GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Would Voidwalker Murder Boots be better than Atziri's Slink Step since it removes the need for a pierce gem in the ED setup? Thanks
Hey guys,

As noted before; I'm not a fulltime streamer so pardon the delayed response. Seeing from the comments that has emerged more & more lately I feel that I have not been clear enough in the guide and will therefor add this at the start of the guide:

The build is designed for general map clearing and designed to be an excellent league starter. The build can absolutely handle the end-game bosses but will require a lot of investment as well as knowledge. However, you can always switch to a +2/+3 chaos gem lvl staff approach to make it in to a boss farmer, though if that's your goal, this is not the build for you. Then you'd be better of with something like a Ele BF or GC miner which both works a lot better for the sake of boss farming. There are a handful of other options that similar to the GC miner requires rather low currency input to handle boss farming safely & smoothly.

Skippsy wrote:
2 things
1) how do I get a +1chaos tabulator a +2/3chaos staff?

2) this build guide says Uber Izaro/shaper in the title except every single person running the build is saying they can’t do endgame is it shaper viable or is it not?

1) Tabula Rasa +1 is a corruption from a Vaal Orb, should be plenty available on every league :) ( and it's still cheap ) +2 or +3 Chaos Gem lvl staves are crafted, usually from master tweaking or just alteration spamming till you hit +2 chaos gem lvl then aug/regal/bench

2) The build promotes 2 approaches:
a) Clear speed version using 1h/Shield, which can do Uber Atziri/Uber Izaro if you invest to the build and fully understands how it works.
b) Staff version which is designed to make Uber Izaro / Uber Atziri much easier to handle thanks to a significantly higher DPS output though losing some clear speed in the process.

Most people having issues are fairly new players, and all of them are using the 1h/Shield version which requires you to fully grasp how the build works & the boss mechanics on top of requiring pretty heavy investment. The staff version doesn't require nearly as much investement to handle the end-game bosses.
Also, lately, some of the people having issues are coming from people who has played builds specifically designed for boss killing such as GC miners, Ele Blade Flurry etc etc. ED/Contagion is not the best boss killer in the game, far from it, this build is among the strongest "league-starter" or "early game currency makers" in the game :)

chris2k30 wrote:
Just like to say thank you for the build, using it on abyss on xbox an managed to get to lvl 83 with some fairly bad gear lol, my highest char so far so fairly happy, cant afford any the recommended gear though, think i had one exalted drop an ppl asking for 5 an up for the items, think i managed to loot over 4 tabs of uniques with none helpful to me but they give me options to try other things.
Managed to get to lvl7 maps so far which i thought no bad for first time an bad gear, will continue to plod along an hopefully get enough currency buy some of the recommended gear, but yeah thnxz again, having fun


My pleasure bro!

Keep us posted on your progression :)

Maikk999 wrote:
Hey guys, i picked this build (not the same exact skill points, did some variations on my own but still ED trickster MoM) for abyss and i wanna share my experience with it.

I'm currently lvl 91 and i've just switched to the Low Life version of the build, but played up until lvl 90 with Life based MoM, killed red tier elder 2 times and did t15 maps with no problems with it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that i play Softcore, i wouldnt recommend tweaking the tree like i did in HC


1) My MoM skill tree + gear

First of all i wanna share my old setup

as you can see my gear was really no big deal, i think i spent overall about 90 chaos all on the first days of the league, so now you can find better items for way less.

2) Single target/Bosses

To anyone who's struggling with single target DPS you have to keep in mind that this version of the ed/mom trickster is mainly focused on mid tier mapping to get you going with currency farm, not to kill red tier elder or shaper.

If you really want to ramp up your single target you have to invest in 2 spreading rot jewels + allelopathy gloves, socketed with Void manipulation, swift affliction, controlled destruction, efficacy

This setup + wither totem MELTS bosses and gives you some great single target, since ED alone is really bad even with +1 gems tabula. Just be careful since you have to stand still while channeling blight.

To do this you have to remove the CWDT setup and use brine king (unless you have some other form of stun immunity) but it's worth it in my experience.

3) Lightpoacher

Yes it's good even on this build for flash farming maps, try it.

4) Low Life option

At some point you'll have to decide if you wanna spend your hard earned currency on this character or just build another and it's 100% your call.

Just wanna point out that the LowLife version is super powerful and even tankier due to the ES regen being more powerful than life regen.
Sure, every character can become very strong when you invest 20+ exalted in it, but still, i'm loving it even more than the life/mom one.

Just be prepared to spend a shit-ton of currency and regrets to respec if you happen to go this way.

you can check my current character and skill tree on my profile.
(gear is still pretty bad other than the amulet and the chest because i spent everything i had on them :D )

Of course the option to just stick to this guide is there, you have plenty of room for upgrades

5) Final Considerations

One of the best starters i've ever made, i think i might roll one the next league too, because it just feels like the perfect mix of low budget + satisfaction while playing (clear 2 screens with 1 projectile? yeah baby)

Big props to ghazzy for creating this guide, it helped a lot as a starting point to make my own small
changes to better fit my playstyle.


Glad you like it! And thank you for showing your tweaks :)

Nekobibu wrote:
Ghazzy wrote:

This might come out as a rude answer but this is the easiest way to show you:

Let me know if you need it elaborated!

Hey! :)

No, that wasn't rude at all, thanks! I managed to do it a few days ago using the same technique (like I said earlier, I didn't think you could "abuse" the system like that), but thanks a lot for your guide and your extraordinary dedication! :)


Glad you like it, thank you! I do what I can with the time I have <3

cwdt and immortal call max level? because you don't wrote anything after them

Matter of taste.
I prefer lvl 3 CWDT with lvl 5 IC.

The_Requiem wrote:
No one use Skin of the Loyal? I use it (also because the Cloack of defiance 6l cost 9ex).

Skin is better than a +1 Tabula but will also cost you more currency for pretty much the same result :)

The00th wrote:
First of all, its really great build - thanks for it.
Ive got about 100c to invest. What shall I buy next? Tabula +1? Mayby BotC? Thanks in advance.

Depends on your current gear, if your weapon is bad then BotC, if you don't have a 6L then the +1.

This0N3Guy wrote:
If you go from a shield to Rathpith globe what movement spell are you switching to? Or does Rathpith still allow you to use shield charge?

And with the Abyss league, is it better to use a good Stygian belt or would it be better to stick with a hard leather belt?

I'm newer at the game and started building ED trickster following someone else's guide but yours goes much deeper into detail so I am trying to switch over.

As long as you don't wield a wand and have a shield eqipped you can use Shield Charge.

Depends on the rolls, the Abyss belts can absolutely be a solid choice.

Alright! Hope it works out well for you :)

Xyrm wrote:
Is this build capable of Uber Atziri this league? If so, what kind of investment would it take?

I would recommend that you use a +2 or +3 chaos gem lvl staff for boss farming, though if you are looking for an end-game boss farming build, ED/Contagion is not the best choice, it can handle them but there are better options for end-game boss farming.

cobalt212 wrote:
Little bit of a noob here, sorry. Trying to plan out my third build ever. Do you think Atziri Slink Boots are the best unique boots? Or would Voidwalker Murder Boots be better since it removes the need for a pierce gem in the ED setup. Thanks for your thoughts! :)

I have never felt the need for Pierce playing this build, even before the projectile changes.
But yeah, it can absolutely work well for you :)

Clayne wrote:
I know the video is from a few patches ago, but why did you recommend using the unique gloves Winds of Change? As far as the tooltip from Essence Drain goes (Deals xyz Chaos Damage per Second), the Projectile Damage increase only applies to the initial hit, and not the damage over time. Is this correct?

Between the creation of the video guide and where we are now, projectile dmg affected the DoT, it no longer does this.
Sadly, I've been lacking time as I'm not a fulltime streamer to update the video footage, but I will do it as soon as I can =/

Akrog wrote:
Hey enjoying the build so far, I got a question is spellcrit worth it for this build?

Nope, crit won't affect the DoT part, only the initial projectile hit which we don't care about :)

mikey2456 wrote:
why do we use immortal call linked with cast when damage taken and increased duration, I don't see where we are getting endurance charges?


It still procs but only during it's base duration (+ inc duration gem) which is enough to save you vs Bone Husks and/or Porcupines. :) No need for charges!

lesgrossman wrote:
Hi Ghazzy,

loving this build. any chance for a gear check?

Currently 4.8k hp and 2k mana unreserved.


Besides the obvious "get higher numbers on all the mods" which can always get better (almost at least :P )
I would strongly recommend to get Allelopathy gloves!

Tuzai wrote:
lesgrossman wrote:
Hi Ghazzy,

loving this build. any chance for a gear check?

Currently 4.8k hp and 2k mana unreserved.


craft chaos damage rings and amulet with mana,life,resist
get a either +1 skill tabula or a cherrubims chest
allelopathy gloves
get rid of cwdt setup, it's useless

Don't drop your CWDT setup or you'll instantly kill yourself on the first Porcupine pack you encounter.

supersaint wrote:
Badtwo wrote:
Picked up my Alleopathy gloves..2 more levels to wear them though...question..we pick up blight from the gloves? There is no need to gem it right? So with blight from gloves and the 4 gems we already have it works as a 5 link, correct?



TheBrainTrain wrote:
Is anyone actually using this build for shaper / uber atziri kills? I'm finding it very difficult to kill some bosses.

For bosses I strongly recommend the staff approach, and will add a note in the guide as I have not been clear that this build is mainly designed for map clearing. The build can do the end-game bosses but is nowhere near the best build to actually farm them with.


First of all, I'd like to thank you Ghazzy, build seems pretty fun for me :-)


It's my first character I actually try to understand the game.
And I'm kinda confused now.
LVL88 and seems like I lack damage as well as (e)HP.
~4800 HP, ~1000 ES and ~3400 MP (~1900 unreserved).

I have 2 jewel slots in passive tree and next lvlup i'll have three.
When I spec into third jewel slot I thought I should replace 2 Spreading Rot Jewels with 3 Grand Spectrum Cobalt Jewels (to higher my eHP /MoM/), but then I'll lack even more damage... Can anyone guide me what to do? Should I upgrade my gear, gem setups, or what am I doing wrong?



Do you have Witchfire Brew flask? It makes a huge difference. Try to get an Empower for your Tabula (even a lvl 2 with that +1 corruption will do very well at this point).

Guils_xD wrote:
Hi guys, this is my first post and first char.

I´m lvl 86 and I have 3 exalted orbs to spend.

Feel free to give me tips and tell what items should I buy

4.3k HP, 1.2K ES and 2.8k MANA

(84%) fire resist
(115%) cold resist
(101%) lightning resist

Thank you


I'd recommend striving to get 109% all elemental resistances (covers vs ele weakness modded maps in red tiers).

I also recommend a corrupted +1 Tabula Rasa for your chest :)

With the nerfs to MOM and using 2 curses i only have 170ish mana that is not in reserve, is it still worth it to go MOM, or should i spec out of some of the Mana nodes and invest it into chaos damage?

Thank you so much for this build you have brought so much joy to my Shadow experience :) ever since bladefall trapper got nerfed.

If you look at the MoM calculator provided in the guide having that low mana will literally make MoM completely useless as well as all your mana nodes. Not having MoM means a huge drop in eHP so be careful!

GGameOver wrote:

i really enjoy playing this build but i feel like i have really low castspeed, can you help me whit my build? What can i change? Meybe somethink in my PT?

"Walk the Aether" ascendancy will solve your problem :)

Lexodus wrote:
I just wanted to link this somewhere

First try ;)


Pompeoo wrote:
Guys quick question. Any examples of good dagger/claws for this build? THANKS

Literally anything with as much spell dmg on as possible.

Badtwo wrote:
Another question regarding the Alleopathy Gloves, where in the rotation are you guys fitting in blight on bosses, and what are you dropping from your rotation to use it?

Not dropping anything, Spell Totem supplies Wither, ED is a DoT so you cast blight till your ED is almost over then re-apply that. And/or resummon your wither totem should it die.

blabla6 wrote:
First great build! it's super fun to play

I reached a state which I don't know what to progress next.
I can clear trash from t13 map without any issue but can't kill the map boss.
Should I give up on boss killing remove the allelophaty and spreading rot for 3 * grand spectrum and resistance gloves to make place for Bisco leash? I assume it will be better for trash then Atziri step if I can't fit both
Or try to invest in better rings\amu to add resists i instead of the boots and belt?

Any other suggestions on what to improve next?
If I am should still be able to kill map boss on t13 then what should I improve for it?

I hadn't taken the dual curse node it and I still have 3 levels to go until I reach it.


You got 2 options tbh:

1) Go crazy making currency speeding through maps and consider getting magic find
2) Get the curse and make sure you get extra dmg wherever possible (rings/amy etc) to handle the bosses and/or switch to chaos gem lvl staff for boss farming

Also, if you don't have it, the Witchfire Brew flask will help TONS with DMG and is sort of a must at this point.

olekoli wrote:
Hi Ghazzy,
First of all thank you for an excellent build guide, really enjoying it. I have changed it up a little, to add more jewel sockets and skipped extra frenzy charge. Right now level 90, and pushing red maps and so far it has been really smooth. I have dropped CWDT set-up for 5-link Blight in the gloves which proved an excellent choice for single target dps(bosses just melt away). Currently sitting on 66k DoT dps on ED in HO, and 100k with charges and Arcane Surge. My short term goal is to get 21/20 ED and lvl 4 Empower, and my end-game (probably unreachable) goals are +1 Skin of the loyal (Currently 4-5ex uncorrupted with right colours so good luck) and +1 curse impresence. Also survivability is great, I am sitting on 6,2k life + 1,2k ES + 1,6k unreserved mana.
This is my gear currently:

Looking really solid! Thank you for sharing <3

Badtwo wrote:
Lexodus wrote:
Badtwo wrote:
Another question regarding the Alleopathy Gloves, where in the rotation are you guys fitting in blight on bosses, and what are you dropping from your rotation to use it?

Im no expert but I usually do totem->flask->ed->blight (blight for a short time, or longer if the boss feels safe, If im worried about dying then i just run away after a short blight for added safety ;)

If the boss has adds i use contagion before ed, and try to hit the adds with ed.

Nice..that's about what I have been doing. So we both must be right! lol Thanks for the response:)

Glad it worked out :)

lesgrossman wrote:

Just a quick question. What kind of farming would this build be good for making the most currency. I know t14 vault farm is pretty good, but is that something this build would be good for? Been spamming some shaped shore and it has been going well.


Boss in Vault will be pretty so-so to deal with tbh but it would work very well for currency farming. Literally any map you can sextant craft and run fast would work well.

Ghazzy wrote:

Clayne wrote:
I know the video is from a few patches ago, but why did you recommend using the unique gloves Winds of Change? As far as the tooltip from Essence Drain goes (Deals xyz Chaos Damage per Second), the Projectile Damage increase only applies to the initial hit, and not the damage over time. Is this correct?

Between the creation of the video guide and where we are now, projectile dmg affected the DoT, it no longer does this.
Sadly, I've been lacking time as I'm not a fulltime streamer to update the video footage, but I will do it as soon as I can =/

I think that Winds of Change still works good for this build in combination with Commandment of Blades and Delirium dagger. Tried it in the last 1-2 leagues and worked fine. I will need resistances in the gloves in this league, because will try to go for 2 envy shaper (SD) rings, so will probably miss the lab unique.
Last edited by Thalido on Dec 29, 2017, 4:09:46 PM

Projectile damage only scales the initial hit, not the DoT damage which we focus on with an ED/Contagion build.
Of course you are right about the DoT damage. I just gave an option for the Winds of Change to be used. The extra damage to the first hit of the ED and the Commandment of Blades (3 projectiles), which is produced trough the first hit (from ED or SC) is some nice addition to the mid-high map mobs farming. I love it in the lab as well, since it disables some of the traps offscreen. The decay it inflicted trough delirium weapon in more than one instance was also a bonus, I am not sure if it still works.

Anyway a very nice build. Will use it in this league again, as the new items and mods give some good extras to it.

Really love the build, atm running tier +11 maps and everything just going down fast, tho i have not be lucky with an Exalted orb so i could buy Breath of the council
Enchantments on the following are a little weird, I didn't think I'd use items 20-35 levels later.

is it worth spending currency for Breath of the Council? Plus, I really enjoy Whirling Blades. Any unique Dagger/Sword/Claw alternatives?

What to replace first? I have 3Exalted/70Chaos right now

Oh and, I need the Dex on Boots (Enchantment) for pretty much every gem in Dagger/Chest, screwed up and forgot to check Stats while leveling up gems. Maybe I'll overdo them.
Last edited by Clayne on Dec 30, 2017, 5:27:25 PM
Thalido wrote:
Of course you are right about the DoT damage. I just gave an option for the Winds of Change to be used. The extra damage to the first hit of the ED and the Commandment of Blades (3 projectiles), which is produced trough the first hit (from ED or SC) is some nice addition to the mid-high map mobs farming. I love it in the lab as well, since it disables some of the traps offscreen. The decay it inflicted trough delirium weapon in more than one instance was also a bonus, I am not sure if it still works.

Anyway a very nice build. Will use it in this league again, as the new items and mods give some good extras to it.

My bad then! Sorry! :)

kouze wrote:

Really love the build, atm running tier +11 maps and everything just going down fast, tho i have not be lucky with an Exalted orb so i could buy Breath of the council


Headsup on the Lion's Roar flask though, it doesn't grant you any extra dmg to this build :)

Clayne wrote:
Enchantments on the following are a little weird, I didn't think I'd use items 20-35 levels later.

is it worth spending currency for Breath of the Council? Plus, I really enjoy Whirling Blades. Any unique Dagger/Sword/Claw alternatives?

What to replace first? I have 3Exalted/70Chaos right now

Oh and, I need the Dex on Boots (Enchantment) for pretty much every gem in Dagger/Chest, screwed up and forgot to check Stats while leveling up gems. Maybe I'll overdo them.


Well, you can craft a dagger with an Essence of Delirium for extra DMG and WB availability.

The gloves is the first thing I would change to Allelopathy personally at least.
Also the helmet would be next in line.
Do you have an example staff and gem setup for the staff version of this build?
battousaii wrote:
Do you have an example staff and gem setup for the staff version of this build?


Gem setup remains the same.

Prio having +2 lvls of socketed chaos gems and if possible together with the +1 lvl of socketed gems (total of +3).
After that(those) mods you want to get as much spell damage as possible, anything else is literally what ever.

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