
Flab wrote:
I used this with a marauder (twice) in the 1 week turbo race, it was effective enough until about the start of merciless act 2 after which it became increasingly useless, again I think mainly due to the speed, at that point basically all weapons I picked up/bought and used were higher speed than sweep's attack speed. Basically stopped using it entirely after merciless act 2, it simply wssn't effective enough.

I fully agree with this and add that with increased difficulty, the monsters are more likely to stun you, interrupting the Sweep, which is a real pain, considering you are usually in the middle of the pack.
Will this skill be looked over before OB? It seems to function quite differently from the other 2 AOE melee skills.

It has 75% damage effectiveness compared to the 70% of ground slam and cleave. Furthermore, after the last wave of re-balancing for ground slam, it functions unlike any other skill. Before both ground slam and sweep had set attack speeds, however after the last patch, ground slam attack speed is based off the weapon while sweep is not.

Is this skill simply overlooked or are all these discrepancies intended?

Drakx wrote:
Furthermore, after the last wave of re-balancing for ground slam, it functions unlike any other skill. Before both ground slam and sweep had set attack speeds, however after the last patch, ground slam attack speed is based off the weapon while sweep is not.

Leap Slam also does this. /nitpick
Vipermagi wrote:
Drakx wrote:
Furthermore, after the last wave of re-balancing for ground slam, it functions unlike any other skill. Before both ground slam and sweep had set attack speeds, however after the last patch, ground slam attack speed is based off the weapon while sweep is not.

Leap Slam also does this. /nitpick

I believe leap slam is due to the animation limits. Weapons that are too fast would break the skill.

Though you are most certainly correct. Point taken.
I am using Voll's Baptism on a Templar with all the increased aoe nodes and the aoe support gem on sweep for a total of 60% increased aoe. From time to time I will notice that it fails to hit a mob behind or to the side of my Templar.

I was wondering if it didn't so something like shock nova, where increasing the aoe increases some sort of dead zone that, from what I understand, isn't supposed to happen with sweep any more.

IGN: Jacian
please make it for 1 hand Mace to
Ticha wrote:
please make it for 1 hand Mace to

That would make no sense. This skill really only makes sense to be being restricted to 2-handed weapons.
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Okay, I used sweep again in the last 1 week race. There is definitely some sort of bug where attacks don't register (continually), generally near obstacles, even if I'm surrounded and have obvious LOS to the surrounding enemies (to the point where they're standing right on top of me). I have to stop attacking and reposition myself.

No idea if this is related to other bugs reported about attacks/spells not registering.
Does this skill still not rely on weapon speed? Does it gain bonus from faster attacks support or increased attack speed passives?
Not sure if this has been mentioned. But wish to do so again.
The description on the Sweep Skill gem can be a little misleading.
"Swings a staff or a two-handed axe or mace in a circle, knocking back some monsters around the character."
Had to try it out to see if a 1H mace could activate the skill.
Might wanna make a clearer description thanks!

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