Lightning Strike

just a quick question,

does the incs dmg mod on Daresso's Salute affect LS's projectiles? Very confused on this topic.
azarel41 wrote:
does the incs dmg mod on Daresso's Salute affect LS's projectiles? Very confused on this topic.

Projectiles are not Melee.
Necropotence wrote:
Quick question just to make 200% sure :)

melee physical dmg support gem works with the melee hit but not the projectile right?

Thanks in advance

Damage of projectiles is calculated off of your melee dmg, so it should also increase the damage of the projectiles.
I kinda noticed some bugs with Lightning Strike. It sometimes hits the target, and the target gets stunned but it does no damage, which is strange. I dont think it's because of desync or something like that. I also noticed that targets right in front of you and very close to you sometimes just won't get hit by LS, even like there is no logical explenation how all 3 projectiles miss this one target like 6 times in a row. This is also not a problem of chance to hit
TheAirWalker wrote:
Damage of projectiles is calculated off of your melee dmg, so it should also increase the damage of the projectiles.

That's not how Lightning Strike works :/ It's been discussed to death all over the forum.

The Projectiles are entirely separately calculated and do not benefit from Melee Damage modifiers because Projectiles are not Melee.
TheAirWalker wrote:
I kinda noticed some bugs with Lightning Strike. It sometimes hits the target, and the target gets stunned but it does no damage, which is strange. I dont think it's because of desync or something like that. I also noticed that targets right in front of you and very close to you sometimes just won't get hit by LS, even like there is no logical explenation how all 3 projectiles miss this one target like 6 times in a row. This is also not a problem of chance to hit

Every single enemy can be hit only once with LS projectile (no "shotgun effect"). Perhaps, if a projectile, that was intended to hit your enemy, misses, all other projectiles still go though this enemy without doing any damage.

Btw, if an enemy is close, you should target him directly, direct hit with LS deals much more damage than projectiles.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

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That is not power
fix LS fps drops please. In 6 player party it is impossible to play.
sherkhan wrote:
It's unclear why the mechanism needed a "fix", as the projectiles never got a boost from Multistrike in the first place.

Instead of '36% less damage', it used to be '36% less melee damage'. So you can see now why it needed to be fixed to '36% less damage'.
Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
If you take shock into consideration, you'll understand that multistrike is really AWESOME to link with Lightning Strike. You get 100% more attack speed, that means that you make 2 hits instead of 1, and every second hit benefits srom shock, dealing 40%more damage, that resuts into 20% more damage. I think it's pretty OK compensation for lack of increasem melee damage.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
sherkhan wrote:
MortalKombat3 wrote:
If you take shock into consideration, you'll understand that multistrike is really AWESOME to link with Lightning Strike. You get 100% more attack speed, that means that you make 2 hits instead of 1, and every second hit benefits srom shock, dealing 40%more damage, that resuts into 20% more damage. I think it's pretty OK compensation for lack of increasem melee damage.

I'm not sure you understand how shock works. I agree that the chance to apply shock is greater, but you're doing a hell of a lot less damage. It's hard to make the projectiles shock things without decent gear, given the low damage they end up doing.

Compare this to Cleave with Multistrike, where you're basically doing multiples AOE damage faster. Ridiculousness. That's how Flubs gets 90k+ tooltip.

If your damage is so low that you cant shock mobs with crits, then you probably use wrong gems, passives, have bad weapon, or face high-resistant mobs without cursing them (or using lightning penetration).
Lightning strike converts 50% of damage into lightning. It cant be compared with miserable damage bonuses from Wrath or Added Lightning Damage.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power

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