GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

mdd1986 wrote:

Thank you so much this is helpful. Do you have an recommendations for my gear/tree I should do to improve?

* Get level 21 Essence Drain (very nice damage boost)
* Get corrupted level 3 Empower (and level your current level 1 Empower in weapon swap, also huge dam boost)
* Get 20% quality on gems. Several ways to do this, up to you
* Get the same helmet but with "nearby enemies have -9% to chaos resistance".
* Get better jewel on belt
* Get either "chaos damage" or "es from body armor" on belt (or both if you're rich)
* Put 20% quality on all flasks
* Leo slam some jewels
* Corrupt Eldritch Knowledge's until you get good implicit. Or just buy one with good implicit
* Try to find Brutal Restraint which gives you "onslaught for 8 sec on kill". Place it on Eagle Creed jewel's slot.
* Mark of the Shaper is cheap. Buy a bunch and corrupt until you get nice implicit
Abraxas1991 wrote:
Abraxas1991 wrote:
Hey everone, got a lil qurstion?

I got this build im palying and its great, but im playing on a VERY old laptop and doing monoliths with it is great, but still hard to do full clear.

So since i have that super op build playing i would want to invest some ex in ed/cont just, and olny for glacier.

My question is

I plan on using Atziri's reflect, Coward's Legacy belt, low life etc... Would i be able to clear Glacier monoliths with Perfect form (used that armor last league with ED/Bane and loved it) or is Carcass better choice?


u are doing t2s just go magicfind lul

How much would mf help on just legion stuff?

It wouldn't, but that wasn't the point. At T2, it doesn't really matter what your chest is (you could do it with a tabula).
I didn't ask because I'm acting like I know better but the other suggests chest pieces are fairly similar as far as I can tell.

I guess it doesn't have resists? Is spell block really good or something for Hyrri's Ire?

80% increased damage is nothing when you have so much on tree and gear

competing against

Perfect Form
30% spell dodge: where else can you get it?
Free Arctic Armor : where else can you get this?

Hyrri’s Ire
Fuckton of evasion flat
10% attack and spell dodge : basically the dodge flask permanently up

There are other chests out there (QoTF, restless ward, shavronne) but Cherubim really sucks

could you guys help me what to upgrade?
got 2ex :p in my pocket

im struggling with legion boss, feels really slow to kill it

mdd1986 wrote:
I see I think my build is completely different than the build in this thread so I apologize. I just copied what the top builds where on POE ninja. Ill try to work on getting my evasion up. What do you recommend for boots? Also my build is basically all on on ES at this point.

Top DPS ≠ top build lol

That being said, I do think the pain-attunement shavs build is fine and you're already fully committed to that anyways. I will never be able to get the kind of damage your variation can (easily) achieve, but that damage does come with the tradeoff of lacking some defenses.
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Last edited by xsnowingx on Jul 31, 2019, 10:39:45 AM
Hello, any tips how to upgrade? got 20ex to spent. I did all expect uber elder, uber atziri.


Thoughts on trying to fit an Aspect of the Spider into this build?

Right now I'm running Blasphemy/Malevolance/Despair/Flesh and Stone in my Devouring Diadem. I currently don't have the mana to also run AotS, but I could spec into a few "Less Mana Reserved nodes" if it'd be a good addition.

DS_DV wrote:
Notorphious wrote:
I keep seeing a common theme in this thread and although I, and others, mentioned it earlier perhaps it would be useful to reiterate;
On the topic of Bow vs Wands, and how to achieve high damage:
The absolute BiS for this build is a +3 bow running level 21 ED and level 4 Empower. There is no better damage upgrade you can make to this build than those 3 items.

im a n00b and not really into all the crafting yet also stats aren mything ( i likte to play outlined builds and buy what i need)

BUT it you talk best in slot i read somwhere that lvl of ED is the go to thing. and you mention the +1 / +2 support bow which can get you up to lvl 28 when im not mistaken.

wouldnt be a bow which can get your ED to lvl 30 be much better ?

(sorry for my bad english)

Last edited by Notorphious on Sep 12, 2021, 8:19:10 AM
I'm surprised noone has crafted resistances on the bow instead of 16% chaos damage, which is pretty garbage. I kinda regret not crafting 15 cold/chaos res on mine. I knew I'd regret that chaos roll when I got to the point of equipping expensive uniques, but I crafted it anyways.

Maybe I'll re-roll a Maraketh bow if I'm ever bothered to craft my Elder Fingerless Silk Gloves.
~ ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Last edited by xsnowingx on Jul 31, 2019, 1:35:45 PM

There are other chests out there (QoTF, restless ward, shavronne) but Cherubim really sucks

Not sure I completely agree with this. The deepest delver that use ED this league is using cherrubims. He's probably abusing the leech affix (maybe?) and he does have an ok corruption so there is some usefulness for this armor.
Last edited by rotting_fox on Jul 31, 2019, 7:01:47 PM

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