Energy Shield and Life

And history repeats itself...
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
Please fix clearspeed meta.. We are so close, with double dipping and defense balancing. The game is way too damn fast, mostly because of movement speed skills.

You guys have created very interesting and engaging monster mechanics but all we see are effects on enemy death.

If there is anything I would ask for in all my years of playing is to slow the game down.. Fix spammy movement speed skills.. I figured now is the time to ask with 3.0 around the corner.
Hardcore --> Onslaught --> Nemesis --> Invasion --> Bloodlines --> Tempest --> Standard...
Way to promote mediocrity instead of balance. You want to punish players for having top tier gear.. well there's a reason why you have TOP TIERS of gear.. and while you punish said players.. you make the game disgustingly clunky for all those unable to achieve such tiers of gear themselves.

And you call this balance? You call this game design? I call it raising the white flag and admitting that you've ran out of ideas.

I personally can't wait till you implement these changes.. because when a serious percentage leaves you'll revert them right back and look even sillier than you do for releasing such a poorly thought out "manifesto"
Is this going to affect existing gear or just future drops?

Restryouis wrote:
I rarely ever saw someone with more than 6000 ES, and now you tell me that they are a common occurrence?

This will only make ES completely unusable, ES is already hard to craft for it to be nerfed.

This had a easy solution and it was setting a system maximum for ES 6000 or whatever you wanted it to be.

You'll see in the beta, zero ES builds, and the few that do, dying everywhere because ES is incredibly hard to craft.

Lol, what? you could get 6000ES with like 5c worth of gear. nice meme

TenTonBlue wrote:
Restryouis wrote:
I rarely ever saw someone with more than 6000 ES, and now you tell me that they are a common occurrence?

This will only make ES completely unusable, ES is already hard to craft for it to be nerfed.

This had a easy solution and it was setting a system maximum for ES 6000 or whatever you wanted it to be.

You'll see in the beta, zero ES builds, and the few that do, dying everywhere because ES is incredibly hard to craft.

Lol, what? you could get 6000ES with like 5c worth of gear. nice meme

Now this 6000ES go to 5EX because this nerf!! :D Lets goooo
Since they just said that a well rolled/crafted character can still reach 15k~ish ES, I'm fine with that. But I'm a bit sad that no buffs/changes were made to Life =( I was expecting some changes to how Life works/sustains itself. But well, I'll have to wait for the beta to see it =)
Dream with me !
Ok,you nerfed the shit out of ES,as expected. What did life characters gain? 30 flat life on armor rolls?
I thought balance meant es goes down,life goes up.
I could easily reach 11-12k es endgame and life 5.5k to 6.5k in comparison.
I was expecting a balance around 8k for both.
Now es is as worthless as life for end game.
I hope there's more to come.

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