Lightning Strike

The skill converts 50% Physical to Lightning.
The skill performs a Melee Strike and emits Projectiles.

Why would the Conversion apply to one but not the other effect. It's all weapon damage, just like any other Attack.
Last edited by Vipermagi on May 14, 2013, 10:38:24 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
The skill converts 50% Physical to Lightning.
The skill performs a Melee Strike and emits Projectiles.

Why would the Conversion apply to one but not the other effect. It's all weapon damage, just like any other Attack.

Guess what really confuses me is "the stored energy is released from the weapon as projectiles as you strike" since there's no clear indication of what "the stored energy" is.

Don't want to make assumptions given how deep the mechanics are in this game.
Ok, I read it. What a fucking mess of confusing terminology and extrapolation math.

It's a projectile that only travels over the land like a wave like ground slam, but it's semantically a projectile. Even though it can not pass over any obstacle. So LS "projectiles" are not supported by melee buffs and passives (unless weapon specific). If they're going to get the negative effects of projectiles, at least they should *be* projectiles and not a constricted wave that's stopped dead in it's tracks by a piece of grass or a tiny rock.

+ X% melee phy dmg (non-weap specific) nodes don't work towards a higher phy to lighting conversion. I don't get this. Not sure if that's applied to the melee strike and/or projectiles.

Iron Grip and Point Blank do work to increase projectile dmg. I had to see it dev-confirmed to believe it.

LS "ranged attack" is calculated based on an attack roll w/o str and melee buffs -30%. It should be just 30% of the melee strike (like the gem says it is) and skip 40 pages of splitting fucking headache. Can we play w/o having to open Excel to kill some skeletons plz!?

It can ranged crit w/ a shift-click attack. I've seen it but now it's confirmed.

LS ranged DPS should be shown somehow, maybe in the char offense screen.
Projectiles should fly, not ride the ground like a wave.
The arc is too wide.

The multi-strike nerf made LS the red-headed step-child in the family of FP,EK, LA.

I made a LS templar. I've re-rolled 3 times now. It's semi-fun, but the dmg is a joke compared to other builds. I got a tooltip dps of 6.8k and kill stuff @ 1/3 the speed of LA archers and freeze pulsers 15 levels below me (I'm 81). MS was my last hope for melee end game. All main gems are 20% qual.

A very good summary of my experiences with this skill during the last three months. It is however an amazingly fun skill to use but it only starts getting viable and competitive at around 20-30k dps which is a shame...
IGN Standard: HolyPatman
IGN Anarchy: UnholyPatman
Is there a way to reduce the fps lag when using lightning strike with multistrike in a party?
this is the only way for me to play melee, im doing fine when soloing, but when grouping up ppl gets too much fps lag, cus of the LS/multi spam.
2H Lightning Striker, lvl 94 HC Duelist - ign Draizor

LS "ranged attack" is calculated based on an attack roll w/o str and melee buffs -30%. It should be just 30% of the melee strike (like the gem says it is) and skip 40 pages of splitting fucking headache. Can we play w/o having to open Excel to kill some skeletons plz!?

Yes please! I like using lightning strike but I have no clue what damage it really does anymore.

Devs, if changing the calculation is too difficult at this point please add a tooltip that says 'projectiles deal XX to XX damage'.

LS "ranged attack" is calculated based on an attack roll w/o str and melee buffs -30%. It should be just 30% of the melee strike (like the gem says it is)
The gem doesn't say that. The gems says exactly what it does, which is that there's a penalty to projectile damage, and that the projectiles are projectiles (which means they are not melee and don't benefit from melee damage modifiers, and do benefit from projectile damage modifiers).
i fail to make a friend see things my way, it'd be wonderful if a dev could confirm:
(i could puzzle it together from above posts, but i seem to have spent most patience on the matter)

- the damage of the projectiles is in no way based on the melee hit, therefore the melee physical damage gem/nodes do not increase the damage of the projectile indirectly
- pre-nerf multistrike did not apply ANY penalty to the projectiles, nor does it now count twice
- the damage of the projectiles is (weapon damage)*(skill damage effectiveness)*(0.7) which means that the damage type will NOT be purely lightning because weapon damage is all types of damage from gear and auras summed up
- damage types are kept separate, the game would not be 'fooled' into applying armour to lightning damage
- the damage of the projectile is NOT the result of the lightning conversion (to be fair, the gem description mentions stored energy)

it'd be nice if the tooltip displayed both melee hit and projectile damage, i'm sure it would make things more clear!

thank you!
Last edited by Jonatan on Jun 1, 2013, 12:29:38 PM
1. The Melee strike and the Projectiles are entirely separately calculated. The Projectiles are not Melee damage, and as such do not benefit from Melee Damage bonuses nor suffer from Melee-specific penalties.
Here's posts by Mark about separate calculations and Melee modifiers.

2. Correct.
Related: a given modifier will never apply twice to a single value.

3. Won't be 100% Lightning, unless you manage to use it with Storm Cloud (which is a Bow) and have no Fire or Cold damage sources.

4. Yeah, that's how it always works. :P Once Armor damage reduction is calculated, it's just generic Lightning damage, like any other source of Lightning damage.

5. See point 1. The wordy descriptions are flavor; the blue nerdtext is what actually happens.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 1, 2013, 7:46:11 PM
somebody can confirm me that iron grip Works on LS ? I tried it once, but I didn´t see any difference...
The DPS and displays don't show the Projectile damage, so the bonus won't show up. Works fine though.

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