Energy Shield and Life

end game content is balanced around es and has been for a long, long time now correct? lowering es and giving life a 10-15% bump makes even perfect gear struggle lol.
This is welcoming changes in my eyes.

Thank you GGG for doing what is right, even tho the majority of the players can't see it.

yungwhiz wrote:
What about people with "average" gear that only get 9-10k ES? Now they will only have 6-7? Might as well just play life.
Yep. And as one of the only people that actually plays with standard ES, ie no leech or regen, this change isn't gonna be good.
Redblade wrote:
The change to Vaal Pact kills the "broken" interaction. Without it and the crazy nerfs to potential ES amount CI is dead. This also completely kills CI based HoWA builds which by far was my favorit build (and item).

How do you see a HoWA build countering reflect after this? Currently, with VP and purity of lightning, I almost one shot my self to single reflect rares.

I'm sorry but this change is terrible. Not to mention how you're creating masses of legacy rares in standard as well.

Edit: You also forgot to fix the core issue with life which made everyone go CI in the first place. Massive damage mechanics that deal 10+ damage, especially elemental such as volotile. (Also the reason why I stoped playing HC)

Dont worry with the ES nerfs, you'll actually have to invest into more defense than previously which means you'll do less damage which means you wont 1 shot yourself on reflect. Your overpowered meta build might actually become balanced.
dephness wrote:
all the people who find this bad, play ONLY ES because its so rediculas op. Get good at the game kiddos.

no more 25k es facetanking all content thinking you're good.

show me that 25 es face tank build stop lie you dont even play this game
I don't see any hard nerf here, CI/ES will still be the way to go unfortunately.
I don't understand why people whine about the change. I find it pretty much needed.

Why a lowlife character should be allow to have MORE ES then a PURE life base and ASLO get 30 MORE Spell damage?

Why ES, who is suppose to be like armor and evasion should give so much more life that it's impossible to kill you? But if you get full armor, with all node in armor, you still get 1 shot? or if you take all evasion, you still need Dodge and 50% of all armor and ES and also loose block chance.... But CI only loose life, but get 100% resist to one of the hard resist to max out?

You only whine because you loose your EASY game play, and you gonna need to think now. try a life build for once and you gonna see HOW EASY it was to play CI or lowlife, compare to PURE LIFE.
Fire309 wrote:
Well damn, legacy es gear is gonna be everywhere now. HOARD IT. HOARD IT. Still, wish it was a nerf like with chaos conversion on voltaxic, no legacies. I hate legacy items in general, though that may just be my opinion.

This isnt a thing you have to worry about unless you actually play dumpster league.
Hybrid buffs... path of iron reflexes inbound :D
I rarely ever saw someone with more than 6000 ES, and now you tell me that they are a common occurrence?

This will only make ES completely unusable, ES is already hard to craft for it to be nerfed.

This had a easy solution and it was setting a system maximum for ES 6000 or whatever you wanted it to be.

You'll see in the beta, zero ES builds, and the few that do, dying everywhere because ES is incredibly hard to craft.

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