Lightning Strike

2H Lightning Striker, lvl 94 HC Duelist - ign Draizor
Last edited by Draizor on Jun 5, 2013, 8:58:32 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:
LS "ranged attack" is calculated based on an attack roll w/o str and melee buffs -30%. It should be just 30% of the melee strike (like the gem says it is)
The gem doesn't say that. The gems says exactly what it does, which is that there's a penalty to projectile damage, and that the projectiles are projectiles (which means they are not melee and don't benefit from melee damage modifiers, and do benefit from projectile damage modifiers).

i'm actually still confused.

if your LS melee hits for 100, and thats with a bunch of melee physical damage nodes, the projectiles are not doing 30% less of that 100, but are doing 30% less of some theoretical melee attack that would have no benefits from strength or melee physical applied to it?

is that correct? because it sounds ridiculous. if i was to use lightning strike would it be better to build pure melee or pure projectile? since apparently the skill is half of each, building for both would be like trying to play two builds at once.
xenogfan43 wrote:
the projectiles are not doing 30% less of that 100, but are doing 30% less of some theoretical melee attack that would have no benefits from strength or melee physical applied to it?

Not some theoretical Melee Attack, but a Projectile Attack. You know, like any other Attack skill that fires Projectiles.

You can build for both; Increased Lightning damage, Added Fire support, Increased Damage with Weapon Type and all of that apply to both sides of LS.
Vipermagi wrote:

You can build for both; Increased Lightning damage, Added Fire support, Increased Damage with Weapon Type and all of that apply to both sides of LS.

alright so the ideal build would be weapon ele damage, added fire, faster attacks, fork perhaps, and a character with no melee physical nodes, but as many weapon-specific physical damage nodes as desired and weapon/lightning elemental damage.

i'm surprised point blank works with it, i'll try to incorporate that to allow the projectiles to do more damage than the physical attack at close range so i can go around with a 2 hander 1 shotting groups of 4 with every swing.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Currently "melee damage" increases apply to any damage with a melee weapon, even when dealt via non-melee means, such as a projectile.
This is on the table for investigation, so may change in future.

UPDATE: This is changed in 0.9.12 - "melee" modifiers will not apply to projectiles.

So for confirmation, Melee Physical Damage and Melee Physical Damage on Full Life has no affect as a support skill when combined with Lightning Strike (as far as the projectiles are concerned)?

And for God's sake could we please get a DPS number on the tooltip for LS projectiles? Nobody really cares about the DPS of the actual melee strike.
IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion
Last edited by DeathTouch on Jun 18, 2013, 5:21:23 PM
Mark_GGG wrote:

DeathTouch wrote:
Hmm. I guess Mark was right, LS+MS is still "brutally powerful".
I never said that (although there are certainly builds for which it's true).

Oh, you're right. Chris said that:

Chris wrote:
The multistrike+lightning strike builds are still brutally powerful, even though the projectile damage has the penalty applied correctly....
IGN: DrunkBarbarian / SupernalScion
I've been using this skill as main in one of my chars since the last free respec.
Can we get an edited first post which explains everything about this skill.

I dropped my tooltip dps to 7.5k.But I'm not sure what's that number.
Someone make a complete post concerning everything about this skill.

I have used this skill as a crit-dagger char and it's fun and great and being
able to burn/shock/freeze enemies is great but now I'm not really sure
what can I do to make it work better.

Right now I'm using LS+Multi+Faster+WED+Life Leech.
To crit or not to crit ?
Do auras like anger, wrath etc. apply to the projectiles???
Im totally confused by the mechanic of that skill.
It's really simple. The Projectiles work exactly the same as any other Projectile Attack, but use your Melee weapon's stats as opposed to those of a Bow or Wand, plus you get the Projectile Damage penalty (which works the same as any other Less Damage penalty, such as those found on LMP and Melee Splash). That's it.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 25, 2013, 8:03:51 PM
The graphics of this spell need to be looked at, unless there is an option to turn down party spell effects in the works.

I'm nearly getting kicked out of map groups for using LS because it fucks people's framerate so badly.

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