Shield Charge

please please i want to bump up this skill on your prioritize fix list because i think this skill have far the most bugs in this game. Don't want to list all bugs with this skill but the most annoying is (i have resolute and i know this skill never miss muha) after first hit (with run) this skill not have more dmg/hit. You can choose titan quest charge style ( with nice ai autorun what avoid obstacle) or old school d2 charge skill or whatever you want just pls make something because this skill is bad/malfunctioning for 2+ years and we are in ob so please give some love to this skill and put up on your fix skill bug prioritize list :)
does someone know if knockback from support skill stacks with the innate knockback?
Knockback is Knockback, and Shield Charge has a 100% Chance to Knockback. Can't get any better than that.
Please make it work with unarmed. :)
IGN : Jovial
SirOtis wrote:
I've been using this as one of my primary abilities for 50 levels and I've often experienced a bug where my character gets stuck in the charge animation (while standing still) and I completely lose control of my character.

I can create a portal and talk to other players but cannot move or use the portal.

I thought it was related to desynch (which i frequently experience with this ability), but the /oos command does not get me out of the animation.

The only way to fix this is to log out and log back in.

i do like the skill but i think im gonna swap to leap slam until this get fixed.
Hi, I have a level 18 Facebreaker build. When the creatures of grinding gear games made a player review of someones facebreaker build they say they would work on making more unarmed skills and armor.

The huge problem that I have with the facebreaker build is that i am really slow. Yes i can get equipment that will make me run faster and such, but the only skill i can use with the build is Infernal Blow. I would like at least one more skill that would work well with the build. In my opinion that is Shield Charge. The only thing that would really need to be done is change so code so that it can be used with unarmed as well as armed. With the current animation is looks like the Person using Shield Charge just simply Bashes the shield into the enemy anyways and doesnt actually use there weapon at all like it states in the description of the skill.

Please anyone who reads this comment on it with your opinion so that it gets seen by the developers.
does the stun duration get further increased by "increased duration" support gem?
yes, and other increased stun duration sources like maces, belts, or mods.
Perhaps give shield-charge some "splash damage"?

Full skill strength against the primary target, and maybe 1/4 - 1/2 damage (but no stun) against the closest secondary targets?

I find myself using this against archers allot, and they initally seem to group up in tight packs, so having this do some spash on that initial charge would be extreamly usefull.
-Zombie#1- "That guy has passed right over us 3 times now..shouldnt we be popping out to attack?"
-Zombie#2- "No way, you saw what he did to our friends. Lets just stay down here where its safe.
Besides, you heard how angry he is..keeps shouting something about needing the last 2 to clear.."

I have been trying this skill out again and have not had my toon get locked it running animation. Seems to be working better so far.Will be back with more input.
Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!

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