Infernal Blow
is critical strike chance for spell affect explosion
since it have base 7% let me know pls |
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Love the sound it makes!!
Underrated stats: Basic human decency, small quantum of respect, microportion of compassion
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How does this skill (explosion bit) work in relation to:
- chance to ignite and elemental proliferation? Is it possible, that the explosion from the killed creature will deal damage AND ignite a creature in proximity, which in turn will proliferate around the surrounding mob? IGN: AlCohonez, GhengizCohen
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The fix this skill needs is that it needs to do a AoE effect every hit. As it currently stands, if you don't 1 hit them is does nothing more than some fire damage on your attack.
Say it dealt 20% of your dps in an explosion per hit, and if the monster dies, it does the 20% of the monsters hp in an explosion on top of the hit. The reason it is not used vs Lightning strike is that exact reason. Lightning Strike always deals AoE, while Infernal Blow can take 2-3 hits to do AoE. I am currently trying to build a Templar to try it out, but I am guessing I will cap out in Merciless. Last edited by Repeats#0576 on Oct 20, 2012, 1:30:46 PM
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i've tried build around it
about 400% crit multiplier and 350%+ crit chance (7% base crit chance of explosion) + some fire + burn dmg from pasive allow me to 1 hit group of magic monster (if crit proc on explosion) note: also if crit proc on explosion all monster are affected with it note2: if spell critical chance work for explosion this skill is op as... |
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Just started an infernal blow templar, there is quite a bit of information missing to be able to use this skill.
heres what I gather so far: -Fire damage passives + elemental damage passives(not with weapons) increase the explosions damage -Increased Aoe increased radius of explosion(this is correct? its not like minion instability at the moment) what I dont understand is how the crit is effected, is it only global crit multipliers? spell crit? weapon crit? my proposed build is: problem is if only global crit multipliers/chances work I need to go into the witch area more edit: it would be nice to have some more visible stats for the explosion(area, crit chance, %inccreased damage) Last edited by Krupkee#3856 on Oct 29, 2012, 5:19:06 PM
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"The critical strike chance listed on the gem is the base crit chance for the explosion. The attack uses your weapon's base crit chance, like all attacks. "Yes. "Correct. For the record, any increased AoE bonuses your minions have have always affected MI's explosion radius, it's just harder to get such bonuses on minions. "Crit is intrinsically linked to damage - the same things you do understand about damage apply to crit. The explosion is not dealing weapon damage, or spell damage, so is not affected by any damage or crit modifiers that are specific to weapons or to spells. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Oct 29, 2012, 7:06:27 PM
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Not sure if it's been mentioned, but I think the "Deals 112% of attack damage" should be listed as damage effectiveness like the other gems.
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i made a suggestion on how to correct that about a month ago... if (big if) the damage effectiveness works on the spell/explosion part, then it needs to be reduced in number if they format the description correctly.
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This is what I'm trying: Infernal Blow Staff with 8% crit chance. Infernal Blow + Fire penetration + Chance to Ignite + Increased Area of Effect + Elemental Proliferation + Increased Critical Strike Chance Using the Elemental Weakness and Flamability Curse. ( I don't think Elemental Equilibrium works? on the explosion? ) My calculations: ALL enemies have same amount of life. ALL enemies have 0% resists. I AM NUDE and wearing a staff with 8% Crit Chance! 8% Crit Chance * 460% Crit Chance Passives and 70% from Support = 42.4% Crit Chance 126% Fire Damage Bonus from passives = 45.2% Fire Damage Explosion Chance to Ignite + Chance to Ignite passives = 40% Chance to Ignite 80% Burn Damage Increase = 4/3 ( 4 sec burn total damage ) * 80% = 7.2/4 -> 140% Extra Fire Damage as Burn Damage SO: 42.4% Chance to Crit -> Enemies caught in the explosion will burn 40% Chance to Ignite -> Enemies caught in the explosion will burn Pretty difficult calculation, but I believe its about 57% chance to burn in total. Some would says 82.4% but enemies can both get burned and get crit at the same time. So unless they are calculated seperately ( first 42.4% chance to crit, if there's no crit then 40% chance to ignite ) then its 42.4% * 40% = 57% chance to burn without Fire Penetration/Elemental Weakness/Flamability. If you kill an enemy he will explode for 45.2% fire damage. IF the burn procs he will also burn for 45.2% fire damage * 140% = 108.48% Fire Damage which means all enemies would be dead! What I want to try is if I really need to burn enemies with the new support and curse ( Fire Penetration and Flamability ). Could use a totem with ice nova or flamethrower to finish them off if they have low health remaining?? OR Molten Shell ofcourse ;) My questions: Can resistances go negative because of Flamability - Fire Penetration and Elemental Weakness? How much resistance to fire do mobs have in general? How much resistance to fire do fire resistant mobs have in general? How much resistance gets removed because of fire penetration, elemental weakness and flamability? Last edited by Struyk#7686 on Nov 3, 2012, 5:09:37 PM
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