Evasion actually got the shortest stick. Armour - being much safer most of the time - now even gets flat phys damage reduction while evasion still will be prone to one shots. Thats bad not only in comparison to armour but also since a lot of new players are shocked by the damage they take potentially misevaluating the game's difficulty only because they went for the "wrong" defense.

Anyways looking forward to seeing the changes in action.

Just hoping flasks get a bit love too - being forced to play Pathfinder and spamming 12345 for double to triple damage is not enjoyable ( and not skillful - only exhausting IMHO ).
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on May 17, 2017, 8:48:39 PM
If there isn't a notable behind CI that grants more ES that what will make the major difference between CI, Low Life and hybrid?
KailJoric wrote:
Moral of the story is.... why don't Devs EVER simply just bump up the other powers to bring them more in line with the stated "OP" problem?

I mean seriously, the ONLY reason to not Buff everything else is because the Devs lack the ability to create content that remains challenging, so with all games, the Devs stick to the time honored tradition, despite the tradition hasn't worked once yet, of simply NERFing a skill/power/ability into the ground making it useless.

I simply wish that one, just one, gaming company would steer completely clear of NERFS. Their lame, nobody really likes them, those that do usually don't even use or bother with the thing that was NERFED and nobody really wins because it just drives paying/supportive players from the game.

Yeah, "very old school gamer" but doesn't even know what powercreep is. You're probably just a salty 12yo.

The reason why no dev won't do what you say is because almost nobody in the industry is dumb enough to think like you.

If GGG did as you say, we would be now playing with 900k HP characters that deal billions of damage per second, and bosses would need to have trillions of health to not be one-shotted.
I was wrong. Im sorry
Bring back Harvest
Last edited by Purganis on Oct 31, 2017, 8:24:38 AM
Please delate insta leech
Last edited by TheMrTHX on May 17, 2017, 8:53:54 PM
Savorrow wrote:
Holy shit, talk about a bunch of fucking crybabies on the thread. "Well there goes all my fun builds" really?

Can anyone crying honestly say that these are unnecessary changes? Can you sit there and say truthfully that ES wasn't overpowered, and cast a huge shadow over life characters?

Good god, these changes are amazing. Also people saying shit and posting meme's about GGG not knowing what "balance" means.... I don't think the people making these comments know what balance means, because the changes being made are exactly what it means to move towards creating balance between life based and ES based builds.

If you are gonna cry about shit, go play D3. Luckily GGG doesn't listen to shit-filled-diaper crybabies like blizzard does.

This is turning in D3 Man... see GGG learning in D3 site how to crash all build... because player can beat the game!! lol

Later GGG give us some more power to balance again!!! lol
About damn time.

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