
Spell Totem grants 30% Reduced Cast Speed. -30 + 37 = 7%.
Spark shows 5% Spell Critical Strike Chance on tab "Offence" instead 4% after 0.11.0 Patch. It's a bug?
Crit Chance has a low-end cap of 5%. Working as intended, and has always happened :)
If you grab 25% Increased Crit Chance, you will still have 5% Crit Chance; 4 * 1.25 = 5.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Jun 29, 2013, 4:45:40 AM
How does the damage scaling work with skills like Spark that have a very low minimum damage? If you do something like GMP (50% less damage) and fork (30% less damage) do you actually end up with some random rolls of the skill just doing zero damage? I'm thinking mostly in cases of using something like Spark (or maybe Arc) to trigger effects like elemental equilibirium, and wondering if there's a 'floor' to damage, so it's be set to 1 before enemy resists instead of just being a zero.
C0Y0T3_SLY wrote:
How does the damage scaling work with skills like Spark that have a very low minimum damage? If you do something like GMP (50% less damage) and fork (30% less damage) do you actually end up with some random rolls of the skill just doing zero damage? I'm thinking mostly in cases of using something like Spark (or maybe Arc) to trigger effects like elemental equilibirium, and wondering if there's a 'floor' to damage, so it's be set to 1 before enemy resists instead of just being a zero.
damage can definitely round to zero (as noted by damage modifier on melee skills with an accessory). however, sparks has a min (unmodified) damage of 7 at gem lv 10., thus 7 *.5 *.3 *.5 = 0.525 rounds to 1
soul4hdwn wrote:
C0Y0T3_SLY wrote:
How does the damage scaling work with skills like Spark that have a very low minimum damage? If you do something like GMP (50% less damage) and fork (30% less damage) do you actually end up with some random rolls of the skill just doing zero damage? I'm thinking mostly in cases of using something like Spark (or maybe Arc) to trigger effects like elemental equilibirium, and wondering if there's a 'floor' to damage, so it's be set to 1 before enemy resists instead of just being a zero.
damage can definitely round to zero (as noted by damage modifier on melee skills with an accessory). however, sparks has a min (unmodified) damage of 7 at gem lv 10., thus 7 *.5 *.3 *.5 = 0.525 rounds to 1

Thanks, that's very helpful. I'm new to the game but love learning the mechanics of these tupes of things. I assume this rounding takes place before enemy resistances?
One thing I can't wrap my head around is the damage done per spark. It says 300 damage at lv20, is that 300 or 100 damage per spark? Also, if my fork gem says 30% less damage and 32% increased damage, is that a 2% increase in damage? Or a multiplicative 0.7*1.32=0.924 ?

Last edited by Bjarmfark on Jul 14, 2013, 4:25:47 PM
Bjarmfark wrote:
One thing I can't wrap my head around is the damage done per spark. It says 300 damage at lv20, is that 300 or 100 damage per spark? Also, if my fork gem says 30% less damage and 32% increased damage, is that a 2% increase in damage? Or a multiplicative 0.7*1.32=0.924 ?

the damage listed on the gem (or the character window) is "per spark", so times that by 3 or whatever number of hits/projectiles made.
it is multiplicative, and also note the increased adds to your passives before getting modified by the "less" stat.
This is kind of off topic, and I apologize if it was discussed earlier.

Why can't spark's projectiles go over cliffs/pits? It's possible to fire other projectiles over cliffs, but spark just bounces off as if it was a solid wall. Also, in places like the fetid pits, the sparks bounce off of the player clip in the middle of the lake.

Is this behavior intended, or is it a bug? Or is it something that just isn't feasible to fix?
The sparks travel across the floor, as opposed to most other projectiles.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Aug 5, 2013, 8:16:03 PM

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