[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

namad wrote:
is there anyway to prevent totems from freezing? does necromantic aegis effect them? or would that be a huge waste?

Nocromantic Aegis works for minions but nor for totems (it does work for minions created by a totem).

namad wrote:
What about linking in the 5th or 6th slot life leech, that would only heal the totem itself right? Unless you're a chieftain?

Right. Pop your life flasks like there is no tomorrow and/or invest in regenration. ;)

namad wrote:
Oh also would the damage buff from Rallying Cry work for the totems?

Yes, the totems will benefit from the increased damage but the last thing on Earth (or rather in Wraeclast) you want is taunting monsters with Rallying Cry as they will come after you mercilessly. ;)

Better bring a Decoy Totem to the show.

Bottom line: this build really does require a very defensive playstyle in late-game content, let your totems scout the area and implement proper flask management and positioning.
shaper, guardian viable? time to kill?

i see the mathil 4-5 ex ish blade flurry melting everything super fast O_O.
exilekami wrote:
i see the mathil 4-5 ex ish blade flurry melting everything super fast O_O.

Well, how cool is that now? May I ask, what's a mathil?
between 2 wands ..one with more spell damage and less cast speed or the other with more cast speed and less spell damage...whats the choice?
any idea why im getting shit on in breeches / uber lab

So if you went hierophant instead of inquisitor, would it be reasonable to drop some of the crit in the skill tree in favor of more cast speed? Since you don't need the crits for resistance piercing anymore. Specifically, mental rapidity is right there, and totemic mastery isn't too far off
boho wrote:
trump169 wrote:
The build is very squishy, I don't know if I would want to go to CI when you can't insta heal with hybrid life pool right now I have 8k life/es and the breaches usually run me over like a freakin train! other than this really enjoying it.

I'm getting demolished by Breaches too (granted, who isn't?). Anyone found a solution to that for this build other than yelling at GGG?

I went with elementalist this league specifically for this reason. While crit inquis is definitely better boss killer, the prolif from elementalist makes it equal or better map clear and since breaches are basically zerg spawn swarms, the prolif helps WAY more than you imagine. Everything that spawns burns almost instantly and even with tons of cast speed the instant burn is crucial for the lower mobs. (I tried crit inquis for league start btw, ripped in breach and went for the prolif)
i repeat my question ---Need some advice i am still betwween ele and this build obiously only considerin ci :D bcuz life is mehhh.
Ele seems to have nice survival but i readed all comments here and most say Inquisitor survival is really bad so kinda makes me wonder how viable this is actually t14-16 hardmaps and bosses+ breach stuff*???I am searching build what can start well and finish well whit almost all endgame content whit good enouh gear but the survival here dosnt seem to be gear problem but more of a build defense problem?
Maiby some1 can link me some good elementalist guide for it i could check out ?
Last edited by PaigrandeTV on Dec 6, 2016, 11:52:34 PM
All the "panic" about end game viability some specific breach mobs seem to cause really is overblown. Having breezed through guardians and shaper last league I can say that. Now with lightning warp I'm having said trouble on some breach occasions but when I get my misery dagger chromed I'm sure most of the clunckiness of movement and fortify should make it manageable.
Can someone advise how to get the 2k ES recharge in this build?

Just reached lvl69 changed to CI, hitting a brick wall now as the passive tree doesn't have any regen nodes and Zealots Oath or Ghost Reaver, so I'm kinda stuck on how build has 2k ES recharge. Dying to low level mobs as ES takes time to start recharging.

Currently have 2.3k ES / 300 ES recharge per sec.

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