Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1

So the new meta builds in 3.0 will just be projectiles ok ok no prob for howa
50% of the initial hit dealt to bleeding targets over time ? Sounds a bit too strong to me - almost any melee build with ( partial ) physical damage would be forced to get bleed chance. I assume bleeding should be a choice with 50% ( or more ) achievable by building into it - not as a base for any build with 10% bleed chance ?

Edit : Completely unrelated appeal to turn Blood Rage leech into generic attack leech. Elemental attack builds have to use Blood Rage but don`t get the benefit...
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on Apr 27, 2017, 1:50:33 AM
I have some questions

How will it work with crit? Before, crit would apply to your hit, which would increase the dot once, so no double dipping. Now the dot is based off of your base dmg, so crits will not apply to the dot at all. Will you make the dot portion able to crit, or is it just not intended to go dot builds with crit? If not, then Assassin will be a strange ascendancy with both crit and dot.

If you got casually for hit dmg and dot dmg, without investing heavily in one over the other, how do you want the two to be balanced then? Will it be about 50/50, og will the dot be larger or smaller than the hit? I kind of feel like the dot should be the largest part, and a bit easier to scale, do to the downside that you have to wait for the damage to kick in. What are your thoughts about this?

Is this an indirect buff to RF? Better dot nodes on the tree, and a multiplicative burn support. Seems nice.

How will these changes affect chaos spells such as Essence Drain and Blight?
Wash your hands, Exile!
How will this changes affect Vaal Righteous fire?

The base burn damage will be 40 % of Vaal Righteous fire damage?
So are you buffing "ethical" types of damage so they are stronger as well?
Question, will minion builds once again dissappear into total obscurity now that they wont be getting any real damage ? I sure hope minions get reworked a bit so I can still make an OP build if I wish to make heavy investment. Also how will you keep The Scourge claw at all relevant assuming minion damage doesn't double dip anymore ? Since it's a rare guardian drop it shouldn't be a weapon just for a gimicky minions + own damage build right ? (since that is by definition inefficient)
IGN: Trepa_CBL | Inquisitor - Lv: 5X (Pernadus League)
So this change in theory should mean you can concentrate on the DoT part of the skill and get big damage without an initial big hit,seems like more fun to me.Does seem almost opposite of the AoE fix though where you will feel the need to grab every DoT node.Having said that it is still a choice where a skill could be equally strong whether you boost the initial hit or the DoT unlike AoE skills that benefited more from the AoE nodes than from damage nodes.
This is getting way too complicated. I need to take Path of Exile 101 before even come back playing...

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