Flicker Strike

it's not that flicker strike isn't a cool ability or fun to use it's that it is beaten by other single target attacks in and out of it's stat category.

take any dual strike while dual wielding or any double strike while using a 2 hander. slot them with the same support gems and try a sustained damage fight under max frenzy charges.

Then all you have to do is take these abilities to a sustained damage fight ( bosses) and use the abilities as they are intended to ( inflicting large amounts of damage over a long period of time). Me personally I was using the abilities against the bandits on merciless at level. Flicker strike could never kill the bandits before I had to portal out over various long battles. dual strike on the other hand beat the bandit every time in almost half the time and at less danger to me. even worse flicker strike was 3 levels above my dual strike.

single target attacks have to compete with other single target attacks in order to be worthwhile. If one does not perform it has to offer some other utility to make itself desirable or there is no reason to use it especially if it is weak enough to halt progression.

Exiledtyrant wrote:
it's not that flicker strike isn't a cool ability or fun to use it's that it is beaten by other single target attacks in and out of it's stat category.

take any dual strike while dual wielding or any double strike while using a 2 hander. slot them with the same support gems and try a sustained damage fight under max frenzy charges.

Then all you have to do is take these abilities to a sustained damage fight ( bosses) and use the abilities as they are intended to ( inflicting large amounts of damage over a long period of time). Me personally I was using the abilities against the bandits on merciless at level. Flicker strike could never kill the bandits before I had to portal out over various long battles. dual strike on the other hand beat the bandit every time in almost half the time and at less danger to me. even worse flicker strike was 3 levels above my dual strike.

single target attacks have to compete with other single target attacks in order to be worthwhile. If one does not perform it has to offer some other utility to make itself desirable or there is no reason to use it especially if it is weak enough to halt progression.

If you are using flicker strike as your main attack you will want to use at least 3 gems. I do this and usually don't die, if I can't flicker I use whirling blades so I'm constantly moving. The faster I move and the less I stand still the less I die. Flicker strike is all about speed and moving fast. I use 3 flicker gems linked to added crit damage and I usually can 1 shot whit mobs, for beefier foes I apply viper strike charges amid flickering around. I also use blood rage to generate frenzy charges for even more flickering. This skill is in a very good place as it is and I don't feel anything needs changing here.
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geffreyy wrote:
Merry_Blind wrote:
"30% Increased Attacks Speed when on Low Life" from Blood Rage will be consistently active.

This is incorrect. You are considered to be on full life all the time while you are in CI.

Sorry about that, pretty sure it did work at one point during the Closed Beta, they must have changed that.
As for my point about the defensive aspect of the skill, I still stand behind it. I'm not saying you dodge EVERYTHING when flicker striking, I know you don't, but if you have high attack speed, you DO get hit far less often over a period of time compared to other melee single target attacks. Enemies DO get confused and attack far less regularly. Because your position constantly changes so quickly, they have to turn around, move, aim, etc. all the time, instead of just reaching you once and hit hit hit hit.

ALSO, for the argument of "yeah but if you don't use Blood Rage and rely only on Frenzy to boost your frenzy charges, you get just as vulnerable as double strike for example because you stand still with Frenzy" well there is always the option of using Frenzy with a Bow, at a distance, to crank up your charges, and once they're at maximum, you switch back to your melee set and Flicker Strike, then whirling blade/leap slam out of the melee, switch to bow, crank up Frenzy charges, switch to your melee set and Flicker Strike, etc. etc.
Last edited by Merry_Blind on Apr 4, 2013, 3:44:36 AM
So are we all multistriking/splashing away to generate frenzy charges (BR) now?


Here's my video with Flicker Strike supported with Melee Splash and Multistrike.

I am wearing Voll's and Terminus and running Blood Rage.
zekerferc wrote:

Here's my video with Flicker Strike supported with Melee Splash and Multistrike.

I am wearing Voll's and Terminus and running Blood Rage.

i have marauder with 2h axecould it work good with flicker strike + multi strike?
of corse i used flicker strike and blood rage combo for a long time
and build is seted to it.
Has anyone actually had success runnnig flicker strike/BR in level 70+ maps in parties of more than 3 people? Putting aside desync=death with flicker, holding even 5+ charges under these conditions appears tough to me.

Hi, I had an idea for Flicker Strike.

I noticed that it is very jarring to use with fast attacks, and especially with Multistrike, and has issues with desync.

What if the skill was changed so that either:

a) When using the skill, the camera would remain locked in the starting position and would only recenter on the character when either:

1) a moment's delay after attacks end
2) the character tries to walk
3) the character winds up X distance from starting point (to avoid attacking off-screen)


b) When using the skill the character always finishes the strike or series of strikes by returning to their starting position. This way the teleporting around would be more of a cosmetic animation, and the server wouldn't have to struggle to relocate the character's coordinates (it could pretend the character's never left the original spot). This might conflict with where the mob AI would aim though, and does affect the gem's utility for attacking while advancing.

Of course I can imagine either idea could be a lot of work to implement. I'd love to see what others think or hear from a developer. Thanks again for all the hard work!
Last edited by zerovgs on Apr 11, 2013, 8:13:48 PM
zerovgs wrote:
Hi, I had an idea for Flicker Strike.

I noticed that it is very jarring to use with fast attacks, and especially with Multistrike, and has issues with desync.

What if the skill was changed so that either:

a) When using the skill, the camera would remain locked in the starting position and would only recenter on the character when either:

1) a moment's delay after attacks end
2) the character tries to walk
3) the character winds up X distance from starting point (to avoid attacking off-screen)


b) When using the skill the character always finishes the strike or series of strikes by returning to their starting position. This way the teleporting around would be more of a cosmetic animation, and the server wouldn't have to struggle to relocate the character's coordinates (it could pretend the character's never left the original spot). This might conflict with where the mob AI would aim though, and does affect the gem's utility for attacking while advancing.

Of course I can imagine either idea could be a lot of work to implement. I'd love to see what others think or hear from a developer. Thanks again for all the hard work!

Well... I think the A) has some good ideas to make the skill less confusing and epileptic to use, but the B) no, just no. A lot of people, including me on my last character, use Flicker Strike pretty much exclusively to reach key enemies (like a Necromancer, or a Unique mob) and then hit it with other attacks. With your B) suggestion, it would defeat that purpose and make the skill much less versatile in how you can use it.

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