Lightning Strike

Odoakar wrote:

It would be nice if LS behaved like FP+GMP where the further you click, the closer the projectiles are.

Agree 100%
This is madness. I've been playing with LS since day one and it truly is a low tier skill - unreliable hit detection, gets stuck on a piece of grass, doesn't benefit from melee gems, doesn't scale dmg wise with LMP -> GMP (due to 3 projectiles to start with and no shotgunning), no str bonus applied to projectiles etc etc.

I've had to work twice as hard and spent twice as much for half the reward. Still now with 22k dps a 6k FP'er will run cirles around me. All because the mechanics of the skill are flat out underpowered.

But the second I read the skill description for multistrike my though was - finally they're doing something for LS! And yes the support worked insanely well - even to the degree that LS almost can compete with some of the popular builds.

And now I read this... Don't know what to say other than madness. Nerfing an already pretty weak skill.

EDIT: Funny thing is that I bet that the lvl'ing bonus from multistrike still won't apply to LS projectiles post nerf.
IGN Standard: HolyPatman
IGN Anarchy: UnholyPatman
Last edited by AlmightyPatman on Apr 17, 2013, 6:22:36 PM

But the second I read the skill description for multistrike my though was - finally they're doing something for LS! And yes the support worked insanely well - even to the degree that LS almost can compete with some of the popular builds.

I was actually stupid enough to think it was worded that way because of LS ... -.-
IGN: Nyxea
Love the amount of people that have never touched LS telling the long term players how it is...

Moreover multi strike provided such an interesting alternative I've literally liquidated all my available currency into it, spent near on 20-40 exalt pumping my gear because it was such an interesting variation to all the bs range builds. (Play with point blank)

Really hope there is some considerations to how the gem is performing vs popular builds and not just another melee skill gems.

Also would like to mention using near BIS equipment, 480 dps 2h full quality gems, (only a 5L granted) and 7 auras the dps still didn't tuch my EA witch or friends Ele LA toons amazed any skill is considered for rebalancing before lightning arrow. Long story short please reconsider this adjustment or provide an alternative that could make multi strike more viable for more melee gems.

GL you guys are doing an awesome job amazed at seeing a skill a week I will defiantly be playing regardless and still enjoying LS regardless.
I just found a Q6% MS gem and decided to try it out with LS on my lvl76 CI crit dagger shadow. While I was impressed with the damage boost it still cleared Docks only slightly faster than my lvl63 EK build. My EK build's tool tip is showing not even 2k dps with charges up(mostly because of low EK gem level). LS is not op. It's just been inadvertently improved to preform as well as other skills.

I don't mean to spam this link but if LS/MS is nerfed, it will be exactly what Chris said can't be done.
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
Don't understand why they are going to nerf LS, when there are so many other bullshit mechanics in the game, such as elemental damage from gear applying twice to duel wield cleave and FP being able to shotgun with LMP/GMP.
IGN: ragol
Playing a LS marauder, level 81 and staying in melee range of everything most of the time. Guess what, you can tackle endgame content just fine - and you don't need ridiculous gear for it. PoE is just full of players who spent too much time fapping to top 0.1% superexpensive uberbuilds and too little time actually learning the game. "Oh no, but I can't match Kripp's 100plus-exalt-worth fuckmegoddamnfreezepulseawesomeness" - well, chances are, you probably shouldn't, should you?

And for the people who recklessly blew all their funds on an almost-too-obviously bugged new thing that was clearly a bit too good to be true... I don't really have anything to say except that I honestly thank you very much for today's schadenfreude.

tl;dr; kids wanna faceroll everything with zero effort, how about growing up instead, LOL
ebrl wrote:
Playing a LS marauder, level 81 and staying in melee range of everything most of the time. Guess what, you can tackle endgame content just fine - and you don't need ridiculous gear for it. PoE is just full of players who spent too much time fapping to top 0.1% superexpensive uberbuilds and too little time actually learning the game. "Oh no, but I can't match Kripp's 100plus-exalt-worth fuckmegoddamnfreezepulseawesomeness" - well, chances are, you probably shouldn't, should you?

And for the people who recklessly blew all their funds on an almost-too-obviously bugged new thing that was clearly a bit too good to be true... I don't really have anything to say except that I honestly thank you very much for today's schadenfreude.

tl;dr; kids wanna faceroll everything with zero effort, how about growing up instead, LOL

:-D This guy is funny. Complains about how rich another player is while calling other players inferior. Calls people kids while ending a sentence with lol. Troll much?
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
Mark_GGG wrote:
Baristo wrote:

I have been using multistrike with LS+GMP and it was a really nice way to farm end game with a semi-mellee.

From these 2 quotes, and no GGG response/changes on this skill since December 10th 2012, I can believe that multistrike does not nerf the dmg from projectiles. Because it causes the skill to do 40% less Melee Damage.

Can anyone verify this, or come with a way to check it? I could download Fraps and playback etc etc.
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

if multistrike gets fixed for lightning strike i may swich over to Infernal Blow unless this fix also includes nerfing the explosion damage for infernal blow.

so i hope the fix is something like "x% less weapon damage" instead of "x% less damage"
Last edited by Mizzajl on Apr 18, 2013, 3:30:50 AM
ebrl wrote:
Playing a LS marauder, level 81 and staying in melee range of everything most of the time. Guess what, you can tackle endgame content just fine - and you don't need ridiculous gear for it. PoE is just full of players who spent too much time fapping to top 0.1% superexpensive uberbuilds and too little time actually learning the game. "Oh no, but I can't match Kripp's 100plus-exalt-worth fuckmegoddamnfreezepulseawesomeness" - well, chances are, you probably shouldn't, should you?

And for the people who recklessly blew all their funds on an almost-too-obviously bugged new thing that was clearly a bit too good to be true... I don't really have anything to say except that I honestly thank you very much for today's schadenfreude.

tl;dr; kids wanna faceroll everything with zero effort, how about growing up instead, LOL

Oh-oh! somebody is getting a bit cocky farming docks!

Did you know that you can transmute maps into blue ones! WHOA!
And did you know that RGB linked sockets sell for a chromatic? AMAZING!

Write this down fast!


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