Lightning Strike

The DPS display is complete bullshit and shouldn't be a factor, especially when comparing two different Skills (ever seen Spork Totem DPS?), doubly so when you're comparing with someone who probably has pretty freakishly optimised gear.

"(a small rock will stop one, unlike ALL other projectiles in this game)"
Spark, Arctic Breath.

They are "full projectiles", whatever that might mean. They work like any other grounded Projectile. Most Projectiles are actually elevated. It makes no sense for Burning Arrow to be stopped by rocks on the ground. In the same vein, it doesn't make sense for a ground-based projectile to phase right through.

Making the Projectiles hover wouldn't make much sense either, because they originate from the impact of an overhead swing, ie. the ground.

I also feel it's worth noting that LS being unpopular also has to do with optimisation issues and some people playing on toasters. Even strong rigs suffer some FPS loss from the obscenely dumb attack speeds you can get in PoE (multistrike lolol) with less graphically intensive skills.

Wouldn't mind seeing the bonus changed, even if only for this fringe case. It's pretty harmless.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Sep 18, 2013, 10:46:42 AM
I am using LS for quite a lot of time now and as far as Multistrike goes I think that it's essential for this skill.Otherwise if you don't have a lot of dps you can't clear fast areas/maps.

The problem with LS is that it is something between a single target and an AoE skill but without LMP or Multistrike you can hit 1+3 mobs and if you got quality LS some mobs behind the
3 first ones.With Multi your damage may lower but you get to hit way more mobs than without it
which makes it kind of essential.

I would like to see some changes to this skill.

1.First of all a clear explanation of what affects it and what not.Main skill and projectiles.
Not everyone uses the forums (their bad,but a truth also).

2.Tooltip dps of main skill and projectiles also.(I don't think tooltip dps needs to have all that info that has right now and we could see that in the character sheet).

3.A rework in this skill to make it a great single target or a great AoE.1+3 mobs isn't AoE and
as far as single target goes there are better skills.
My ideal LS is a lightning from above hitting the main target and damaging the close mobs.Something like infernal blow.

4.A rework in this skill's graphics.Way too heavy for most of pc's.FPS drops even in newly bought pc's.
To crit or not to crit ?
i love LS based on a bringer of rain helmet with add fire, weapon ele and multistrike..
now add point blank and iron grip with lots of strength, lots of attackspeed nodes and as much physical damage nodes and the templer weapon elethingys..

together wit a melesplash frenzy to keep up 3 frenzy nodes and weapon ele curse plus shock nodes.. well all together tooltip in parties with all auras on gives insane dps..also around 33k..

but even my 3dgrafix workstation in my office with a 770OC gtx and 4ghz sixcore is often lagging when u are on autofire.. less FX and more fps would rule..;)

but this skill is really nice.. and since im having aroung 75/74 block its fun to kamikaze jump in every growd..and my 13% lifeleech + endurance cry and moltenshell and rejuv totem keeps me alive.. as long as i hit shit its hard to kill me ;)

love LS..

Mark_GGG wrote:

If, for example, you use lightning strike with a one-handed sword, and the projectiles hit something, then "increased melee damage" will not apply, because this is projectile damage, not melee. However, that damage is from a sword, and a sword is a melee weapon, so "increased physical damage with one-handed melee weapons" will apply (and likewise so will "increased damage with swords", etc).

I am not entirely happy with this current situation due to it being potentially confusing, but given how the bonuses are worded, it it the correct behaviour such that both are applied as they say they are.

Was a situation ever fixed since?
Can you confirm, that nodes like "X% increased physical damage with (one-handed melee/two-handed melee/[insert weapon type]) weapons" work for Lightning Strike's projectiles too, as well as for melee hits (assuming you use proper weapon type to make passives work at all)? On the contrary, nodes and gems like "X% increased(more) melee physical damage" apply only to initial hit of Lightning Strike, while projectiles remain unaffected, am i right?

And the last question - is it intended, that such nodes aplly to Lightning Strike's projectiles as well? Or you plan to fix it in future. Thx.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Sep 26, 2013, 10:05:35 AM
Lightning Strike still works as Mark described, yes.

t is technically intended (they follow their wording correctly), but it's not ideal because a bunch of people have massive issues grasping the difference between the melee strike and the projectiles.
Still, it's pretty easy to understand whole game mechanics, except some rare cases.

BTW, i dont know why people complain that it isnt powerful enough.... Lightning Strike IS REALLY POWERFUL! Sure, like any great skill, it has its drawbacks, but it provides ranged attack for powerful melee weapons (like daggers), with huge "area of effect". It could be used in melee for higher damage (useful against bosses or tough elite mobs). It also shocks to increase damage output, and it's "combined" nature allows you easily facesmash any reflect mobs. And unlike Reave, you dont have to build AoE stacks with it, and that makes farming far easier and pleasant.

I think, Lightning Strike is the skill, that really shines with high-end weapons, especially daggers (because they can provide 85-100% crit chance, as well as insane DPS). If you ever get mirrored copy of the dagger in this thread - - then consider about Lightning Strike seriously.
Here is an example of build for LS with dagger -
Bandit choices (obviously) +1 skill, 8%AS, power charge.
Support gems for 6-L:
Lesser Multiple Projectiles
Power Charge on Critical
Increased Critical Damage
Life leech (quality does nothing)

DPS Curse - Critical Weakness

Why i dont use Weapon Elemental Damage gem? Because it has too high manacost and isnt as great as it seems.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Sep 26, 2013, 10:31:02 AM

Quick question regarding lightning strike- I have a reave witch, and I want to throw another high physical dagger and shield on switch using light strike to deal with physical reflect. With that shield equiped, will it add 25% of my dagger's physical damage to the lightning projectile as fire?

Thanks for the help.
"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
Last edited by Wadjet on Oct 10, 2013, 8:27:59 AM
Yes, the Conversion will apply to the Projectiles as well. You'll be left with 25% Physical, 50% Lightning and 25% Fire Damage.
Vipermagi wrote:
Yes, the Conversion will apply to the Projectiles as well. You'll be left with 25% Physical, 50% Lightning and 25% Fire Damage.

Thanks Viper. So, if I were to wear:


Then the "melee hit" and "projectile" portions of LS skill would be 25% cold, 25% fire, and 50% light (no physical damage at all?)
"The Eye of Ra appears against you,
His force is powerful against you.
She devours you, she punishes you
In this her name 'Devouring Flame."
-Anubis Hotep
Last edited by Wadjet on Oct 10, 2013, 9:49:44 AM
Yep. That'll do it. :)

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