
Vipermagi wrote:
It effectively has NextDelay. 0.10.0 Patch Notes:
"Spark: Once a Spark has bounced, it'll only be able to pierce the same target again if it has been more than one second since the last time."

It's a big nerf in terms of a specific situation (ie cornering a boss and having the same sparks repenetrate him...ooer), but overall, imho, spark remains a viable build - with or without totems.

Anyone know what the mana cost of spark is at level 20?
Last edited by mojoz on Feb 18, 2013, 4:15:59 AM
What you all think are the best support gems for a totem spark?

Right now i am running: Faster casting + Fork + Ele. Prof. + Totem + Spark

Is pierce maybe better? Or does it suck after the 1sec Pierce nerf?

And what Curses would you use with Double curse, Ele. Weakness + Conductivity?

What should be the 5th support gem if i would have a 6linked?
IGN: kReiZy
need feed back on Voll's protector 6l spark+ crit dmg + fork+ gmp+ L pen+ crit rate.
No additional passive dmg but +70% crit dmg from passives. Will i one shot myself with spark on high lvl if shotgun or lots of weak mobs under aura elemental reflect?
Please delete this hopeless skill.

Replace it with Chain lightning.

See diablo 2.

The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
Lol. Spark is fine.
I was just reading that Spark needs to wait 1 second after Piercing to be able hit the same target a second time. Doesn't this make quality Spark gems actually pretty bad in a lot of situations? It seems like a normal speed projectile would be more desirable to ensure the second has passed and that the target can be hit a second time.
I was just reading that Spark needs to wait 1 second after Piercing to be able hit the same target a second time. Doesn't this make quality Spark gems actually pretty bad in a lot of situations? It seems like a normal speed projectile would be more desirable to ensure the second has passed and that the target can be hit a second time.

Well yes and no, in the case of a single target yes quality isn't that good, it's not necessarily bad though it kinda depends on the random path it takes. Other situations though your spark pierces one mob then go hit another mob 1.5screens away cause it goes super fast. Higher proj speed means you will cover a larger area with stray sparks.
Great skill, very powerful with some good support gems, and it's ability to kill off screen or behind a corner make it one of the most valuable skill i tried. Nice balance also. I'm actually playing pure spark but will put it on a totem later. One of the best skill i tried. (my tops are spark, cleave and flicker)
I quote the patch notes

Critical strikes have been standardised in how they interact with repeating actions. The critical roll is made only once per action, regardless of how many repeats that action does. Exceptions are Tempest Shield (which rolls each time you block), Piety's Ball Lightning (which rolls per target) and Infernal Blow/Explosive Arrow (which roll separately for the explosion).

Any Idea if this will be bad or good for our little forking and roaming sparks, if i understand it right, it will be so that once it pops out of the totem and then its a crit or not but what about when it forks ? and The forks of the forks ?
"and The forks of the forks ?"
For one, it only ever Forks once.
Crit is per activation. Forks are still part of the same cast.

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