Shield Charge

How much damage does Shield Charge do? It shows that "100% more damage at maximum charge distance", does it mean it deals 200% damage at level 1?

Also, what is the maximum charge distance? Is it the edge of the monitor?
'More' is a multiplicative modifier. If you're right at the maximum distance, you will deal listed damage multiplied by (1+(100/100)) = 2. So yes, that's 200% damage.
I believe the maximum distance is a smidge over the edge of the screen.
Vipermagi wrote:
'More' is a multiplicative modifier. If you're right at the maximum distance, you will deal listed damage multiplied by (1+(100/100)) = 2. So yes, that's 200% damage.
I believe the maximum distance is a smidge over the edge of the screen

so how do you target?
bingobill wrote:
so how do you target?

Just like any other skill? You don't have to use Freezing Pulse at maximum distance only either (luckily, because that would suck).
Been using shield charge on various characters for a while now and I think it's pretty awful. This isn't so much a comment on the skill itself, but the fact that the hitbox on the skill is horrendous. The number of times I've charged right at an enemy and somehow managed to push them out of the way is just getting silly. Otherwise, it might be worth using, but as it is, it's like a gimped version of leap strike.
This skill should work with no weapon also. U just need manmode plus a shield!
wasabisamurai wrote:
This skill should work with no weapon also. U just need manmode plus a shield!

This. I know I read about it not working because of something to do with wands.

Isn't there a way to just make it usable by everything EXCEPT wands? Would be a really fun skill to use with unarmed.
This skill is amazing.

I use it on my frost-tank templar who uses ice nova as his main ability. (now replaced by freezing pulse though)

Curse them with frostbite -> cold snap + elemental proliferation -> entire group is frozen -> charge in the middle of group -> spam ice nova and cold snap when possible.

I have barely any physical damage and shield charge still does decent damage for me.

I'm at cruel act2 at the moment.

It's also a nice skill to quickly get out of a fight if you need to run away. Especially combined with the use of a quicksilver flask.

I think there's a bug with shield charge though. When you keep spamming it on the same enemy from close range over and over, sometimes it stops to hit the target until you reposition yourself again.

Neotician wrote:
Just my 5 cents.

I utilize Tempest shield constantly, and i'd think it should have an effect with shield charge.

The idea of Tempest Shield is that you deal lightning damage every time you block and attack, it seems reasonable that charging into someone with your shield would also cause said lightning damage :)

Last edited by Stravincy on Feb 14, 2013, 11:03:18 AM
Ran into a couple of instances today where Shield Charge would 'lock' me into the charging animation with no way to break it without logout.
Bawheidbob wrote:
Ran into a couple of instances today where Shield Charge would 'lock' me into the charging animation with no way to break it without logout.

i'v seen the same happen several times when spamming the skill since 0.10.1 i think. i have found that you can sometimes hit shift and normal attack and it will right itself or removal of your shield has fixed it when that didn't work every time.

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