Lightning Strike

Prpnnightmare wrote:
I like that people are crying bloody murder about the LS changes, claiming that GGG have straight away nerfed melee viability, when in all reality if you were using LS for the projectiles it was in no way, shape or form a melee build.

Yah, have to agree. Although I understand why they are upset about there build being nerfed, this more a nerf to another ranged build, not a nerf to melee.

Whats really ironic, is people complaining they are nerfing "melee" LS, and are forced to go to "ranged" EK or GS. When in practice they are the same types of skills.

How about we make the argument that better melee options/buffs are needed to make actually meleeing things viable? Melee.....meaning hitting shit with your weapons.....not projectiles.
Last edited by Litheum on Apr 17, 2013, 7:30:57 AM
only buff to melee would be to buff armor
IGN: CyganuHipsterDischarge
GutenTag wrote:

Granted, it was a major buff to Lightning strike. But it is still so so far away from Lightning Arrow, Freezing Pulse or Ethereal Knives ... -so why nerf it?

You reach 6000 DPS with Lightning Strike with some crap gear compared to what you need for LS to ever reach that Damage.
Also, you get up to a completely crazy Attackspeed which makes LoH way more effective.
Aura89 wrote:
GutenTag wrote:

Granted, it was a major buff to Lightning strike. But it is still so so far away from Lightning Arrow, Freezing Pulse or Ethereal Knives ... -so why nerf it?

You reach 6000 DPS with Lightning Strike with some crap gear compared to what you need for LS to ever reach that Damage.
Also, you get up to a completely crazy Attackspeed which makes LoH way more effective.

you just mentioned lightning strike twice. l2 language
IGN: CyganuHipsterDischarge
Last edited by canzpl on Apr 17, 2013, 8:34:12 AM
Aura89 wrote:
GutenTag wrote:

Granted, it was a major buff to Lightning strike. But it is still so so far away from Lightning Arrow, Freezing Pulse or Ethereal Knives ... -so why nerf it?

You reach 6000 DPS with Lightning Strike with some crap gear compared to what you need for LS to ever reach that Damage.
Also, you get up to a completely crazy Attackspeed which makes LoH way more effective.

I assume you meant LA. Who cares about paper dps anyway? LA hits up to 4 targets per projectile. So when using GMP you basically have 20 times paper dps. It gets even worse with chain.
Comparison is completely lacking.
IGN: Nyxea
Aura89 wrote:
You reach 6000 DPS with Lightning Strike with some crap gear compared to what you need for LS to ever reach that Damage.

Just wondering whether you're basing this on personal experience (i.e. you have a high level LS character running multi-strike), or just based upon what you're seeing other people do.

Anyone who runs LS knows, first of all, that tooltip DPS is not very useful, because all of your projectiles are only at 70% strength. And if you want maximum AOE coverage, you're linking it with LMP, which drops your actual projectile damage to 49% of what is shown on the tooltip.

So, have fun clearing maps with your 2940 DPS.

And, I think, to reach 6k, you need at least a 5L, which is not exactly crap gear.
Tyronis3 wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Baristo wrote:

I have been using multistrike with LS+GMP and it was a really nice way to farm end game with a semi-mellee.

From these 2 quotes, and no GGG response/changes on this skill since December 10th 2012, I can believe that multistrike does not nerf the dmg from projectiles. Because it causes the skill to do 40% less Melee Damage.

Can anyone verify this, or come with a way to check it? I could download Fraps and playback etc etc.
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

Because Melee really needs to be nerfed more?

I don't know why I even try to avoid running Chain Lightning Arrow anymore, it's obviously the only viable build in this game.

Have fun with Lightning Thorns
IGN: xBilldozerx
NERF! RIP mele. My condolences to anyone who had their hopes up. I knew this would happen. Someone always finds an unexpected loophole to make something powerful. In this case mele needed the buff but it's nerf time. So much for this:
Ouch :-/
If anyone needs me I'll be playing a duel EK totem beartrap Marauder.
Berek's Grip Ice Spear
Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem
Mark_GGG wrote:
Correct, the damage penalty on Multistrike does not apply to the projectiles.
This is an oversight that will be fixed in 0.10.7

You guys really need to reconsider this.

Before LS+Multistrike, LS builds were just bad in the endgame. They were worse than FP and EK by a large margin, worse than LA of course. Worse than ground slam, and elemental cleave. Probably worse than leap slam too. That doesn't leave much, you know.

Players should be rewarded for finding a way to make use of skill gems and support gem combinations to make a skill powerful, not punished for it by having their build nerfed back into uselessness, unless you truly want players to be pigeonholed into one of 4-6 cookie cutter skill trees.


Like LS + multistrike was even used in melee... it was used as a range skill so not sure how this nerf hurts melee.
IGN: eLdiLdoRadO

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