Infernal Blow

Hello All.

New to the game, just started a couple of months ago. was wondering the following:

Using a 5 Link 2H mace, what would be the best gem outfit

I was thinking the following

Infernal Blow
Melee Splash
Melee physical damage
Fire penetration
Faster attacks

My thought was that fire pen would be better than something like added fire damage as you would get more out of reduction in resistance that additional damage? Would added fire damage be better than melee physical damage?

Any comments greatly appreciated

Kind Regards

Vipermagi wrote:
Slagmaur wrote:
I did some test yesterday with a crit based char to see which melee skill works best with a staff.Why does the 7% crit chance Infernal Blow has the same crit chance with the 5% crit chance skills like Double strike,Lightning Strike etc ?

Double and Lightning Strike aren't "5% Crit Chance Skills". They don't have a Crit Chance at all.

Attack Damage uses your weapon's Crit Chance. That's why it's there. Infernal Blow doesn't deal exclusively Attack Damage though - the explosion has to have its own Crit Chance.

So, if I want to increase the critical chance of the explosion, would nodes like Doom Cast AND Blunt Trauma help?
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
You'll need generic Crit modifiers, like Intense Zeal or Assassination.
Doom Cast is for Spells, Blunt Trauma for Attacks. While BT will work for the initial Hit, I assume it won't work for the explosion, since that isn't Attack Damage.
Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii
50% convert to fire make it less useful for leech and make useless vs fire resist monsters.

Need make more base damage and stronger increase per lvl
Skill Gems sections.
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Playing an unarmed Marauder with Infernal Blow linked to Melee Splash. For some reason this skill combo gets me TONS of desync issues. Like every two or three mobs desyncs for me. It's pretty bad, and I've died a couple of times because of it.
and in that moment, i swear we were desync
Last edited by SkyPiglet#6271 on Aug 27, 2014, 4:56:38 PM

does someone know the exact mana costs at each level?

The info in the Wiki doesn't seem to be right:

I have a lvl 1 gem with 8 mana and a 17 gem with 10 mana. Did they reduce the mana costs at some point?

Does IB work with cast on melee kill

By that I mean, if the explosion makes the kill, is it still a 'melee' kill?

I'm guessing not :(
wooli wrote:
Does IB work with cast on melee kill

By that I mean, if the explosion makes the kill, is it still a 'melee' kill?

I'm guessing not :(
explosion is secondary damage type, not melee, so no.

damage types are melee attack, spell, secondary, and DoT.

edit: i will slap you viper haha XD
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Oct 2, 2014, 9:29:38 AM
soul4hdwn wrote:
damage types are melee, spell, secondary, and DoT.

Attack, not Melee :P
-skill need a alternate art mtx
-buff the physical damage> in party, in 75+maps when monsters have increased life infernal blow become really really weak.You can still explode monsters when your allies get them at low life, but downing monsters life on your own is really bad, too much fire res on monsters, too much life.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Nov 5, 2014, 11:20:05 PM

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