Master Crafting Metamods

Before you continue reading make sure you understand my point of view and where it is coming from:
1st - I am a casual player ( i have been playing the game since late 2012 as i can remember correctly to prove that 2 days ago i reached for the first time ever level 87 on my char)
2nd - I have some programming/coding experience which helps me understand how things in the computer world work
3rd and foremost - i just found out this news just now, like most of the community did.

Now Getting all that out of the way i want to express my personal opinion on the matter:

1. all the fuss about economy being broken is major league B.S. exaggerated by lazy people that feel entitled to everything. THE ECONOMY IS SELF REGULATING (PERIOD) (just like in the real world currency is an abstract method for paying for services/stuff it is just an idea we all believe).

2 If someone somehow found a way to make more of it faster than others, congratulations you deserve your earnings! (it is the same way in the real world the examples are countless i will mention companies like Microsoft, Apple, Oracle that had an idea and worked hard to make it to where they are now).

3 If someone is spending his time researching and testing methods to obtain information that is available to all of us - he is doing nothing wrong he is being productive

4 if someone makes tools, that are not in conflict with the 'Law', and are used to obtain and process information faster or even automate it - he is being progressive (progress is the thing that now enables us to have powerful computing devices, cars, electricity ... generally better everything)

5 Knowledge is something you obtain through investing time and effort. Sharing is strictly subjective and if someone discovers something new (that i in now way conflicting with the "Law") he can either use it in his advantage or share it with everyone. Either way it is a result of his hard work and that makes the decision to share it his personal right. (ask your selves why companies like coca-cola keep their recipes a secret)

6 If you share your knowledge with someone else make sure you have some sort of DNR before whining that he shared your secret to everyone, best of all don't share your secret knowledge if you don't want it to go public.

7 I applaud GGG for encouraging people to implement logic in their thought and making people in general to use their brains if they choose so.

8 If you feel you are entitled to knowledge and currency without any effort what so ever, then this game and also real life are probably not best suited for you. You should try a game where you only click one or twice and everything is done automatically for you and see how that satisfies

9 If you some how feel misled by faulty information by blindly believing it - it's your own fault for being misled. You should be at least a little suspicious to any sort of random information, beneficiary or not, outside of the officially released one.

10 If GGG made all the information equally available through discovery it is up to you to figure it out and check all claims of how something is done.

11 If GGG i somehow corrupted, like implied in some comments, and gives out information to a chosen few, or in any way promotes a "scammy" behavior through the community - Don't you think that this is basically a marketing suicide that's going to ruin their credibility as company? And lastly ask your selves - If people, that are smart enough, to think of and afterwards produce a game as complex as path of exile, are capable of shooting them selves in the foot like that?!

12 THIS OR ANY GAME IS A PART OF THE REAL LIFE AND THEREFOR REFLECTION OF IT! YOU CAN GET SCAMMED OR MISLED IN ABSOLUTELY ANY GAME THERE IS! The only way to escape from life is through death. However you behave in games is no different of how you behave in real life further more it's actually who you really since you are able to freely expose your true self hidden behind the masks of anonymity and "Log Out" buttons, so please get of your High Moral Horse.

13 No one should be entitled to any sort of refund for something they willing and knowingly spend they money for. If read a book and don't like it, do you go to the book store and ask for a refund? If you sat through a whole movie in the movie theater and dot like it, do you go to the book store and ask for a refund? Have your mothers and fathers bought clothes for you as kids, then asked for a refund after you grew out of them?! I highly doubt it.
Therefor - should you be refunded for MTX's that you bought, in a game that you used to/ still play when suddenly you decided that you no longer feels right for you? The answer is NO you did not spend money on the game it self you spend money on the MTX's so ask your selves do you like the MTX's ? If NO then why the hell you bought them in a first place.

In the above text i refer as "LAW" to that massive amount of text most of us agreed with without even reading.

In this post i am not defending any of the involved parties.
Neither GGG nor the people who first obtained/shared are in any form or shape responsible for our own self awareness or issues/insecurities.
I'm not trying to be any pillar of morality in any way, i am expressing what i believe is COMMON SENSE!
I am pointing a finger towards certain members of the community - is somehow someone recognizes him self in my words , well then bad for you!
Life's a b***h - deal with it.
Last edited by vacii on Aug 21, 2015, 1:02:41 PM
This post was awesome Chris! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

I'm curious to see how much it truly impacts the market in the short term.. this should be interesting :)

Happy trading everyone!


Jartren wrote:
I quite like the player discovery method GGG is using. Nothing wrong with letting players who risk currency and are able to decipher the rules benefit.

Seems most people are just unhappy other players profited, rather than themselves.

Then you don't undestand a thing about all of this.

People are mad because there where a post from a Dev stating that the misinformation was actualy misinformation. But then a few minutes later deleted that post resulting in a handful of ppl knowing the truth about the crafting mechanics, and by doing so, GGG helped spread misinformation
Seems like a whole lot of stuff about nothing honestly. Some people got rich other people got jealous and I continue to level on. Oh well.
Jartren wrote:
I quite like the player discovery method GGG is using. Nothing wrong with letting players who risk currency and are able to decipher the rules benefit.

Seems most people are just unhappy other players profited, rather than themselves. Next time try something new rather than waiting for it to appear on the wiki. You may be the next player to find a new development.

And if you don't have the playtime to get to the top of the league, that's ok. I am quite happy playing the game and I have maybe 3 exalts to my name.

Good job GGG, don't listen to the players who want their top level gameplay all spelled out on the wiki for them.

It's in human nature to be jealous and envious and only few people admit it. Yes i envy the people that thought of it before me, yes i am jealous of the people who secretly profited. Yet again i don't feel the need to blame it on anyone except my laziness :)
I applaud your way of thinking sir!
OniAsura wrote:
Seems like a whole lot of stuff about nothing honestly. Some people got rich other people got jealous and I continue to level on. Oh well.

jealous is the 100% correct term here :)
vacii wrote:
OniAsura wrote:
Seems like a whole lot of stuff about nothing honestly. Some people got rich other people got jealous and I continue to level on. Oh well.

jealous is the 100% correct term here :)

You have the jealous people and then you have those that do not like the way GGG acted in this matter with Qarl's actions (spilling beans,covering after,etc) even though they pride themselves on ''letting players discover on their own'' while they were buddy buddy with some. Also there is a claim that this does not affect the players except for 0.0001% of them. Not true once again. You saw ex price?That affects everyone. Just food for thoughts
andreicde wrote:
vacii wrote:
OniAsura wrote:
Seems like a whole lot of stuff about nothing honestly. Some people got rich other people got jealous and I continue to level on. Oh well.

jealous is the 100% correct term here :)

You have the jealous people and then you have those that do not like the way GGG acted in this matter with Qarl's actions (spilling beans,covering after,etc) even though they pride themselves on ''letting players discover on their own'' while they were buddy buddy with some. Also there is a claim that this does not affect the players except for 0.0001% of them. Not true once again. You saw ex price?That affects everyone. Just food for thoughts

You should seriously read what wrote several posts above, like i said currency and it's price is an abstract thing that we invent, and the currency is worth only as much as we think it does. If you believe that 1ex is worth 1 c or it is worth 100c is your own opinion. You are comparing tomatoes with beans here.
That's the reason why GGG does not share the drop rates of currency cause this will flatten out the prices and this game will turn into a Korean grindfest.
I also believe that in our everyday bartering in POE underprice the value of most of the currency.

And if you do not like the way that GGG is going about their own game, the only thing you do is not play it anymore. and also what works for you is not necessarily working for everyone else. GGG is in it's right to make a decision what will work and what wont. Its hard to please 10 people imagine what is to please 10 or 20 million, and please give GGG a break.
Last edited by vacii on Aug 21, 2015, 1:41:15 PM
GGG f'd up so hard on this and this post actually makes it a lot worse than originally thought
so let me just get this straight:
someone actually lied on reddit about meta crafting not working the way it does,
qarl, in his function as an ggg employee sorted things out, but removed his post around 10 mins. later, while certain players of a guild that also happened to have another ggg member in their roster at some point where making the profit of their lives?

That is some really shady stuff right there...
I'm not talking about integrity or trusting the company, but some things should be disclosed properly, because without voc "dropping the bomb", things would have continued this way with ggg knowing everything an laughing while 99% of the playerbase is completely left in the dark.
Last edited by 3rra on Aug 21, 2015, 2:24:49 PM

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