Raise Spectre

summoning spectre thru mine never been a problem for me...
giving a pro tip here...
use /oos
the corpse will go back to his "original" place even they dead.
so it will clearly show the current correct corpse location.
more effective is to detonate dead the corpse that u dont want and its fairly easy to summon the rest corpse which is ur desire spectre.
Last edited by badanu on Dec 14, 2013, 12:08:59 AM
mine summoning is fine... unless there are foes in range. the mine will try to target the foe, and then a corpse closest to it.

traps are only triggerable by foes without the unique, thus causing problems "picking" your corpse.

i really do not know how else to explain it. this is what happens, thus there are some... complications when using mine and traps for summoning. mines are fine IF no foes are around. traps are not fine unless in same case PLUS a unique.

this is not complaining, this is stating existence of situations or facts and experience.
I was wondering, as far as im concered, the quality of the gem makes it terrible,
they do LESS damage AND have less life ! why would anyone have the Quality version of this gem?
Isnt quality supposed to be better rather than a worse version?
The Quality bonus grants Move Speed.
Additionally, a lv 20 has no neg values.
check this out!
the belt is reducing 80% trap duration... so its fairly easy to summon spectre thru mines and trap!

why do you use trap with the 6l ?
spectres are my main dpsers, NOT ZOMBIES. Seek out info on the net on what specres to raise, their abilities and what passive gems to link to make them your most powerful allies.

You can even make powerful tank spectres with the right gems.

One example is those evamgelists. With an increased area of effect their shield covers a loooot of space around you giving you extra protection against projectiles. You can then raise those tentacle miscreations from the lunaris temple linking minion life, minion dmaage, increased burning/fire damage, fork, chain, greater multiple projectiles etc etc. Link a life leech and they become very manageable in boss fights.

Try out different mobs with different skills and see the fun and versatility of rasing spectres.
Not sure if this is the right section, but since it involves this skill i'm asking here.

Is it possible to make spectres spells interact with unique items bonus such as "quill rain" and "pillar of the caged god" like totems do now?

For example, if you are using flame totem and switch your weapon to Quill Rain you will imediatly see that flame thrower going off the screen, or, if you cast a shockwave totem and then equipe Pillar of the Caged God you will see its AOE radius getting increased.

Right now spectre's spells can only be increased via gems (faster projecticles, increased AOE...) but cannot be increased via items (quill rain, PoTCG) while totems can. I believe if spectres spells were affected by such items would bring many possibilities to the game, like a voidbearer's fire attack with quill rain or an undying alchemist aura with pillar of the caged god, for example.
I just dont get it:

Raise Spectre
Active skill gem
Attribute(s) Intelligence
Keywords Spell, Minion
Cast time 0.85 secs
Per 1% Quality +1,5% increased Minion Movement Speed
Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a minion to fight for you in battle.
Can raise up to 1 Spectre at a time
55% more Minion Movement Speed
Minion Movement Speed is capped
Minions have x% less Life
Minions have x% less Energy Shield
Minions deal x% less Damag

here a gem without quality is already said to have the minion movement speed capped. Then why quality increase minion movement speed??!?!?? What on earth dose that mean? capped at 55% and capped at 60%?

I assume "capped" only means it cant be increased by Haste. only by quality, right?

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