
soul4hdwn wrote:
same way my witch does, just grab exactly 100 dex total via accessory and two passives of +30. they aren't far away at all. note that 100% piercing is via pierce support gem + projectile weakness both at lv 10 if without quality, less level req if with quality versions.

Thanks, I'll think about it then. Right now I still need 3 hp nodes before I get into merciless and I'm already 53. Plus I need about 200 more mana to keep my 6th aura on and still use my skills, but I will see if I can fit that 100 dex in to try pierce out.
BerMalBerIst1 wrote: What if GGG doesn't nerf anything and decides to buff a bunch of stuff?

666lol666 wrote: In that case someone has kidnapped their kids and is forcing them to do so. These guys are allergic to buffs, they are in love with the nerfhammer!
less dex is needed if the gems are quality but forcing quality on the gems is kinda expensive unless players made gem cutter's more common.
Haven't expressed this yet. but this is my favorite melee skill in the game. Melts faces then, melts faces now.
Is spark + fork bugged?
I have a level 15 spark and it does 699 DPS with nothing attached(light spec witch)
I also have a level 15 fork which is +28% projectile damage and -30% projectile damage(2% net loss)

What is weird is when I add fork to spark my DPS goes from 699 to 529 this is with just spark and forked linked

That seems like a whole lot more than a 2% loss in projectile damage

Is it the 50% damage effectiveness?
fork has a "less" and a "increased". less is a multiplier and increased is additive. yes sparks has a damage modifier of 50%, that'll have some influence too.

damage * (1 + sum of all "increased") * (1 +"more")[repeat separately if extra "more" based increases] * (1 -"less") * damage modifier.

i cannot plug numbers in for you to explain better as i don't know enough of what you have.
soul4hdwn wrote:
fork has a "less" and a "increased". less is a multiplier and increased is additive. yes sparks has a damage modifier of 50%, that'll have some influence too.

damage * (1 + sum of all "increased") * (1 +"more")[repeat separately if extra "more" based increases] * (1 -"less") * damage modifier.

i cannot plug numbers in for you to explain better as i don't know enough of what you have.

This just seems weird
I would assume the +damage would cancel the -damage if they are based off the same base gem damage.

The gems base out of socket damage is(lvl 15 gem)

Its base damage in a socket is
29-544(699.6 DPS)

Fork damage is
22-412(529.9 DPS)

Off topic a bit but here are a few more:

Added lightning damage gem which adds 3-66 lightning damage it deals
34-656(842.5 DPS)

Chain(20% increased damage, 50% loss in damage)
15-288(369.9 DPS)

GMP(12% increase 50% loss)
15-282(362.6 DPS)

Projectile Speed(adds 15% projectile damage)
30-568(730.1 DPS)
well, that's is enough to explain what is going on.
based off the first two number sets. you have 70% damage boost for sparks total of itself from whatever means.

your fork is +28% increased and -30% less. so this happens (high end number used):
320 *(1 +0.70 +0.28) *(1 -0.30) -> 320 *1.98 *0.7 =443.52
something went wrong clearly as that doesn't match what you shown. however this is the steps that happen in math. "increased" and "reduced" cancel each other out but "increased" and "less" do not as they are separate things.

if use both fork and gmp then this happens:
320 *(1 +0.7 +0.28 +0.12) *(1 -0.3) *(1-0.5)
320 *2.1 *0.7 *0.5
672 *0.7 *0.5
470.4 *0.5 =235.2
soul4hdwn wrote:
well, that's is enough to explain what is going on.
based off the first two number sets. you have 70% damage boost for sparks total of itself from whatever means.

your fork is +28% increased and -30% less. so this happens (high end number used):
320 *(1 +0.70 +0.28) *(1 -0.30) -> 320 *1.98 *0.7 =443.52
something went wrong clearly as that doesn't match what you shown. however this is the steps that happen in math. "increased" and "reduced" cancel each other out but "increased" and "less" do not as they are separate things.

if use both fork and gmp then this happens:
320 *(1 +0.7 +0.28 +0.12) *(1 -0.3) *(1-0.5)
320 *2.1 *0.7 *0.5
672 *0.7 *0.5
470.4 *0.5 =235.2

Ah I see
Yea what went wrong is the 50% damage effectiveness of spark
So 28% increase is actually 14%

320*1.84*.70 = 412.16

How the hell do people deal any damage with a chain/GMP build?

so whats the huge nerf people are talking about, i took longer break in closed beta and apparently something big has changed in this spell but i dont know what.
IGN Crakk
It effectively has NextDelay. 0.10.0 Patch Notes:
"Spark: Once a Spark has bounced, it'll only be able to pierce the same target again if it has been more than one second since the last time."

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