GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Abraxas1991 wrote:
Hey everone, got a lil qurstion?

I got this build im palying and its great, but im playing on a VERY old laptop and doing monoliths with it is great, but still hard to do full clear.

So since i have that super op build playing i would want to invest some ex in ed/cont just, and olny for glacier.

My question is

I plan on using Atziri's reflect, Coward's Legacy belt, low life etc... Would i be able to clear Glacier monoliths with Perfect form (used that armor last league with ED/Bane and loved it) or is Carcass better choice?


I doubt it'll make much difference - the extra AOE is probably nice but for T2 mapping I don't think you'll have to worry much between the two.
Abraxas1991 wrote:
Hey everone, got a lil qurstion?

I got this build im palying and its great, but im playing on a VERY old laptop and doing monoliths with it is great, but still hard to do full clear.

So since i have that super op build playing i would want to invest some ex in ed/cont just, and olny for glacier.

My question is

I plan on using Atziri's reflect, Coward's Legacy belt, low life etc... Would i be able to clear Glacier monoliths with Perfect form (used that armor last league with ED/Bane and loved it) or is Carcass better choice?


u are doing t2s just go magicfind lul
Ok so this is the third league I'm playing, just got the hang of the game and gave this build a try, but I have no idea what gear should I improve or try to get next. Can anyone point me in any directions please?

Here is my gear so far:

Abraxas1991 wrote:
Hey everone, got a lil qurstion?

I got this build im palying and its great, but im playing on a VERY old laptop and doing monoliths with it is great, but still hard to do full clear.

So since i have that super op build playing i would want to invest some ex in ed/cont just, and olny for glacier.

My question is

I plan on using Atziri's reflect, Coward's Legacy belt, low life etc... Would i be able to clear Glacier monoliths with Perfect form (used that armor last league with ED/Bane and loved it) or is Carcass better choice?


u are doing t2s just go magicfind lul

How much would mf help on just legion stuff?
Parhelius wrote:
Abraxas1991 wrote:
Hey everone, got a lil qurstion?

I got this build im palying and its great, but im playing on a VERY old laptop and doing monoliths with it is great, but still hard to do full clear.

So since i have that super op build playing i would want to invest some ex in ed/cont just, and olny for glacier.

My question is

I plan on using Atziri's reflect, Coward's Legacy belt, low life etc... Would i be able to clear Glacier monoliths with Perfect form (used that armor last league with ED/Bane and loved it) or is Carcass better choice?


I doubt it'll make much difference - the extra AOE is probably nice but for T2 mapping I don't think you'll have to worry much between the two.

Only reason i'm asking is cz i want to clear most of it as fast as possible, since i loose about 7 sec on freeze when i open Mololith.
Shadowphyre98 wrote:
Ok so this is the third league I'm playing, just got the hang of the game and gave this build a try, but I have no idea what gear should I improve or try to get next. Can anyone point me in any directions please?

Here is my gear so far:

depends on your budget :)

if you have some go and make one of the meta bows like this:
Fluffymonkey7 wrote:
No RNG method of crafting +1 base for the bow. Cost Around 1.6ex(current rate of exchange).

1. Buy 6 The Porcupine, 5c each.

2. Chrome it, shouldn't take more than 60 chrome(12c in value) to get the right color.

3. Transmute and alt the bow until you get only 1 affix magic bow.

4. Regal and annul it twice to remove all affix(34c).

5. Craft "Cannot roll Attack Modifiers" suffix on your bow(1ex).

6. Now use the beastcraft "Add a Prefix, Remove a Random Suffix". Buy the recipe Farric Wolf Alpha if you don't have it, 25c.

There's only 1 possible outcome if you block attack modifiers.

Spamming alt is cheaper though if you manage to hit it in less than 40 alt and annul it successfully on your first try.

its 1ex 2 anull and transmute

multimod is 4ex 8c and some alchs ...

i used his service:

so in total you need 5 ex 2 anulls and 8c .. .also 100Chrome per color try

its also always nice to look at other ppls setups ;)
i oriented my build on his:
I've reached all my goals for this build so I figured I'd share. This is my high level content version of the ED Trickster. At lvl 94 I have 5800 health and 2k ES, 65% evade, 42% spell dodge and 1.5M Shaper dps. Here's the pob:

Here's my gear:

I run two six-links, ED and Vaal Blight, along with 2 curses (Despair and Enfeeble), Aspect of the Spider, and Malevolence for 100% mana reservation. Contagion gets an AoE bump from the glove prefix so one-shotting legions is pretty easy. I've also done Uber Elder a dozen time deathless and am farming T15/16 maps with a sub 4 minute average time.

There's a few places I think the build could be even further min/maxed, like adding chaos % damage to the rings and belt, or getting something fun on the quiver (movement speed or increased AoE). And a double Malevolence WE with NaCDoT and life/ES rate would be really nice but super expensive. Same thing with getting 21/20 on all ED support gems or jewels with two damage mods and life. Each of the damage improvements I mentioned are between 10-25k dps, so if you did them all the total dps could go up another 100-200k.

Let me know what you think!
Last edited by DS_DV on Jul 30, 2019, 3:15:58 PM
Wermine wrote:
mdd1986 wrote:
any else having issues staying alive? I'm almost at 2mil DPS but I still die in like Tier 8 maps and can't even do Uber lab. Very frustrating. I think my gear is very good. Maybe its the way I'm playing it myself. Any advice appreciated.

My gear

I have the same build route: Low life Shav's. I Comfortably farm T16 maps and kill Uber Elder deathless. No Kaom's Roots, no flask swaps. I still have old build's flask setup and I think I'd gain more from Granite Flask (either magical or unique).

DPS in hideout is 750k and 1.1m while mapping. And then there's still Vaal Blight and Vaal Righteous Fire for bosses. Haven't checked POB DPS. ES is 9.4k

Playstyle is a bit different than your regular life leech/fortify -guy, who just goes inside the pack and tries to hit everything in vicinity to get leech and fortify going. There's no reason to just rush inside everything, you should be aiming your Contagion on packs on the edge of your screen and then cast ED. Especially important in Incursion Temples, where you can get hit 20 times by poison spitters in ½ a second if you run directly towards them.

Thank you so much this is helpful. Do you have an recommendations for my gear/tree I should do to improve?
Why isn't Cherrubim's Maleficence a suggested item?
Why isn't Cherrubim's Maleficence a suggested item?

because asides from 80% increased damage it does jackshit?
I didn't ask because I'm acting like I know better but the other suggests chest pieces are fairly similar as far as I can tell.

I guess it doesn't have resists? Is spell block really good or something for Hyrri's Ire?

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