[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

chkumchkum wrote:
Can someone advise how to get the 2k ES recharge in this build?

Just reached lvl69 changed to CI, hitting a brick wall now as the passive tree doesn't have any regen nodes and Zealots Oath or Ghost Reaver, so I'm kinda stuck on how build has 2k ES recharge. Dying to low level mobs as ES takes time to start recharging.

Currently have 2.3k ES / 300 ES recharge per sec.

Ghost reaver is very close to the build. Only requires 2 passive points to pick it up (as in it's literally only 1 passive point out of the way). However the build doesn't have much in the way of life regeneration nodes... meaning a pretty big rework would be required.

Also what about swapping in http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Proliferation_Support for breaches?
Last edited by namad on Dec 7, 2016, 6:19:20 AM
Yeah the build seems to have huge survival flaws compared some totem builds and caster fblast builds please correct me if i am mistaken
Last edited by PaigrandeTV on Dec 7, 2016, 7:04:55 AM
I am playing the raizqt CI elementalist version in Standard and with 8.5k ES I have zero problems doing t14/t15 maps without ever being close to die pretty much.

Also follwing this guy https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/xaitv/characters

who was one of the first in breach HC to kill some of the breach lord bosses.


oh btw the "invisible" enemies on the edge of the breach? on my system they're not invisible they're translucent. Meaning I see a ripple or blur, indicating they're there but making it hard to tell which enemy they are. Still it's enough to dance on the edge of the breach dropping totems more safely than I could inside.

Plus all the named clapsed hands appear non-random preplaced on the map and I can see them translulcently as well before I even trigger the breach. Regular hands seem random, but named hands aren't.

Hjelpen93 wrote:
I am playing the raizqt CI elementalist version in Standard and with 8.5k ES I have zero problems doing t14/t15 maps without ever being close to die pretty much.

Also follwing this guy https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/xaitv/characters

who was one of the first in breach HC to kill some of the breach lord bosses.


Are you trying to say the inquisitor build sucks? or that both versions of this build are good and breaches themselves are just hard in general? I am level 50 and I don't want to have to restart as a witch. lol
Last edited by namad on Dec 7, 2016, 7:31:32 AM
I have a question, What if sacrifice one normal "socket" slot for an The Anima Stone Jewel to gain +1 Golem. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Anima_Stone

- If thats the case we can then use Both:
1. Flame Golem (+20% Spell damage)
2a. Lightning golem (9% Cast.speed)
2b. Icy Golem (Adds 20% Critical strike chance).

This way if used for example Flame + Icy golem we should cover up for some of the Crit/spellpower that a Jewel normaly give us.
- Yes however we may lose Crit Multi... But that isnt always easy to combine with SP/CSC/CSM.

Whats your thought about this?
- YES or NO?
-Mind give feedback why if NO?
Those whos the shyest are normaly the strongest, when time demands it they will step up and save the people from the end.
- The blindest are those who think they above others and tries to control it.
Last edited by SevenSinsOfHell on Dec 7, 2016, 7:37:13 AM
Thx for the feedback guys will try head for ZO or GR until I get more ES. Found a 57% spell dmg shield and trying to play less aggressive, bit more survivable. Still got done a couple times by big hitting map bosses...which were 2 levels below me, ouch.

Gonna try push this as far as I can before starting again on RaizQT Elementalist. Don't think it's the build, probably my play style, game is certainly challenging.
namad wrote:

Are you trying to say the inquisitor build sucks? or that both versions of this build are good and breaches themselves are just hard in general? I am level 50 and I don't want to have to restart as a witch. lol

Probably just breaches being a bit more tricky for totem flameblast builds in general, need to be more careful with your own positioning aswell as your totems to not get overun it seems. In terms of survival looks like either inq, heri or Elementalist have the same.
Last edited by Hjelpen93 on Dec 7, 2016, 8:42:08 AM
chkumchkum wrote:
Still got done a couple times by big hitting map bosses...which were 2 levels below me, ouch.

Did you forget your Decoy Totem? ;)

Seriously, DT is one of the most underrated skill gems in the game and a real blessing for "squishy" builds. A boss taunted by the Decoy Totem will not attack you and if you still get hit by some AoE shenanigans you will take 10% less damage. Sure, you will loose one attack totem and it will take a bit longer to take him down but it's a helluvalot safer. And if you can spare a socket pimp the Decoy Totem with AoE. DT + Enfeeble will trivialize even the hardest-hitting bosses for you.
Last edited by tomay on Dec 7, 2016, 8:57:28 AM
What would be the best way to run dual curse setup with this build? I want to use flammability and temp chains.
evenson wrote:
What would be the best way to run dual curse setup with this build? I want to use flammability and temp chains.

There was mentioned somewhere above.. Some guy offered to skip power charge nodes and take instead +1 curse node

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